My Ex-Rock Star Boyfriend

Meeting Him

The crowd was roaring. Well, you would be too if you were witnessing the most popular band since 2005. Honestly, I didn’t get it. Yeah I know, Spade with his awesome guitar skills; Duke with that mysterious aura that girls loved; Lorenzo with the sexy accent that even guys fall for; Kenny with all of his wisdom; and my dad, the all together badass of the century. They’re cool, even I’ll admit it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean their fans need to kill my ear drums. I walked reverse through the crowd scanning every guy in sight. So far all I saw was wanna be punk chicks, guys who are to cool to jump around like the girls, and people that would jump around in their underwear as long as they got a chance to touch BiteME. No one was really worth my time.

I rolled my eyes at everyone and started making my way back, until I saw him. Well, more like I saw his chest. This dude was fit let me tell you that. I stepped back a bit and rated him. Nice haircut, smooth skin, gorgeous eyes, and that type of look that said I’m just a part of the crowd. I liked that. He was modest about himself. I crossed my arms over my chest with a very annoyed look on my face. He didn’t acknowledge me at all. I shook it off. It was just the noise; I’m sure of it. I made a loud gurgling noise in the back of my throat. This time, he noticed. He looked down at me and gave me a breathtaking smile. I nodded stiffly and made a HELLO?! Look. He looked at me strangely.

“Um...hi?” He yelled. I made my face soften just a tiny bit.

“Well...are you going to apologize?” I asked. He looked completely perplexed.

“For what exactly?” I sighed.

“For almost knocking me over. God I felt like a herd of elephants was running over me.” Well that wasn’t COMPLETELY a lie. Technically, I ran into him; but by the look he’s giving me I bet he didn’t even notice anyone other than the band on stage. He made a still confused but guilty face.

“Oh! I’m sorry....”

“Dylan.” I said simply. He smiled with gratitude.

“Well DYLAN, I’m very sorry for making you feel like you were being run over by elephants.” He winked. Oh hell, this guy isn’t modest! He was totally flirting.

“Well, you could make up for it......” I said suggestively. He smiled knowingly.

“I’m Eric. And sure....Ugh let’s see....ooh! I have two backstage passes to meet BiteME, you like them right?” He said this like no one could not like them. I shrugged.

“I’ve heard them.” I said, motioning towards them playing onstage. He looked like he forgot they were there.

“Oh, right. So whaddya say? You wanna join me?” I pretended to think about it. After a few seconds I answered.

“Well I can’t miss an opportunity like this now can I?” I said confidently. He snorted.

“Alright just follow me.” He said, winking. I rolled my eyes; stupid boy.

“Lead the way hottie.” I winked. Taking my left hand he lead me through the mass of people. After a few minutes- I swear it was hours- we made it to the V.I.P area. Eric gave me a cocky grin and handed the passes to Kevin, the security guard. He dismissed them and waved at me.

“Go ahead on in Dylan.” I smiled at him. Eric’s face was one of shock, excitement, and disappointment. I smirked.

“Thanks Kevin.” I said before walking in. I could tell Eric was surprised because a little hesitant to follow me. I turned around and whispered to him.

“My dad is Austin Rogers.” That shut him up for good.

The inside was kind of like a club. There were probing lights flashing all around, and music playing loudly-the bands on stage were louder- in one corner of the room. Love seats and bean bags were scattered across the floor; six seats total. The small blue loveseat with black flames on it was mine. Next to the boom box was a mini fridge and a microwave. Inside was everything a typical rock star would have; beer, Mexican food, moldy food, beer, (my healthy snacks), soda, and more beer. I grabbed a two bottles of whiskey and threw one at Eric. He caught it with one hand.

All along the black wall were guitars hanging. Less Paul Gibson’s, arch tops, Stratocasters; everything. Duke’s extra drum kit was kind of pushed aside. Spade’s keyboard was next to the drums, but in better condition. Eric sat in Lorenzo’s been bag admiring everything. I laughed at his childish face. He looked up at me and smiled. I shook my head. I pulled Eric’s free hand and pulled him on my loveseat. I sat on his lap and leaned my head against his chest for a minute. We were silent. In the background, BiteME was playing their song “You Can Never Get Enough”. That means that we have at least a half an hour before they take a break; three hours before they are finished. I looked up and kissed Eric softly and slowly. He got excited quickly, and put his hand behind my head, crushing our lips together forcefully. He tasted like beer and taco’s; my dad’s kind of guy.

