Status: Completed.



"The Apocalypse."

I looked at Estelle with wide eyes. She couldn't possibly be serious. The "Apocalypse" was nothing but folklore from a book that people used to scare each other into coming to Jesus. Not that I had anything against it or Him, I just didn't understand why people automatically jumped to that conclusion whenever something strange happened. "You can't be serious," I say.

Estelle's shoulders dropped and her face scrunched up oddly. "Well, that's what I think it is. Until the four horsemen start ridin' up, I'm holding that thought as a last resort. I need to get back in church anyhow, the Devil's done got a hold of my niece." Estelle laughed, throwing her head back. Her dark locks fell into her face when she sighed and leaned forward to pour Fatima and I a glass of iced sweet tea.

"Seriously, Estelle, because I'm almost a hundred percent positive that some thing's coming," Fatima said urgently.

I nodded. "And some thing's going on with mine and Tima's gifts. She felt like she got thrown against the wall. I didn't. All I saw was the blue light and the explosion."


Fatima and I nodded and, in unison, said, "Yep, that's what we're banking on it being."

Estelle huffed, "I hate explosions and they're bad omens. As far as your gifts, I wouldn't fret too much. It could be something as simple as the two of you are growing as psychics. If something happens, let me know so I can make a phone call to a healer friend of mine. He's great at getting the debris from your chakras."

"Thanks, but back to the vision. Your equating it to the Apocalypse obviously means a few things. A, its pretty bad and b, you've felt it too." Fatima's obviously getting frustrated. I would be too if I were in her neon blue All-stars.

Estelle licked her lips nervously and sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "Fine, fine, I guess I've stalled enough. You see, me and a couple gifted friends have sort of sensed...something about to happen. Its definitely bad. The thing is, we don't know when or how its going to get here, or even what it is. I could call them up and we could get some coffee over at Mocha Motion and head to the park to discuss things. There will be one or two kids a little older than yourselves."

"Tomorrow, then? Straight after school." I grabbed Fatima's hand and squeezed it tightly. She returned it and I felt her hand trembling slightly. Never had I seen her so shaken up. She was usually the strong one, always collected.

Estelle nodded and the front door opened. "Mama!" A deep male voice called. Estelle's face hardened and she ushered us into a standing position. Her son, Harlem, had know clue about what was going on. He was only fourteen and there was no reason to get him involved if he showed no signs of being gifted. "I'll call Tima's cell phone," she whispered furiously.

We nodded and eased passed Harlem. He smiled at us and waved as we drove off. "She was no fucking help whatsoever!"

"Tima!" I shouted, "Estelle's only human like the rest of us, she's doing the best she can with what's she's got. It isn't like the Universe is giving us many things to go by in the first place!"

"You think I don't know that already?!" Fatima shouted, hitting the dash board with her fist. If she kept it up, the air bag would come out and suffocate her.

"I know you know that, Tima, I can see inside your head, remember? Its just that you're acting like a spoiled brat. Estelle's had longer to develop her abilities, but that doesn't make her Wonder Woman, all right? Try meditating. I hear that solves some serious problems," I tell her, reaching over and patting her hand. She sighs and I know she doesn't believe me. I rolled my eyes. "I can help. I need some insight on whats going on with our powers. Whatever it is, we've gotta be ready and this funk we're in isn't going to help our situation."

"I guess you're right." Fatima pinches the bridge of her nose. She grinned. "You think I can get inside Jamie's head like I can yours?"

I laughed. "Just 'cause you can dig your way through my thoughts doesn't mean you can do the same to everyone else's brains."

She pouted. "It sucks that I can only hear what he's thinking. I'd like to know what was going through his mind when we went to that party and-"

"Stop! Ugh, so do not need that mental image of my sister and Jamie doing anything remotely like that."

"Then get out of my head!" she said, slapping her knee as she laughed hard.

I glowered. "Don't think I haven't tried."