Perfect in His Imperfection

Hell Yeah!

Oh, God.

He’s so gorgeous.

And he’s all mine!

Um, I mean…

“So this is it?” Frank’s voice shattered the silence abruptly.

I snapped to attention, realizing that without even thinking, I’d stopped the bike in front of my house.

“Yeah, um yeah. The beautiful, grand, enormous, and overall just awesome Way mansion.”

Oh Jesus Christ, Gerard, SHUT UP.

Luckily, he laughed.

Pressing my lips together, to keep the lame jokes in, I led the way to the front door of my pitiful two story loft. Yeah, I don’t get it either.

The key twisted out of my hands at the door, falling to the floor. Blushing, I leaned down to pick it up, hastily jamming it into the lock and finally pushing the door open.

“So this is what a mass murderer’s house looks like…it’s rather…homey,” Frank said, a small smirk on his lips as he surveyed the lounge room.

I couldn’t escape an answering grin.

“I know right? I was thinking about stuffing the heads, but then I was like “nah,” it’d ruin the whole um, scheme of the place.”

“No way—it’d be perfect!”

He grinned for a second but soon allowed it to slip from his lips. He frowned in thought, gazing around the room with his arms crossed across his chest. Turning to me, still frowning, he raised his finger.

“Just one thing?”

I nodded for him to go on.

“Can mine be above the fireplace? I think I would really like that.”

Laughter bubbled up past my lips, spilling from my mouth breathlessly. Containing my laughter, I grinned mischievously at him. “Anything you want babe,” I said, winking. “Now come on! I’ve waited two years for that special edition comic and I’m not waiting any longer!”

Playfully grabbing the bag from Frank’s hand, I jumped onto the couch, laying down on my stomach comfortably and patting the space next to me.

Grinning a little shyly, he laid himself carefully next to me, turning slowly to look at me.

“So…” Frank said, obviously expecting some sort of response from me.

But…damn it. He really does have the most amazing eyes…

Ah! Not now Gerard!

Coughing a little, I tore my gaze away from his.

“So—the comic!”

Excitement flushed his face and brought a sparkle to his eyes.


Laughing, I set the comic before us, admiring the cover art for a second. Mike Mignola does fucking amazing work…Carefully, I flipped to the first page—and made the mistake of glancing at Frank.

He had set his tongue lightly between his teeth, and wore an intense look of concentration. Occasionally, a look of amusement passed over his features, erasing the lines on his forehead for a brief second.

“Done?” he asked.


He rolled his eyes slightly. “Done with the page?”

“Oh, um yes. Yes,” I muttered, a little embarrassed.

Damn it Gerard, focus on the comic book! I thought you loved Hellboy.

Mmm. I love Frank. Heh heh.


Wait, that wasn’t in my head.

“Uh, what?” I questioned vaguely, turning to Frank a little dazedly.

Frank rolled his eyes dramatically once more, and giggled, a slight note of exasperation worming its way into his voice.

“Are you done with this page??”

“Um yeah, yeah.” Wait, what did I just agree to? Ah well.

“Took you long enough!” He grinned, “You know, for someone who really wanted this magazine, you don’t seem to be paying much attention…”

Damn. He noticed that.

“It’s hard to focus!” I protested.

Smiling wickedly he caught my eyes and laughed.

“And why’s that Gerard?”

Think quick Gerard, THINK QUICK.

“Cause I’ve been waiting to do…THIS!”

Tackling him, I began to furiously tickle him anywhere I could reach.

So this should distract him from the obvious fact that I WANT HIM.

Ahem. Excuse me.

“No, stop!!” He laughed uncontrollably, his breath coming in short gasps. “Gerard!...can’t breathe…stop!!”

Who’s a genius?

“What’s the magic word?” I asked, smirking.

“PLEASE! Pleaseee…haha!”

“Nope! Wrong one!” I chuckled.

“Is this…how you kill—hah!—all your…victims?” Frank managed, laughter nearly swallowing his words.

My hands stopped, but still gripped his sides lightly. I shook my head, a smirk plastered onto my lips.

“No, usually it’s more like…” I trailed off, leaning slowly into his ear. I grinned as his eyes widened and his breath continued to come in gasps.

I paused for a second, breathing lightly against his neck—


My hands moved at a furious pace as they began the battle all over again. Frankie let out a small moan of laughter, “Fuck, Gerard!” Giggling adorably, he tried again.

“S-Stop! Hah! Or I’ll t-take back your—haha!—present!!”


My hands froze on his sides, “You wouldn’t!”

His hands covered mine on his sides and he looked deeply into my eyes and whispered, “I would.”


A gasp escaped my throat as my hands flew from beneath his, and I climbed quickly off Frankie, sitting on the arm of the couch opposite where he lay on his back.

“Okay okay! I’m done, I’m done!”

Frank grinned a little, and slowly clambered over the cushions to kneel in front of me. “I’m bored,” he pouted, “Now what?”

A hesitant smile graced my lips—“Now what…what?”

He grinned mischievously—thank you God for creating dimples—and bit his lip. “Well you aren’t going to kill me, cause I’m pretty sure you aren’t a mass murderer. So you just brought me here to bring me here,” he said seriously, “shouldn’t you be like…entertaining me?”

God do I want to jump him right now.

No! Control your hormones Gerard!

“You want me to entertain you?”

He just grinned.


I grinned back.

