Status: Completed.



Sitting across from Isabella Swan in gym, I began to think that maybe Fatima was right. Or maybe I was just imagining things when Jasper Hale and I had that very brief conversation. It seemed like flirting, but I of all people should know that just because someone flirts, doesn't mean they like you. Again, for what seemed like the fortieth time, I sighed. Today was a free day in gym, and there was no one to talk to. My best friend, Lana, was absent today. Isabella looked over at me and made a frantic and clumsy dash away from Jessica Stanley and in front of me. "Hi, Bella," I say. I wonder why she doesn't like being called Isabella. I liked that name; wouldn't name kid that though.

"Hi, Zoey, I hear you're playing in the powder puff game on Thursday." We both know this conversation is awkward, and no amount of trying is going to fix that.

Still, I put on a smile. "I was, but I changed my mind. I'm just going to watch Jamie be a cheerleader."

We both laughed. Fatima's boyfriend was, well, he was something else. For Junior class superlatives, he got elected one of the boys' spots as "Most Spirited". Spirited isn't exactly what I'd call it. He just like to make a fool of himself. He was hilarious, though, whether he meant to be or not. "Yeah, I heard Fatima and him got together. What about you, see anybody you like?" she asked conversationally. Bella didn't like to gossip so whatever I told her would be in utmost secrecy.

"Eh, sort of, but I don't see it gettin' anywhere." It was honest.

She nodded her head. "I hate when that happens."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her statement. As soon as she moved here, practically everyone drooled all over her. A couple months later, she was with the only single Cullen there. Edward. Not that I was jealous, but it did make me angry when people pretended to know how something was. Then again, I wasn't really into any of the Cullens besides Jasper and his last name was Hale, so...technically, I didn't like any of the Cullens. "Well..." I murmured, unsure what to say next.

"I'm going to the movies with Angela, Ben, and Edward, do you want to join us?"

I shake my head. "Can't. Fatima, Lana, Jamie, and I are all going to be busy this weekend." Speaking of my sister, I stand up and head over to the coach. I ask if I can use the restroom and he says yes. I head for the girls' locker room since there are restroom stalls in there. Instead of using the restroom, I quickly change into my school clothes and put my gym bag in the locker. I creap out of the girls' locker room and dash for the hallway that leads to the back exit of the gym. I make it without any slip ups and head toward the building that contains the class that my sister is in. I slip through the doors and make my way to her classroom. I peak through the small class window that's on the door and automatically turns her head in my direction.

Come outside, I silently will her and, when I see her raise her hand, I make a mad dash to the restroom. While I waited for her to come in, I leaned against the wall and tried to figure out why they would all a place with toilets, a "rest" room or a "bath" room. Why not call it a "toilet" room. The door opened and she came in. "What's up?" she asks, yawning.

I shrug my shoulders, "Not much, I just wanted to check on you. After that vision yesterday, I figure you'd be a little wacked out."

Fatima shrugged her shoulders. "Its nothing that hasn't happened before, am I right?"

I nodded my head. She was right. Ever since we could remember, we've been able to catch glimpses of the things that haven't happened yet. Unfortunately, lately, all we ever seem to be getting is the bad stuff. The last good vision either of us got was when were seven and wanted to know if Mom would give us money to get some ice cream from the man in the ice cream truck. Whatever I saw, she saw. Whatever she saw, I saw. It was taking the belief in twin telepathy to a whole other level. A very dangerous, very tiring, level. "I guess so. What do you think it was about?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know. My best guess would be an explosion. You know how in the movies during an explosion they say there's this blinding light and, well, it was a light."

I nodded. I'd seen it, too, just not as vividly. "It would explain why you felt you were being knocked against the wall and passing out."

She nodded and then sighed. "Let's head over to Estelle's when the bell rings and get her opinion on it," she said, turning on her heel and walking back to her class. Estelle Harrison was a light skinned African American woman that helped us figure out what it was we could do. Though our parents loved us, they wouldn't get it. Estelle got it, though, because she had it. She embraced the gift she was given. I only wished I could do the same. I went around the side of school and fished my keys out of my pocket. I opened the door to my shiny Honda and got in, letting the seat back so no one could see me

I heard someone shouting and I knew there were two males outside, so I peaked up. Of course, that would be the exact time that they looked over in my direction. Edward and Emmett Cullen glared at me and I stared wide eyed as the bulky one started to walk toward me. Edward held him back and said something to him. They both hopped in Emmett's Range Rover and drove off. I exhaled in relief that I hadn't been beaten to a bloody pulp by someone twice my size. The bell rang and I waited for my twin to come on out. First, though, I saw Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, and Bella all head toward the shiny silver Volvo that happens to be parked right next to mine. I lock my doors and start my car, turning on the stereo full blast. I don't want to hear Jasper talk because the I'll go all mushy inside.

But unfortunately, that didn't work out all that well.