Perfect in His Imperfection

So Devious

“Home sweet home,” said Frank with a heart-melting smile.

Grinning, I stepped inside Frank’s neat, periwinkle townhouse/hotel/apartment complex, whose exterior looked just as good as its interior. Glancing around, I simultaneously took note of the huge fireplace, huge living room, huge widescreen TV get the point.

“So, where’s your room?”

“This way,” grinned Frank. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

Jesus his place is nice.

“Excuse the mess,” came the apologetic introduction.

Bracing myself a little—if you’ve ever been in a guy’s room you’d understand—I stepped inside, holding my breath just in case.

This a mess? Fuck—

Note To Self: CLEAN ROOM before Frank ever steps foot in that shit.

“So, anything in particular you wanted to do?” Frank asked, sitting comfortably on his bed.

Mmm. I’m sure I could think of a couple things I’d like to do—


“WHAT? Oh, um, ahhh.”

Oh, Fuck. He knows I was just thinking dirty thoughts about—

“NO!”—the word jumped from my lips desperately—“There’s not…no. No.”

Cocking an eyebrow slightly in amusement, Frank nodded.

“Well, I’m sure we’ll find something.”

Suddenly he got off the bed, stretching.

“Be back in just a sec,” he muttered, a gleam in his eye, and stuck his head out the door.

Did he just say sex?

No, Gerard. He said sec.

Oh. Well…it’s an easy mistake to make! They’re right next to each other on the fucking keyboard…

Hmm…let’s see what’s in Frankie’s bedside drawers shall we?

Snickering deviously to myself, I gently wriggled the drawer free, half listening to Frank and Bob’s argument, and half focusing my attention on this essential mission of mine…

“Pleeeeeeease please please please!”


Hm. The Wake—good Frankie, you have taste.

“PLEASE BOB. You know I can’t cook!”


HAH! Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like we have struck gold—condoms! Shit and there’s only half the box left. Go Frank!


“FUCKER. Fine!”

HAHAHAHA. Oh me oh my: a jumbo-sized tube of lube. And it’s almost all gone! Oh Jesus—

“Well that was pleasant—hey!” Frank stopped short, staring wide eyed at the incriminating evidence in my hands.

I grinned.

“So Frank…busy little fucker aren’t you?”

“Let’s just say I don’t let them go to waste,” he laughed, letting his embarrassment off the hook for now, and instead taking refuge in my conspirational wink.

But suddenly Frank drew a stern expression onto his face, and he placed his hands on his hips.

“Were you going through my drawers Gerard?” An eyebrow lifted inquiringly.

“Yeah,”—I wiggled my eyebrows in return—“And I’m glad I did.”

He laughed outright, “Really?”

A mischievous grin slipped slyly onto my lips.

“Yep. So next time I’m in your room I’ll know exactly where to look.”

“Well there they are if you ever need to borrow them,” he winked. “You know, on the off chance you’re at my house and have ‘company’ over and are in desperate need.”

“Well that was the plan,” I drawled smoothly.

Frank giggled at that, running a hand through his well-kept hair and somehow managing to look more gorgeous than ever with his hair slightly a mess. But as he turned to me, he glared playfully, stating firmly “Well, okay, but NO fucking on my bed!”

I could feel the lines on my face smooth as I painted innocence on my countenance. I scanned the room, my eyes alighting on Frank’s desk chair. “It’s alright, there are plenty of other available spaces,” I murmured with an equally playful smile.

Here his eyes widened: “No, NO. Changed my mind—NO fucking in my room, OR the bathroom, for that matter.”

I gazed up into his eyes, pulling a sad face. “Fineee,” I pouted, dragging the “n” for emphasis.

Frank giggled again, adorably, before running his agile fingers through his hair again.

“Hey,” he began absentmindedly, fingers still sprinting easily through his hair. “Is it cool with you if I go and take a quick shower? I’ll be just two seconds, promise.”

He’s going to take a shower and leave me in his room with all his shit? Oh, bad idea Frankie, bad idea.

I smiled angelically—surely there was a halo hovering just above my head—and nodded, reclining against his fluffy pillows as if they were the clouds of my heavenly bed.

Frank merely shook his head, heading out to the bathroom, stripping off his shirt as he went.


But unfortunately, there’s only so much digging through someone else’s shit you can do at one time before you start to get mind-numbingly bored. Which is how I found myself wandering over to the bathroom door, where curls of steam drifted from below the white-washed wood.

“Hey Frank are you—SHIT SORRY!”

Yes, I did in fact knock on the door! But no one answered so I just went in assuming that—oh sweet jesus.

My eyes beheld the glorious form of Frank Iero in all his naked glory. Oh—glory be.

“Fuck!” he squealed adorably, giggling manically as he picked up his towel and draped it once more around his waist. “Oh man, that’s embarrassing!”

