
How could this happen

When Jon and Jane started seeing each other people did not understand it, fathers were trying to get him to marry their daughters, who could talk. See Jon had a lot of money and very good looks so the grandchildren would be very attractive, and would have a lot of money to their name.

When Jon asked Jane to marry him, she just let out one, clear blue tear roll down her moon light skin, down to her red lips that never parted except for him. When those big dark blue eyes that filled people with love and fear got tearful Jon knew he loved her and wanted to be with her. Jane's dark hair moved with the wind the moment her asked her, the way it moved was surreal, and made her look like she was made out of the wind itself. As he was asking to take her hand Jane saw that he was shaking in is black clothing, that, well just looked perfect on his muscle filled body. Jame was never so happy, he set up everything so well, the back yard at their home, on their patio with the oak table out side, and the wisteria was growing nicely over the wooden planks that was over the patio. It was night time and every star in the sky was out to see Jane fall in love because they had always been there for her when she need to talk to someone because she would never talk to anyone but the stars, and even then she just looked at them, but they made her happy because they told stories to her.

Every plant, animal and hybrid was holding its breath wanting to hear the answer, and finally Jane nodded her head in a yes formation and Jon could have never been more happy in his whole life. They were going to live together and have a happy marriage and have kids and everything was going to be perfect. Jon already had plans on how he was going to kill Jane and the baby they were going to have in few years time so he could preserve their love and they would never have to live in fear and be scared ever again.