Here We Go Again

Chapter Two

Kyle took Hallie back to the hotel he was staying in. She was still soaking and she had started shivering in the car. Kyle took off his large leather jacket and handed it to her.

"Thanks." She mumbled.

Kyle was still trying to figure out how she had been trying to fight the water demon. Water demons are particularly hard to fight off, let alone fight off their possessions. Kyle pondered all this as he drove down the highway in his beat up 1970 black Ford Mustang.

"Kyle are you alright?" Hallie asked as the cassette in the player stopped. Kyle was pulled out of his thoughts. He smiled at her.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" he was sure to keep his eyes on the road, but stole glances at her when he could.

"Oh, it's just you seem really quiet and I don't peg you as the quiet type." Kyle chuckled.

"Really, what did you peg me as?"

Hallie blushed a slight pink. The sudden colour in her pale features made her extremely pretty in Kyle's opinion. Her amber eyes twinkled as she flashed him a nervous smile.

"Well, you look like you'd be the outgoing party type. Not easily tied down but when you are it's a bumpy ride. Although, with those rugged good looks, you could be the strong silent type too. I'm still trying to figure you out."

Kyle laughed again.

"We've known each other all of 20 minutes and you're already trying to figure me out. Do you want to know what I've pegged you as?"

Hallie giggled, her long brown hair, curling as it dried, flopped about as she attempted to tuck a tendril behind her ear.

"Sure go ahead."

Kyle glanced at her. She was looking at him with a huge grin on her face.

"Alright then. I think you're a bit of a rebel. A girl who likes to party, but only if she knows where she's going to wake up in the morning. You're shy, but you try not to show it when you meet new people. You're very pretty and have definitely had a rough time with guys in the past." Kyle rattled off.

Hallie stared at him, her mouth slightly open.

"What are you, some kind of psychic?" Hallie asked, slightly amazed at his accuracy.

"Why, was I right?"

"You got me down to a T. It's like you know everything about me."

Kyle shrugged and turned the indicator on and turned into the run down hotel.

"I guess I'm just good at reading people."

"Very good at reading people."

"By the way." Kyle said as he turned the ignition off and turned to her. "You were close with me. I'm the strong silent type with a taste for a party and an adventure."
I also have a secret. Just like you. He added in his head.

The two of them walked towards the door and Kyle unlocked it. He walked in first and turned on the light.

"Well, welcome." Kyle said giving the place a sweeping look.

The random pieces of paper that had been helping him find Bella and Hallie were taped all over the wall. Dirty clothes were strewn all over the small room and Kyle's laptop sat on the table, surrounded by empty hamburger wrappers and hot dog bags. Kyle rubbed the back of his neck and gave a sort of nervous chuckle. Hallie smiled at him. Kyle rushed around picking up the rubbish and clothes in Hallie's way as she made her way inside. She laughed at him.

"It's OK Kyle. I'm used to mess." She looked at the paper stuck to the wall. "Wow, how long have I been missing?" Kyle turned from the food packets to her.

"About 3 months now. I've been following the two of you for a while. Do you remember any of it?" Kyle moved towards her and looked at the wall with her.

"I remember bits. Like I came in and out of consciousness. I remember a lot of the last couple of days. I got sick of being under control when I could comprehend what was happening. I just started going against what...what did you call her?" Hallie looked at him.

"Bella. She's a water demon. Only way to kill her was to stab her with a blade made from melted silver over a very large fire."

Hallie yawned, suddenly extremely tired.

"I think you should go have a shower and have a good night sleep." Hallie nodded and handed him back his jacket. Kyle pointed her to the bathroom and she went in and turned the shower on. Kyle started cleaning away everything. Then he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hallie, I'm going to get us some food. You'll be alright for a bit?"

"Yeah Kyle. That will be great."

Kyle took his car keys and his jacket. He locked the door, just in case and made his way to the nearest fast food joint.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I'm going away.

I'll update when I get back. Just thought I'd give you all something to chew on until I get back.

Hope you had a merry Christmas.
Have a happy new year.

See you on the flip side.