He grinned, apparently entirely unaware that I was unable to keep my eyes from staring at his perfectly formed chest, which swirled and eddied with black and blue and green and red ink. I was also unable to keep my eyes from wandering down his chest, following the smooth lines of his body down, down, down…

“Something you wanted?” he asked, a tiny frown nestled between his eyes.

“Uh…B-Bob,” I stuttered and stumbled, improvising on the spot. “Bob said d-dinner was ready.”

Damn you, eyes! Stop, no—you are not allowed to follow that perfect curve of muscle just above his hip bone, don’t follow it down…down…down

“Oh cool,” Frank said easily. “So,” he paused slightly, glancing at me questioningly. “I kinda need to get dressed now and unless you want to see me naked again you might want to leave,” he giggled with a flirtatious wink.

I laughed, deepening my voice and making it ooze with phony sexuality.

“What if I do,” I asked, arching my eyebrow as high as it would go.

Frank lowered his voice as well, eyebrows barely dipping lower over his eyes.

“Take a seat then.”

Laughing hard, I sat my ass down on that cold tile floor.

Frank threw his head back with laughter at my antics. “Gerard, fuck off!” he grinned.

Still giggling, I got up, huffing out a haughty “FINE!” and leaving the room with my nose in the air, but the delighted smile on my lips gave me away.

There’s so much more to Frank underneath all his perfection. He’s really just…kind of amazing. He’s just—perfect. And, God, do I love being around him.

Slipping into his jeans, Frank came out, beautiful chest still bare.

“Dinner?” he inquired.

“Sexy,” I commented candidly, holding my arm out to Frank. “Madame?” I smirked.

Throwing his head back, Frank let loose a loud, careless laugh. When he came back down, he accepted my arm, slipping his own through the crook of my elbow.

We began to walk down the stairs, but abruptly Frank stopped short, looking perturbed.

“Wait—why am I the girl?” He pouted. “You know I’m all man Gerard, you saw me before!”

“Well you ain’t seen nothin’ yet sugar,” I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows once more before laughing easily. “So until you do, I’m the man.”

Frank scoffed, but muttered “Fine,” before shaking his head in defeat.

“Me, a girl!” I heard him muse contemptuously to himself as we descended the stairs in a stately fashion.

As we walked into the kitchen where Brandon and Bob sat at the table, a mouthwatering scent pervaded my senses. Fuck, Bob can cook.

“Aww, how sweet,” smirked Bob, dumping a portion of nachos onto each place, “I think they’ve come to announce their engagement, Bran.”

“Shh, BOB,” whispered Frank urgently, “Don’t want to make Brandon jealous, do we?”

At this he let go of my arm, and I immediately missed the warm glow of his sun. But for now I’ll settle for gathering those rays from across the table.

“So Bob,” I began conversationally, “you really like nachos don’t you?”

“Sure do,” Bob declared, chest swelling slightly with pride, “They’re easy to make and I can do so without burning the kitchen OR the food.”

“You’re very clever Bob,” Frank said solemnly.

I nodded my head in agreement, face grave. “Very clever.”

Bob smiled, looking ever so slightly predatory. “Why thank you Gerard, Franklet.”

We all ate in silence for a couple minutes—the nachos weren’t half bad, in fact, they weren’t bad at all. Damn, I should come here for dinner more often.

“So Frank,” Brandon’s velvet voice broke the peace, entwined with a slightly ironic thread, “any reason your shirt is nowhere to be seen?”

Frank smiled contentedly, “Nope, just didn’t want to deny you dudes the chance to stare at my fantastic body.”

A chip fell from my unexpectedly clumsy fingers as Frank’s comment drew my eyes back to their naughty exploration of the river of ink that surged over his smooth, sun-bronzed skin.

“Why thanks so much Frank,” Brandon muttered sarcastically, rolling his eyes for emphasis.

Bob coughed gently. “In case you hadn’t noticed, Gerard, modesty is definitely Frank’s strongest virtue.”

I grinned appreciatively—I’d figured that one out after the first two minutes.

“One of my MANY virtues, thank you Bobbert,” sniffed Frank.

“Point proven,” grinned Brandon.

Brandon and Bob snickered—I swear those two are like Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

But dinner’s getting a little dull so…let’s make things a little more interesting, hmm?

Slyly, I placed my foot beside Frank’s, watching as his mouth twitched into a slightly bewildered grin.

“Hey,” Brandon interrupted, “you guys want to head down to that party tonight?”

Bob’s head jerked up quickly and he nodded enthusiastically, saying “YEAH!”

“Frank, Gerard, you in?” Brandon asked.

Of course, I answered “Nah,” just as Frank’s eyes lit up and his mouth shouted “YES!”

But upon hearing my response, Frank glanced at me, unsure.


Being the helpful young man that I am, I slipped my foot past Frank’s calf, up to his inner thigh, rubbing gently.

