Perfect in His Imperfection


“Want anything Gerard?”

Crossing my legs comfortably on the floor, I pondered Frank’s question for a moment. Now what would be the perfect companion to our game of truth or dare?

“Strawberries and champagne, and whipped cream,” I said with a mischievous grin. “But I’ll settle for just the champagne.”

Frank laughed at my request, but nevertheless raced willingly off towards the kitchen.

As sounds of clattering dishes and clinking glasses filled the air, I jumped to my feet, eyes intent on Frank’s large CD collection. Snickering to myself, I slipped Frank Sinatra’s Greatest Hits out of its case, popping it gently into place in the surround-sound speaker system.

Settling myself back into the plush white carpet, I felt my eyes drift shut and my head fall back against the antique leather couch as Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight” hummed out from the speakers, weaving and wavering in and around my thoughts.

At the sound of Frank’s padding footsteps my eyes snapped open and I sat up straight.

“Sit down Frankie boy,” I invited, motioning to the space opposite me. Obligingly, he took a seat, handing me a sparkling glass of pale golden champagne.

“So,” I nodded, tasting the electric shimmer on my tongue. “Who first?”

“ME,” he shouted. “TRUTH OR DARE GERARD.”

“DARE!” I shouted back, eyes alight with anticipation.

“Okay.” Frank’s eyes wandered the room as he toyed with his lip ring, deep in thought. A smirk was tugging at his lips as he looked back at me.

“You,” he began grandly, “must ring Brandon and ask him if you can borrow his condoms…”

Heh heh heh. Too easy.

“…and his vibrator,” he finished with a wink.

“Oh God,” I moaned, but rather than chicken out—because Gerard Way is NOT a wimp nor is he a girl, thank you very much—I grabbed Frank’s phone, looking at Frank for the number.

“Seven-one-nine, five-eight-three, forty-nine sixty-two.”

Grinning like a madman, I dialed the number, wiggling my eyebrows at Frank in the process and nearly making him spit out his mouthful of champagne. “It’s ringing!” I mock gasped.

“I don’t even think he has a vibrator,” Frank reflected, popping a strawberry into his mouth.

Uh huh, sure. I alone know that inside every man, there lives a little kinky side. And trust me, Brandon is definitely in touch with his kinky side. I mean fuck, just look at his eyebrows

“Hello? Frank?”

“Hey,” I replied quickly, snapping out of my thoughts, “no, it’s Gerard. Frank is”—my voice dropped an octave—“busy.”

I bit my lip furiously to keep in my laughter as good ol’ Bee asked, “Doing what? oh my—OH MY GOD.”

I took a moment to steady my voice before I answered him.

“Yeah, yeah. Well, Frank ran out of condoms so…” I allowed my words to trail off suggestively.

I almost burst into laughter again as Frank faked a shocked face.

“I would never run out of condoms!” he mouthed in protest, collapsing into giggles.

“Gross,” muttered Brandon on the other end. “Okay, well they’re in my bedside drawer.” Sounds like he’s about to hang up—probably so he can find the nearest toilet and spend some face time with it—so I cut in: “HOLD ON!”

“What,” he groaned.

Still giggling, Frank faked a loud moan and ran his tongue seductively over his lips. I did my best to stifle my laughter, instead groaning out, “Oh god, Frank, that feels so—”


“Oh sorry Brandon,” I grinned unapologetically.

“Look, is that all? Cause I’ve really got to—”


Here it comes.

“Um, well,” I waved my hands ambivalently, hoping I wasn’t playing the “hesitant” angle too hard.

Brandon huffed a sigh on the other end, and I figured I should probably pick up my pace.

“Well, Frank wanted to, you know, experient so I was wondering if—”


“Okay,” I said meekly into the reciever.

“Jesus Christ,” Brandon muttered indistinctly. “Look, I keep all my uh, ‘toys’ in the drawer with the condoms okay? All the way in the back.”


He paused a second before continuing, his voice sliding down in volume significantly.

“Just uh, tell Frank they’re Bob’s,” he muttered quickly.

“What are mine, Brandon?” came Bob’s voice from wherever the fuck Brandon is.


I giggled maniacally, desperately pressing my palm to the receiver in the desperate hopes Brandon and Bob wouldn’t hear.

“Um, gotta go bye,” Brandon said in a rush.

As he flipped his phone shut I could barely hear him say to Bob, “Nothing! Hey, that chick over there is totally—” before the line cut.

Smooth move, Bee.

Frank started giggling again as I turned to him with a triumphant smile adorning my lips.


Laughing, Frank smacked my arm.

“Gerard, you dickhead! You made it sound like we’re having sex!!” he half laughed, half groaned.

“Well you came up with the dare!” I grinned.

“Does he…have them?” Frank asked hesitantly, glancing at me uncertainly.