“Oh, I don’t think you know what you’re in for.”

He laughed at that. “Well, I did just jump on the back of your bike, so I think I know to expect the unexpected when it comes to you.”

Oh, really Frankie?

Smiling casually, I looked him straight in the eyes.

“Well did you expect…”

Wait for it….


My hands held onto his shoulders as my lips found his cheek in a sloppy kiss, and before he had time to react, I leaped off the couch and raced into the kitchen. Panting, I leaned against the wall.

And now to take advantage of his absence—God I almost lost it.

I mean how am I supposed to resist him when he’s staring at me like that with those gorgeous green eyes of his? And that smile…

“Um, Gerard?” Frank’s voice floated gently over to the kitchen from the lounge.

Shit! Surprise, surprise…what’s my surprise? Hmmm…

Think Gerard, think!


“Yes Frank?”

My lips couldn’t help forming a small smile as I caught his gentle murmur—“Well that was definitely unexpected.” With my surprise ready I listened for his footsteps, waiting for them to reach the point directly before kitchen doorway.

“Gerard? Are you…where are you?”

His steps grew hesitant, and the suspense made my heart beat uncomfortably loud in my chest. Finally, I saw his shadow begin to emerge from behind the wall. And now—


A strangled yell escaped his throat as he jumped back a little in shock. But to be completely honest, a fluffy white chef hat and a wooden spoon aren’t exactly the most intimidating things on Earth.

“Gerard! You scared me!”

I grinned sheepishly. “I know. But come on—the surprise is in the kitchen.”

“Oh is it?” he called to my back.

Laughing a little, I gestured to a pot of pasta sauce that sat on the stove, just beginning to bubble. “So, did I ever tell you I was Italian?”

“No,” he laughed, “I don’t believe you did.”

“Well I am,” I declared grandly, “and guess what that means.”

“What does that mean?”

“Italian food!”

He giggled—adorably, I might add—as I began to split the spaghetti onto two plates and smother them in sauce.

Shifting in my chair, I nervously awaited his first bite. I swear my eyes never left that fork.

God I hope it’s good.

Twirling the spaghetti around his fork, he carefully lifted it to his lips, and slipped the bite into his mouth. His eyes closed briefly as he chewed, and—

He moaned.

He. Fucking. Moaned.

Does he have ANY idea what he’s doing to me right now?!

Slowly, he opened his gorgeous green eyes and looked into mine. “Gerard,” he half-whispered, “that was so fucking good.”

Licking my lips slightly, I nodded. “Old family recipe.”

Bulllllshit. More like barely semi-homemade. Barely.

He laughed softly, saying “you can come over and cook for me any day of the week.”

We ate in silence for a couple minutes—Frank gracefully, me trying desperately not to get tomato sauce on the front of my shirt. At one point I looked up and accidentally caught his eye, but he blushed and looked away quickly before I could even begin to make an attempt at conversation.

“You know something?”

The shock of his voice broke the thick silence and drew my eyes to his. Dazed, I stared into his eyes for a second. He held them fast as he studied my face.

“I can kind of see that Italian blood in you—you have that kind of sexy Italian look…something about the eyes...” He told me, narrowing his eyes as he gazed at my face.

Oh my god—he wants me.

“You know what I mean?” he continued, lost in his tangent, “You can totally tell when someone is not just American.”

I smiled again, a hint of a smirk finding its way onto my lips—damn it, why does he have to be so damn hot?—and glanced up at him again. “Really? Thanks,” I grinned.

“Yeah I…” he trailed off, “yeah.” After fumbling for a second in his pocket, Frank pulled out his cell phone. He gazed at it for a second, then, biting his lip, murmured, “I’d better get going.”

Sighing a little, I levered myself out of my chair, stretching slightly.

“Yeah…thanks a fucking lot for the comic—you don’t know how long I’ve waited for that.”

He raised an eyebrow, a playful grin once more lighting his features.

“Two years?”

My lips twitched into a grin.

“Yeah, just about.”

“You should have just kept it. Why did you give it to me?” he asked, smiling a little.

My lips smiled and I felt the blush rise into my cheeks.

“I…I wanted to.”

I turned to lead Frank to the door.

“That was really nice of you.”

“I know,” came my mischievous reply—accompanied by a wicked grin.

My hand hesitated on the door knob as I turned to Frank slowly. He smiled softly at me, “Well, thanks again…”


God, please let me kiss you, please let me kiss you…

Hesitantly, I leaned in towards him, pausing briefly halfway. My heart jumped into my throat as his eyes glanced up and caught mine for a brief, heated moment—

“Yeah, can I have your number?” he asked, stumbling slightly over his words.

“Hell yeah!!”

Woah there, cowboy, calm yourself.

“I mean, yeah, um—yes.”

He smiled and whipped out his phone, taking my number down quickly. Looking up into my eyes again, he smiled warmly. “I’ll call you,” he said firmly, leaning up to wrap his arms around me briefly.

“Yeah,” I murmured, distracted by my less than innocent thoughts. Once more, I leaned in towards his lips. Sudden doubt struck at me—going too fast again Gerard? Quickly, I adjusted and brushed my lips gently against his cheek instead.

“See you Frankie.”

My voice caught a little in my throat as he gazed into my eyes again. Instinctively, his hand reached up to wipe his cheek, but, his eyes still on mine, he pulled his hand back down decisively.
