Brand New Eyes

Chapter 11

“A garden!” Jack said laughing. “That’s such a pansy move.” I lifted up my cane to smack him but…”NO! No cane! I leave!” He said running off to the back.

“You’ve got him well trained.” Zack chuckled.

“That I do.” I smiled.

“Here.” He said lifting me off the bus.

“You know I can walk down the stairs.” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, but I like holding you.” I blushed so hard. “There’s that beautiful blush.” That only made me blush harder which made him chuckle. The walk to the garden was 15 minutes.

“So why a garden?” I asked.

“I explain.” He said tugging on my hand. “Okay, I need you to hold out your hand.” I did what I was told, then something delicate was placed in my hand.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“The best representation of you, a flower.” He said.

“Why a flower?”

“Feel the petals.” He whispered standing behind me and placing the hand that wasn’t holding the flower on top of it.

“See how they’re soft and delicate.” He said and I nodded. “In my eyes that’s exactly like you, I’m afraid that if I make one wrong move you’ll break.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. “Now smell it.” I did and it smelled wonderful. “The smell is intoxicating, it keeps me wanting more. This flower is beautiful, this flower is you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Its only part 1 of the date so more of that to come. I GOT WONDERFUL COMMENTS I'M SO HAPPY!! THANK YOU mkhlaxgrl13, Myssa is stellar, SomethingJack6608, AND xXATL_LoveXx. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!