I just grinned, jumping to my feet and racing to Brandon’s room.

Frank’s eyes widened, looking suddenly struck by the idea of his best friend playing with “toys”.

Hah, if only he knew.

Frank beat me to the drawer, grasping fingers ripping it open as soon as they grazed the brushed metal knob.

“Holy shit,” Frank gasped.

“Wow Brandon,” I murmured, nodding approvingly.

Until my eyes caught sight of—

“SHIT, is that a dildo?”

Wow. Brandon is much kinkier than I thought.


Frank giggled adorably, before commenting once more, “Oh my God, I had NO idea he was so kinky. I am so fucking him tomorrow night if he let’s me!”


Stuffing the vibrator back into the drawer, Frank grinned and skipped out of the room, laughing, “Come, my champagne awaits me!”

Chuckling, I chased him back into the lounge, already plotting my revenge…

“Fra-ank,” I sang with a playful tilt of my head, “TRUTH, or DARE?”

He took one look at the devious glint in my eyes, and bit his lip nervously.

“Dare,” he squeaked out.

Oh this is going to be so GOOD.

“I DARE YOU, FRANK IERO, TO CALL BOB,”—I paused for effect—“and tell him you want his body!”

Frank moaned, “Aww Gerard!”

“BUT,” I continued, “the words STRAWBERRIES, WHIPPED, and CREAM must appear at least twice each!”

Frank groaned again.

“Bonus points if you get them in there more times than that,” I remarked with an impish wink.

Laughing defiantly, Frank grabbed the phone. “Fine!” he said, sticking his tongue out at me. Dialing the number, he put the phone on speaker and let it ring, waiting for Bobbert dear to pick up.

“Frank?” came Bob’s loud voice.

“Hey,” Frank licked his lips, “Bobby Boy.”

Oh Jesus this is priceless. Where’s the fucking video camera when you need it?

“How arrre you, my big, sexy man?”

“Frank,” Bob sighed in resignation, “Why are you being weird again?”

“Maybe it’s just because I am thinking of what I can do with these strawberries and whipped cream…” Frank paused to breathe heavily into the receiver, “and your body.”

“Frank,” Bob paused, sounding concerned, “Have you taken something again?”

“No, I’m just high on the thought of you, sexy.”


“Oh Bob,” Frank moaned seductively, “I want to cover you with strawberries and eat each one of your—”


“FUCK!” Frank pouted. “He hung up on me!”

Giggling, I wondered if I should really force Frank to…yeah, I totally should.

“Call him b-back,” I choked out from between gasping, shaking laughs.

Frank groaned, but his fingers still pushed the buttons.

I could hear the click as the line connected.

“Bobby, I think we got cut off before—I never got to tell you what I wanted to do with the whipped cream, which was coat your—”

And the click as the line disconnected.

“THAT FUCKER DID IT AGAIN!” Frank fumed, fingers already redialing.

“Bob? Look honey—Brandon! What are you doing on Bob’s phone?” I laughed hysterically as Frank frowned, trying to get Brandon to give the phone to Bob.

“Bee—you think I’ve scared him? Oh, that’s silly.” He rolled his eyes expressively, “NO, I haven’t been doing drugs. No, no…okay FINE.”

He looked over at me mournfully before saying—“I think Bob is going to avoid me for awhile.”

I giggled maniacally, nodding in agreement.

“Yeah, that’s probably about right.”

Oh God, that was SO Good!

“Truth…or DARE!” shouted Frankie excitedly.

Giggling, I threw back some champagne, slowly licking the last golden drops from my lips. I hummed in my throat for a second, debating my choices.

“Daarrrrrreee?” I ventured, well aware that Frankie would get me back well and good for that one.

Frank’s eyes narrowed dangerously as he struggled to come up with a good dare.

“Okay.” He grinned wildly, “I want you to go down to the lobby and do your own rendition of ‘What’s This?’”

Oh Jesus.

“COMPLETE with psycho dancing!”

OH no.

“AND me filming it from afar!!”

“Oh god,” I giggled. “Okay, let’s just do this.”

“WAIT!” shouted Frank, running to his room and coming back with a sweater bundled up in his arms. “You have to wear my Jack Skellington hoodie so you look completely crazy.” Giggling, he thrust the bundle into my arms.

Oh, this is going to be classic.

As we anxiously took the elevator down, Frank turned to me sternly. “Just remember,” he instructed, “I don’t actually know you right now.”

Rolling my eyes, I licked my lips nervously, running a hand through my hair.

“Just be prepared,” I grinned.

Oh God, here I go.

Please Lord, just make sure I don’t get arrested.

Taking a deep breath, I walked out into the center of the room and began.


Swirling and twirling around the room, I sang at the top of my lungs, letting every ounce of reason slide off the edge and into the abyss.

I can feel all eyes on me.

And I love it.