We made out for- I think- 15 minutes before we heard a bunch of guys trample into their seats. It took a minute before any of us realized the change of people. After I did, I got off of Eric and walked to the fridge. I grabbed five beers and threw them at everybody. They all caught them with the same bored expressions, especially my dad. Eric’s face was as red as a tomato, clearly embarrassed. I walked back over and sat next to Eric. He scooted over just a little bit more, making a big gap in between us. This annoyed me; a lot. Dad looked over at Eric and said, “So. Who is this boy?” Dad always felt like it was important to appear like a father figure. Although he didn’t really care about what me and my guy do- because he knows that I NEVER have sex unless I really like the guy- he still felt like setting some kind of ground rule for every boy that comes; respect me and my daughter. Besides that he’s pretty laid back.

Eric looked up at dad nervously. “I’m Eric, Austin.” I looked at Eric with a little bit of amazement. Despite his obvious anxiety his voice was completely smooth and confident. I could see that dad approved of him too.

Dad nodded his head in approval. “Alright well, pick up your mess when you’re done.” This brought Eric’s face a whole darker shade of red. I gave dad a scornful look. He smiled and shrugged innocently.

Later after we all ate green chili burritos and beer- dad decided that we didn’t need any- I took Eric to the bus. The bus is decorated completely different from all others. It’s pretty much decorated like the backstage room: probing lights, love seats, food, beer, a flat screen T.V, Wii, Rockband, Rockband 2, XBOX 360, and every possible video game system. After that whole thing, there are two doors. One door-decorated with posters and fan letters to BiteME- leads to large bathroom-with a bath tub, shower, AND a Jacuzzi- that the whole band share. The other door- decorated with posters of OTHER bands, BiteME, and a sign that says KEEP 5 feet away from this door or GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE- leads to MY room and bathroom. There is NO WAY I’m sharing a room and bathroom with a bunch of pigs. Behind the guys’ bathroom is another door that leads to their rooms; basically, a bunch of beds on tops of each other.

Leading Eric through my room, I laid down on my bed. We both sat there for a few minutes before either of us spoke.

“Sorry about my dad; he feels like it’s his job to act all embarrassing.” Eric laughed.

“Ha-ha yeah it’s no problem. BiteME is my favorite band.” I internally rolled my eyes. Like I didn’t already know that. The music from the lounge room was blaring loudly, Metallica’s song Creeping Death playing. I shifted a little closer.

“ wanna play 20 questions?” I asked. He looked at me casually/weirdly. And I have to agree, this is strange behavior; even for me. Normally I’d been in my full on flirt mode, but something about this guy says I shouldn’t. He’s the real deal, not just another hot fan of BiteME. I have a feeling that he could be a big star.

He nodded. “Okay you first.” I thought about it for a minute.

“Do you play anything?” I asked. He nodded.

“Yeah I play guitar, bass, and I sing a little.” I nodded. Definitely rock star material.

“Okay now you go.”

“Do YOU play anything.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Hey no fair! You can’t steal my questions!!!” He smirked.

“The game isn’t called 20 original questions.” Crap, he got me there.

“So! That doesn’t mean you can just steal people’s questions!” Okay, so I was acting a little childish.

“It doesn’t mean I can’t either.” He retorted. What is it with him and his stupid clever answers? I resulted to begging.

“Don’t steal my questions.” I said in a baby voice. He sighed.

“Fine.” He looked out the corner of his eyes, thinking. After a minute he looked back at me.

“What do you like in a boyfriend?” This question caught me off guard. I mean, it’s not that I thought he wasn’t interested in me- who wouldn’t be? - I’ve just never had a boyfriend. I’ve never had someone to hold hands with or kiss or talk until midnight on the phone. They’ve always been gone before it got any farther. I didn’t let my discomfort show though. I just look him in the eyes, smiled, and lead back on my pillows.

