Status: Vote For Favortie Chapter to decide which becomes the story;

Story Contest

Demon (Choice One)

I arrived at the location at where the trade had been decided to take place. It was a barren empty stretch, little more than a wasteland. No trees, no buildings, little patches of grass here and there. But it was a wise decision on their part, it gave perfect view of me from far away and gave me no form of cover or protection should I try anything. I stood alone, knowing they were watching me, but alone for over five minutes before a move by the other party was made. It came in the form of a black SUV approaching me and then stopping a good distance away. Four men dressed in all black suits including ski masks exited the vehicle, two staying behind while the other two approached me, stopping within ten feet of me. One, the leader, spoke,

“I assume you agree to our terms then?” I nodded, knowing full well the terms he spoke of meant me loosing my life. “Good. Don’t try anything or my men will kill her before you have the chance to even blink.” It was obvious by his tone that he was serious, and why wouldn’t he be. This man was a cold blooded killer and I was someone who had caused him quite a bit of trouble. He tossed me something, handcuffs. I looked up at him, it was hard to believe he was serious. “Just in case, we don’t want anything to go wrong now do we?” I shook of his joking tone and placed the handcuffs on my own wrists. “Good boy…” They took a step toward me.

“Wait…” They stopped.

“What is it?”

“Let her go first.” He laughed before answering, his men chuckling with him.

“Fair enough. Let her go!” He called to the two men back at the SUV, who then proceeded to pull a squirming girl out of the backseat. The girl’s clothes were dirty and torn, and there was a bag over her head. One of the men pulled a pistol out of his shirt, pointing it toward the girl, while the other pulled the sack off her head.

“Marico…” I whispered as I saw her. There was no mistaking it. Her soft brown hair, matted and dirty as it now was, short in the back with her bangs falling gently past her eyes. Her smooth pale skin, even through the dirt and grime that coated her it glowed with a beauty that dazzled me. Her face, scrunched in pain and sadness, still an image of an angel. Even after days in confinement and harsh treatment, she still was so beautiful. She looked over to me, her deep brown eyes connecting with my own shining blue ones.

“Markus!” She screamed, her voice weak and shrill. Tears openly fell down her cheeks as she cried out my name. “Don’t do it Markus! Don’t give your life for mine! Save yourself!” Her words cut deeper than any blade could, but I could not listen to her. I couldn’t. In order to save her life I would have to give my own in turn, that was the terms And that was something I was willing to do.

“Shut up!” The man with the gun struck her on the back of her head with the butt of his pistol, causing her to fall face first onto the ground and also creating a steady flow of blood. The chains of my cuffs grew taunt as I saw this, I took a step toward the man who had hit Marico. The other man in front of me pulled out his own piston and aimed it straight at me. The leader who spoke earlier once again spoke,

“Now now there‘s no need to be upset. We can do this civilized. Now, if you please.” He motioned for me to get on my knees, and I followed his instructions. The leader took the gun away from the man who was aiming at me and took an aim of his own right at my heart. I looked up at him before he pulled the trigger,

“You will let her go after I’m dead, right?” The leader simply smiled and said one final thing,

“The things you believe…” He emptied the clip, eight bullets, directly into my chest. I fell to the ground with a thud, a pool of my own blood beginning to form around me. Everything became dark, blurry. Light, feeling, sound, all of it began to fade. There was little pain, only a feeling of numbness that quickly overtook my entire body. I felt someone roll me over, a faint sound of crying. A familiar voice, she was crying over me. Marico…. I couldn’t speak, all the air had left my lungs already. It was faint but there were words.

“Markus… Markus you cant die… I can‘t go on without you….” She held on to me, even as she was pulled off of my body she clung to me with everything she had.

“Let go!” The leader’s voice this time, I opened my eyes a little to see him throw her off of me. She fell to the ground in a bloody teary pile, while I lay only a few feet away my pulse slowing by the second. His arm lifted as he prepared to strike her,

“Wait…” It was faint but he heard me. He turned back to me, surprised I was even alive.

“Still alive huh. Impressive even for you but you don’t have much longer. Enjoy your last few seconds while I kill the girl.” He laughed hysterically and struck Marico. Somehow she didn’t loose consciousness and looked over to me, pleading in both her eyes and her voice.

“Markus… don’t die… we didn’t fulfill our dream yet… don’t die….” He lifted his arm once again in order to strike her.

“Wait…” This time it was louder, and the leader turned this time as he did last time. Only this time I wasn’t laying on the ground bleeding seconds away from death. I was standing a few feet away, oblivious of the eight bullet holes in my body.

“I-Impossible!!!” He took a step back from me, they all did. I opened my eyes, not their normal shade of bright ice blue, but a burning yellow my pupils elongated like that of a serpent. I pulled apart the handcuffs that bound my wrist, the broken chains dangling a few inches down. My voice was savage, bloodthirsty, inhuman.

“Get Away From Her!!!”