“What’s this, what’s this! There’re students everywhere! What’s this, there’s cigarette smoke in the air!”

Twirling around the room, I briefly grabbed a girl by the ears and belted the lyrics I had made up on the spot into her face.

“What’s this! I can’t believe my eyes, I must be dreaming, WAKE UP GERARD, THIS ISN’T FAIR! WHAT’S THIS!!

Vaguely I am aware of Frank’s maniacal giggling in the background and people shouting and pointing and laughing.


I live for the audience.

Especially when it’s Frank.

Laughing, I continue with my song.

“What’s this!”—and leap—“What’s this!”

“There’s something very wrong,” my feet jumped onto the couch.

“What’s this? Where are the people singing songs??!?” I kicked my feet a little in the air, laughing loudly.

Suddenly, the severe face of a security guard appeared before me, “Excuse me sir, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

Giggling, I allowed a look of confusion to pass over my features.

“Who? Oh wait, that’s me.”

Grinning wildly I leapt away and onto another couch.


“Sir, if you don’t stop I’m going to call the police,” the guard stated uncertainly.

Oh me, oh my.

This is just too much fun.

“The streets are lined with little creatures laughing!”—my singing sped up to a frantic pace—“everybody seems so happy have I possibly gone DAFFY what is THISSSS!?!??!”

A crazy laugh escaped my throat and for a second I met Frank’s eyes across the room as he looked at me with a mixture of disbelief, admiration, laughter and hint of worry.

Probably for my mental health.


Uh oh, he sounds serious.

“LONG LIVE JACK SKELLINGTON!!” I screamed loudly before barely evading the security guard’s grasp and slipping through the slowly but surely closing elevator doors.

“BLAME HIM!” I laughed wildly, pointing at Frank.

Oh, but I’m not that cruel.

Holding the elevator, I desperately waved Frank through the doors, frantically pushing the “DOOR CLOSE” button in the hopes that it would close like, NOW.

As the steel doors finally slid shut, Frank collapsed against the side of the elevator, gasping for breath.

“Oh my god, that was so incredibly worth it.”

Sinking to the floor, I cracked up, peals of laughter escaping my lips.

Once we had taken a few minutes to calm ourselves and get settled back in the apartment, I grinned at Frank playfully.

“Truth or Dare?”

“I’m gonna go with truth this time,” Frank laughed.

Taking another sip of champagne, I licked my lips and grinned.

Hm. What do I want to know about Frankie?

“Okay. Would you rather do me or Brandon?”

I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively. Sadly, I was only half kidding.

‘”Uh, both…at the same time!” Frank grinned at his success.

Shaking my head, I waited for a real answer.

“Hm.” I watched as his eyes traveled up and down my body, making me shiver slightly. “I don’t know,” he began hesitantly, “Brandon does have all those toys…” A small spark flickered in Frank’s eyes as he considered this.

“WHAT!” I mock glared at Frank.

“Well,” Frank blushed, looking down at the carpet, “I do have a kinky side.”

Oh sugar.

“Oh sugar, so do I,” I smirked easily. “But trust me babe, we won’t need toys.”

For a brief second, I saw Frank’s eyes flash with lust, before he brushed the moment away with a laugh.

“Oh my God Gerard, you are so priceless sometimes.”

Giggling, I protested, “What! It’s true.”

Shaking his head and laughing, Frank simply asked, “Truth or dare?”


“Alright,” I smiled, relaxed, “I think I’m up for some truth right about now.”

Carelessly, I threw back the rest of my champagne, enjoying the last vestiges of electricity as it danced its way down my throat.


“Why did you look so unhappy to see me today?” Frank said after a moment’s consideration, arching an eyebrow.

Wait, when?

Frowning, I tried to recall what incident my Frankums was referring to. “When exactly are we talking about?” I asked curiously.

“When I first saw you!” Frank prompted, “You were walking through college and I yelled ‘Gerard!’ and you kept walking, and then when I grabbed you...well you didn’t look too pleased then either. Didn’t you want to see me again?”

Oh. Ohh. Ah.

“It was silly really,” I muttered refilling my glass.

“It wasn’t even…it was stupid,” I continued vaguely, biting my lip and taking a sip of the champagne.

“Spit it OUT, Gerarrrrd.”

I laughed nervously.

“Oh well, it’s just…youdiintcamee.”

I hope that’s good enough for him.

“What?” Frankie shot me a confused look.


Looking up, I met his eyes and murmured as distinctly as I could at the moment: “You didn’t call me.”

Frank looked enlightened.

“Oh, well the thing about that was I actually lost your number that night! I should’ve been more careful,” he said giggling, “I actually didn’t think you’d care.”

“Okay, yeah, it was stupid,” I laughed. “God I am such a girl.”

Frank snorted with laughter. “That’s just what I thought! I mean geez Gerard, could you get any more feminine?”