“Hm...I like a guy with short brown hair that’s gelled into a small Mohawk, gorgeous green eyes, a killer body, and a chill attitude.” Okay, so I was flirting, wasn’t he? He shook his head.

“No that’s not what I meant. I mean, beside looks.”

“I said a chill attitude didn’t I?” He snorted.

“I mean what do you like to talk about? What kind of relationship do you want? –Who-“

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up! Relationship? I mean, I don’t have relationships. I have small flings that never last or big flings that barely last at all. Boyfriend and relationship, is not in my vocabulary.” He nodded; seeming thoughtful.

“So you’re a player?” No shirt Sherlock! Could he be any more oblivious?

“Yeah!” I yelled in an exasperated voice. He looked at me with hope.

“What...?” I trailed off. He smiled.

“Maybe you could give relationships a chance.” I almost laughed. Literally, I didn’t know he was serious. But a moment after I made a weird face, I saw he was serious.

“Um...I don’t really think so. I just, don’t know what to do. I’d be out of control. I’d be out of my mind!” It’s true. I absolutely loathe being uncontrollable. It’s not an option.

“Losing control is the fun part of sex.” He said in a flirty voice. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“Who ever said I wanted sex?” I asked him. He shrugged.

“It was open for interpretation.” I nodded slowly.

“Well no- I don’t. I mean, with someone I just met? That’s a little...I don’t know- pervy I guess.” Everything was silent. This serious conversation thing was getting annoying.

“So...would you rather make out with my dad for a whole night or be forced to turn gay for a whole year?” I asked. He answered right away.

“Make out with your dad.” I scrunched my nose up in disgust. He laughed at the odd expression on my face.

“That’s just like...gross.” He shrugged and asked me a question. We ended up asking random questions like that until we both fell asleep on my bed.

When I woke up, I noticed that Eric was still sleeping. You know how people usually say that people look more innocent and youthful when they are asleep? Eric did not. In fact, he looked like a little 10 year old looking through his dad’s porno magazines. To say the least it was a little disturbing.

I crept out of bed slowly, careful not to wake Eric. His left arm moved over his eyes-probably to block the sun- and he let out a loud snore. I stifled a laugh. In the “living room” the guys were asleep on the couches, bean bags, etc. empty beer bottles were left out, something smelled bad....I looked at the calendar. September 19. Another concert. I internally groaned. The one thing I hate more than anything is when BiteME has concert days in a row. I barely get sleep the first night, let alone a week! What is a girl supposed to do? I’m into the whole rock star trash look, but when it comes to attracting guys-other than the absolutely crazy kind- rock star trash just isn’t attractive.

If you’d see what I look like now, you’d understand. My clothes from last night were all wrinkled and out of place- my outfit consists of some black jean shorts, a tight black top (the stretchy type of fabric), a loose yellow and gray striped tank top, and a pair of yellow and gray high tops. It’s cute yes, but in the morning when everything is worn out; you can’t help but not like it as much. My black eyeliner was smeared slightly, my dark brown hair frizzy and out of control, and my breath reeked of bean burritos- courtesy of Taco Bell. I decided it was time for a shower. I tip-toed back into my room quietly. When I closed the door and turned around, Eric was standing right behind me with sleep in his eyes and a smile on his face. I jumped back slightly.

“I thought you were asleep.” I said accusingly. He shrugged.

“I’m a light sleeper. So how was your night?” He asked wrapping his arms around my waist. I mimicked his shrug.

“Nothing too great. But hey I can’t be the only sorry. Sorry about the snoring; I didn’t realize that I’d wake you up.” He laughed.

No problem. So where were you sneaking off to?” I nodded my head towards the door.

“Just checking on things. I’m gunna go take a quick shower and then we can just...roam around I guess.”

“Sounds cool. I’ll be in here...or maybe out there.” I nodded and walked to my bathroom.


When I got out, I found Eric rummaging through my drawers. He stopped abruptly when he noticed me.

“Snoop.” I said.

“Eh...can’t help it. I’m a guy.” Nice excuse. I rolled my eyes.

“Alright let’s go.” He nodded and slipped the drawer closed very suspiciously. I stopped in front of him.