“Ohh…um,” muttered Frank, hair falling into his eyes as he bit his lip distractedly.

“You really want to go?” I asked him innocently.

“You know what?” Frank looked at Brandon, face set in a curiously strained expression, “I think I’ll stay in. My stomach doesn’t feel so good.”

“Pansy,” muttered Bob.

I smiled at my nachos, pleased at the reaction I’d managed to produce in Frank.

“Fuck you Bob,” declared Frank, mock-angry, “I hope you choke on your beer and the woman you’re trying to sleep with turns out to be a man!”

What did he just say??

I choked slightly on my water as Brandon stared perplexed at Frank, mouth hanging open a little in confusion. “What did you just say?” he asked, mirroring my thoughts exactly.

Frank ignored us.

“Well, you’re gonna be missing out Frank,” sighed Bob with a shake of his head and a skeptical arch of his eyebrow. “It’s your first chance to see all the hot college girls!” He looked thoughtful for a second. “And boys, since, you know, you’re into both,” he clarified.

“Oh are you Frank?” I inquired deviously, inching my foot further up Frank’s thigh and rubbing slightly as I went.

“Yeah, I am,” Frank managed through gritted teeth, shooting a glare at me as my toes wriggled their way closer and closer to his crotch.

His hand shoved my foot back down to less heated climes as he explained, “It’s all about expanding your horizons.”

I snickered unrepentantly, inching my foot back up his thigh.

“See, if I’m into both I have more chance at getting laid cause there’s more”—Frank gasped slightly as my foot stroked his inner thigh just to the right of his crotch—“options,” he finished.

By this time I was cackling so hard I could barely choke out a feeble “I see.”

Tears began to leak from the corners of my eyes as I slipped my foot the tiniest bit further, if I stretched my toes I could barely brush his package, but was I so cruel?

Bear in mind, he was intentionally teasing me at the café…

“Um, G-Gerard?” Frank stuttered out.

Barely containing my wild laughter, I smirked slightly, “Yes?”

My toes seemed to take on a life of their own as they wriggled gently, less than a millimeter of air separating them from Frank’s jean-clad package.

I am so devious.

But you know you love it. Hell, I love it. Hell, Frank loves it.

Frank bit his lip adorably and looked back down at his plate, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

“Nothing,” he whispered hoarsely.

From the corner of my eye, I observed Bob and Brandon exchanging looks. Tweedledee/Tweedledum.

Brandon eyed his squirming friend concernedly: “Frank, are you…okay?”

I snorted with suppressed laughter as Frank nodded carefully, squeaking “I’m fine,”—I wriggled my toes playfully—“Just super.”

“Fuck, Gerard—what the fuck is so funny?” Bob questioned, frustrated.

Shit, my stomach hurts so bad from laughing so much. Oh, shit.

It was the most I could do to wave my hand dismissively at Bob, before looking at Frank and bursting into uncontrollable giggles again.

Bob and Brandon exchanged glances one more time before Brandon sighed, giving up I hope, and said, “Okay Frank, take a break from being weird and listen to me. We are going now. Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

Frank bit his lips and looked at me, and instantly my foot froze on his thigh. This decision was his and his alone…though I really prayed he chose to spend time with me instead of spending time with the Grey Goose and some random slut.

“Uh, yeah,” Frank began slowly. “I think I’ll stay in,” he smiled, warming to his theme, “It would be kinda rude to invite Gerard over and then just kick him out.”

Smiling happily, I finally allowed my toes to brush lightly against Frank’s crotch.

He gasped and out of the corner of his mouth came a whispered, “Fucker.”

“That’s so thoughtful of you Frank,” I announced loudly, before whispering under my breath, “Oh you just wait.”

“Alrighty then,” declared Bob, hands coming together in a single, resounding clap. “Guess we’re off.”

Bob left the table, heading for the door, while Brandon stood and walked over to Frank, kissing him on the head. “Practice safe sex boys!” Brandon flung over his shoulder on his way out the door.

“Fuck off!” Frank volleyed back, a half-smile vaguely gracing his flushed lips.

The door closed and my foot slipped casually down from its perch on Frank’s thigh.

“GERARD!” Frank yelled almost instantly after the door was closed.

“Yes Frank?” I grinned guiltlessly.

“How do you find that acceptable to do underneath my table and right underneath my friends' noses!” he cried, his arms waving distractedly.

He shook his head in disbelief “And why…” his voice trailed off as he continued to shake his head, still incredulous.

“And why…???” I prompted, curious.

“And why would you even…” but halfway through Frank just sighed and waved his hand dismissively. “So,” he said instead. “What do you want to do now?”

I could feel the gleam rush into my eyes as they lit up.

“How about”—I ran into the living room, jumping on the couch, striking a dramatic pose and shouting—“TRUTH OR DARE!!”

We grinned excitedly into each others eyes as they gleamed bright with the thought of endless possibilites.