

Jane was born in 1919. When her mother was giving birth to her she started to lose a lot of blood and it could not be stopped. When Jane was born her mother died and her father Zach could not take it. He saw how much Jane looked like his dead wife; raven colored hair, big blue eyes and a high jawline. Zach took to hating this bastard that was his child. He would tease and taught her night and day. Every day of her life, he would have a whore over and would compare the two. She wanted her father to love her so she did what ever that he asked of her. The harlots say that she was in so much pain because of him that they started to teach her things that she would need to know. But when she was 3 years old, she just stopped talking or making any noise at all. When she fell and broke her ankle she would not even shed a tear as her father made fun of her for being a baby, just stood up and limped inside the house.

Growing up with the hated full man made it easier for her when he died, so no longer cared for him and was dead to her for all 20 years of her life. Now in town no one would talk to her because people thought that she killed her father, he was a good man to all those near to him, but those neatest to him hated him and what he had become. People also teased and taunted her because she never spoke and her dad was the town drunk. So because of one man she was hated. Well when he died from all the drinking and sleeping with random whores and not giving his body rest, she knew she was free,

After this a young man by the name of Jon Knovak came into town and did not seem to care that she never spoke, he liked that in her. She like him because even tourist that came to town would wave and she would wave back and the towns people would tell them about her and she would be shunned all over again, but not with Jon he was good to her tell the day she died. Which would be very soon.