“What’s behind your back?” I asked curiously. He let out a nervous laugh and shrugged innocently. Honestly, I don’t get that. Why do guys think that by acting retarded that a girl will believe them? If that was the case, then I’d be married to 15 guys because I thought my health would be better.

“Yeah right. And I’m the president of Big Black Records.” That is the company my dad created.

“You never know right?” I laughed.

“Right. So give me whatever you stole or forever hold your breath.” He looked up in the corner of his eyes with a thinking face on. Stupid boy thought I was kidding.

“Alright here.” He gave me some booty shorts of mine.

“That’s the best you got?” He nodded.

“Well it’s not like you gave me time to get anything better.”



Eventually we made our way to the ice cream shop. It’s like this little diner that barely anyone ever goes to. I love the place because of its classic rock and blues theme. Led Zeppelin, Rubber Factory, Lions, Guns N Roses; they have it all. Their ice cream is also DELICIOUS! They make this coffee-&-cream special that is caramel and vanilla ice cream covered in a cup of coffee. Eric practically bought the owner himself once he tasted their Italian special. Don’t ask me what it is because I’m not entirely sure. It looks like sushi and pasta put together with chocolate ice cream but...if it’s good I guess.... The rest of the day we decided to just sit and chat. It’s not like we had anything better to do. I looked up at the sky.

“Dude I don’t get why the people spend time looking at the stars. They’re pretty sure, but it’s kind of a waste of time don’t you think?” He put on a studying face for a moment.

“Nah, I like it. It gives you time to think....or make a move on your girl.” I let out a soft laugh. I sat down on a bench near the ocean.

“Hey Eric?” I asked.

“Yeah?” I paused.

“I like you.” I said simply. He seemed to hesitate to answer.

“Cool. I do too.” I snorted.

“Yeah I know....Hey Eric?”


“You wanna go out with me?” Okay, this is a first. Didn’t I just tell him no the night before? He smiled.

“Yup.” I nodded.

“Cool. It’ getting dark let’s go.”

An hour or two later we got to the bus. When we walked through the door hand in hand dad spit out some water, and the rest of them were jut frozen solid. I laughed and Eric looked confused.

“I thought they were used to this.” I nodded.

“They are, but not if it’s like permanent. I usually go one guy a night, the same guy in two nights if he’s cool, and three nights if I know him enough to fuck him. Other than that, I’ve never gotten anywhere closer than friends with benefits.” He wasn’t happy anymore.

“So you’re like a player.” I shrugged.

“No. I always break up with the guy before moving on to another one, and I NEVER cheat.” He looked doubtful.

“You’re on probation.” He said warningly. I laughed.

“Okay....but if you can forget having your balls.” He turned white for a minute. My dad smiled.

“I knew I liked that boy.” I rolled my eyes. Of course dad would like him; I do.

My room reeked of pizza and dirty socks. I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

“Dad were you guys in my room anytime today?” I heard laughter covered up with a cough.

“No Hun, we don’t like that perfume smell!” I narrowed my eyes.

“I’ll get you later!” I got no response. Eric sat on my bed.

“Are you always like this?” He asked.

“Like what?” I asked. He shrugged.

“Like this.” He motioned his arms toward me like a maniac.

“Rude and tough and disrespectful.” I nodded in realization. I had to admit, I was a bit...pushy.

“Why do you always act like that?” I shrugged.

“I guess because of my dad. He, being a rock star, naturally raised me to be aware of myself, my surroundings, and whether or not someone is treating me with the respect I deserve.”

“The golden rule.” He pointed out. I rolled my eyes.

“Screw that. I act however the hell I want.” He closed his eyes for a moment, looking deep in thought.

“Alright calm down. What do you wanna do?” I looked around the room for a few minutes. My sheets were in a big messed up ball on my bed, the window was open, and the rest of the room looked lonely. Not in that, I have nothing on my walls way, but in that no one has been in here for a while way. I needed to get out of here. No need to be stuck in here when I have a boyfriend.
I grinned. “Do you have a swimsuit with you?”
♠ ♠ ♠
First Chapter. I don't know..I think it sucks. Tell me what you think! :)