Status: for a contest....

Tied Down To This Bed Of Shame

Day 377 ATD

Mark is at work, mom is asleep because of her night shift.
There’s blood all over my sheets, and I hurt.
I know exactly what happened.
I don’t dare say it, think it or even consider it. As far as I’m concerned it never happened.

I’m in so much pain, I get dressed in sweat pants and a tee shirt and take the bus to dad’s house, Anna is home.
She’s confused but happy I came, we watch a Disney movie, and eventually I fall asleep on the couch. I wake up to my dad shouting at the phone around seven at night, I can even hear my Moms voice on the other line, she’s accusing him of kidnapping me. I still hurt inside; I slip out the back door and spend the night in a clothing drop off box for the Salvation Army.