My Ex-Rock Star Boyfriend


Introduction: Ever lived like a rock star?
Have you ever lived like a rock star? Have you ever been a rock star? Have you ever fallen in love with a rock star? If so, then you’ll understand exactly what I’ve been through; exactly what I’m going through. Try to keep up, because I guarantee that this’ll get a little confusing.
My name is Dylan Rogers. I am 16, and currently live in the worst hell of my life. My dad, Austin Rogers is the lead singer of one of my favorite bands, BiteME, and they live with me in this small cooped up tour bus with five other smelly assholes. Now, don’t get me wrong; I love them all. Well I USED to love five of them. My dad, Kenny, Spade, Duke, and Lorenzo were all the coolest guys in the world, until he came...........
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Oooooh mysterious >:) hehe...I hope everyone likes this!
Elly <3