Scooting closer to Frank, I pet his arm and bat my eyelashes—“Actually, yes.”

Slapping my hand away, Frank laughed and took a sip of his champagne.

“Anyway, it’s my turn!” I said, eager to change the subject.

My eyes lit on an empty champagne bottle at our feet, and I grinned inwardly.

“I dare you to play at least one round of spin the bottle,” I challenged, holding up the empty bottle.

“I didn’t say dare!” Frank laughed.

Oops, forgot about that.

“But that’s okay, since you’ve already thought of it,” he said with a grin.

As I set the bottle on the floor, he looked at me in consternation.

“Gerard…you want to play spin the bottle with only one other person?”

I know, I’m a genius.

I nodded enthusiastically, just knowing my plan would work perfectly.

“But Gerard, that kind of defeats the purpose of spin the bottle. The whole fun of the game is not knowing who you will end up kissing.”

Well, Jesus, alright then.

I guess he doesn’t want to kiss me.

“Okay, if you don’t want to play I’ll think of something else,” I managed, forcing a smile.

Half of me is still hoping he’ll take it back and just kiss me.

“Okay, good. You do that.”

You know what?

Fuck this.

“Uh, I don’t know,” I pretended to stifle a yawn. “You know, I’m really tired. I think I’m just gonna head on home…”

“What?” Frank asked, bewildered, “Are you just mad I didn’t kiss you?”


As if!

“NO!” I shouted, maybe just a little too loud. “I’m just really”—yawn—“really, ti—”

And suddenly Frank was crawling over to me and whispering softly in my ear, “Truth or Dare.”

I was completely still, I couldn’t move at all—not that I wanted to. I could feel/hear my heartbeat thrumming so loud in my veins as I breathed into his ear, “Dare.”

“Kiss me,” he murmured huskily.

And I did.

Eventually, that is.

Smirking, Frank climbed onto my lap, slowly slipping his shirt over his head and tossing it carelessly behind him.

“Oh,” I moaned softly, and Frank put a finger to my lips. I couldn’t resist kissing it gently, looking straight up into Frank’s glittering green eyes as I did so.

Suddenly, he stood up, looking into my eyes as he slowly ran his fingers down his bare, gorgeously tattooed chest. I could feel his eyes staring at mine, but by now my eyes are fixed on his fingers as they toy with the button on his jeans. But rather than take them off, Frank slipped his fingers past his zipper, allowing his fingers to naughtily graze his growing erection.

As one of Frank’s hands stroked himself, harder and harder, the other flew into his hair, twisting the strands between his fingers.

Softly Frankie moaned at his own touch, and I swear, all I could do was bite my lip and stare at him, and he was just turning me on so fucking much.

Finally, he looked at me with his gorgeous green eyes, so hazy with lust, and he crawled into my lap again.

I licked my lips nervously, running my fingers lightly from Frank’s shoulders down his arms to his wrists, before leaning in to kiss his shoulder, tongue darting out to taste the hot, salty skin.

Frank threw his head back as I ran my hands down his bare chest, tracing the tattoos, that river of ink swirling, surging over his skin…

He put his arms around my neck, his lips finding the skin just below my jaw.

Fuck, he found it so easy.

I moaned throatily, loving that Frank seemed to know exactly where my weakest points were.

Running my hand through Frank’s hair, I tugged it lightly, closing my eyes as his lips trailed up along my jaw until the found my lips, where he sucked gently on my bottom lip before he kissed me fully, tongue finding its way into my mouth easily.

Moaning, I pulled Frank’s jean-clad crotch closer to mine, wishing that fucking barrier of cloth would just disappear. One hand held Frank’s hips against me gently, while the other slipped behind Frank’s neck, pulling him closer.

Suddenly Frank got onto his knees, legs on either side of me. I tilted my head back, my eyes taking in a brief glance of the ceiling beyond Frank’s lust-filled eyes before he leaned over me, bending slightly to crush his lips to mine. As his hands worked into my hair, my lips moaned a whispered “fuck” against Frank’s mouth.

God he’s perfect.

My hands found the slick skin of his shoulders, tracing his spine and shivering down, down, down…

…until Frank pulled away and jumped off the couch.

“So, I heard you were tired before, same here!”

I couldn’t even begin to decipher the look in his eyes.

I could barely collect myself as I lifted my head back up to look at Frank with wild, still-wanting eyes. My legs had been pushed wide open and I could feel my hair had been mussed and tangled by Frank’s fingers.

Why the hell did he stop?

Standing up, I tried to straighten out my clothes, still trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

“Now I can either drive you home, or you can just stay here,” Frank says brightly.


Fuck, I really can’t even get my thoughts together.

“I guess I’ll stay, I guess,” I murmured vaguely.

Jesus, what a night.