Status: Indefinite Hiatus. Really sorry to report that I lost all ideas for this.


Everyone's A Mystery

Two weeks had passed since the CBOE masquerade. Pat and Jon hadn't had any luck in finding the girls from the party so far. The rest of the team could tell that those girls made a big impact on the two young guys, for they hadn't seen Pat or Jon go through this much for any other girls before. Of course the team still teased the two about it but they were secretly pleased that Pat and Jon had found girls that quite obviously didn't care about the fame and money, but the boys themselves. The fact that the girls were making them work for their affection was a plus, especially in Pat's case because he had gotten so used to having his way with women without working for it. His ego had definitely come down a few notches in the weeks following the party and everyone had noticed a big difference in him, on and off the ice.

Pat and Jon tried not to think about the girls too much but when they weren't busy, they found their thoughts drifting to visions of pretty blue eyed blondes. They found themselves in that very predicament until they were interrupted by a shout.

"Kaner, Tazer! Come on, we want to hit as many haunted houses as possible!" Patrick 'Sharpie' Sharp yelled from the front door of Jon's apartment.

The two snapped out of their dazes and grabbed their jackets, rushing to the front door.


"You know, I almost feel bad for not giving them any clues." The blonde that had been Robin mused out loud as she laid out her outfit for the night.

Her look-alike glanced at her curiously, laying out her own outfit.

"Really?" She asked. "I do too. Jon looked really upset when we left."

"But then I remember Wonder boy's reputation and suddenly I don't feel so bad." 'Robin' finished with a wry smirk.

"Chelsea!" The other girl attempted to scold her but failed due to laughter.

"What?" Chelsea grinned. "You know its true Bri."

"Maybe it is, but you don't have to be so mean!" She laughed.

Chelsea giggled faintly and disappeared into her bathroom to take a shower while Bri did the same in her own bathroom.

Aine-Chelsea WreyAnn Sinclair and Brianna Coralie-Ryanne Williams were childhood friends, born roughly 6 months apart (Chelsea in late April and Bri in mid October) and lived two houses apart growing up. They tended to act more like twins than just best friends, often prompting people to question whether or not they really were twins. They moved into an apartment together shortly after graduating from high school. Both were currently taking classes at the nearby college; Chelsea was looking to become a medical trainer for professional wrestling or hockey while Bri wanted to be a journalist for a pro wrestling magazine. Both girls were very big fans of WWE and of the NHL as well, proven by the fact that they had been able to recognize the Blackhawks even while they wore masks and costumes.

Chelsea came out of the bathroom with her hair mostly dry and got dressed, taking care to put on the white tights gingerly so that she wouldn't tear a hole in them. She brushed out the wrinkles in the skirt of the Alice In Wonderland costume and went back into the bathroom to finish her hair. Her hair was mostly straight with the ends curled and held back with a headband that had a bow on it. Once she was done getting ready, she put her wallet and phone into the hidden pocket under the apron.

Chelsea wandered out to the living room where she found Bri waiting for her, dressed as the Mad Hatter.

"Ready?" Bri asked.

"Let me grab my keys." Chelsea replied after putting her black flats on.

Chelsea found her keys and they walked out the door. When they stepped out of their apartment building, they were surprised to see quite a few people in costumes, roaming about.

"I love Halloween." Bri giggled as they spotted a man dressed in a penguin costume.

"Definitely one of the best holidays ever." Chelsea agreed.

They climbed into Chelsea's car.

"Ready to hit some haunted houses?" Bri grinned.

"Hell yeah!"


"That one was kind of lame." Bri wrinkled her nose as they drove out of the parking lot of the fourth haunted house.

"Yeah, I didn't even jump at all." Chelsea also wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "We can cross that one off the list. Shall we head to our favorite one?" She added, glancing at Bri from the corner of her eye.

"Heck yeah, let's do it!" Bri cheered. "We've gone there five years in a row and they managed to make us scream every damn time!"

Chelsea laughed. "So true!"

"How many times did we scream last time?" Bri asked.

"I think I screamed four or five times, you were like three or four." Chelsea mused.

"Ah good times, good times." Bri grinned.

Chelsea snickered and agreed with a nod. "Indeed."


"This one doesn't look much like a haunted house." Duncan Keith said from the back of Dustin 'Buff' Byfuglien's SUV.

"I'm with Duncs." Kris Versteeg agreed, peering out into the darkness.

"Its all outside." Sharpie informed them from the passenger seat.

"This place is supposed to be really good." Adam Burish spoke up from the middle row. "They've got all sorts of awards and shit."

"Seems interesting." Brent Seabrook commented as Buff found a parking spot.

Pat and Jon, along with the other six guys, climbed out of the car and walked into the building. They went up and stood in line, paying for their admission. The lady informed them that there would be a fifteen minute wait and pointed them to the large waiting area that was filled with wooden picnic tables. They all sat down and observed their surroundings.


"Looks like we might have a wait." Bri commented as they pulled into their favorite haunted 'house'.

"Yeah, looks like it." Chelsea agreed as they got out and went inside.

They walked up to the table to purchase their admissions and the lady behind the table grinned at them.

"Well if it isn't our favorite girls!" She exclaimed, earning the attention of the other workers as well as countless customers.

Chelsea and Bri laughed, waving at the other workers. They eagerly waved back.

"Love the outfits ladies." The other lady behind the table said, admiring their costumes.

"Thank you." They both chorused, curtsying.

"There's a ten minute wait so you know the drill." The first lady informed them after they paid.

The girls saluted and turned to the tables, eyes going wide as they spotted the eight Blackhawks sitting there. Most of them were talking amongst themselves but Dustin, Pat, and Jon were looking back the girls curiously. Pat and Jon frowned slightly, studying Bri and Chelsea.

"I think they might recognize us." Bri hissed in Chelsea's ear.

"I know." She hissed back. "You'll be Maddy and I'll be Alice. Don't forget the next part of the clues."

Bri nodded subtly and they walked over to the Hawks.

"Let me guess, its Alice and Maddy this time?" Jon guessed, his tone filled with amusement.

"He's good." Chelsea laughed, elbowing Bri.

Bri giggled and agreed. "He is."

Bri sat next to Jon and Dustin scooted over to make room between himself and Pat for Chelsea. Chelsea ended up pressed against Pat's side but neither of them minded. Chelsea turned to look at Dustin and studied him for a moment while he watched her with a raised eyebrow.

"Chewbacca right?" She questioned.

Dustin threw back his head and laughed. "You got a smart one Kaner." He declared, reaching over to smack the almost 21 year old on the back.

Pat just rolled his eyes but there was an amused half smile on his face.

"Can you do the noise?" Chelsea asked Dustin after poking him to get his attention.

Dustin smirked and did a spot on impression of Chewbacca's growl.

Chelsea squealed and busted out laughing. "That is AWESOME!" She said between fits of laughter.

Dustin and Pat watched with amusement.

"I am SO calling you Chewie now." Chelsea informed Dustin once she calmed down.

Dustin laughed. "Good to know."

"So you've been here before?" Pat interjected, nudging Chelsea lightly.

"We've been coming here every Halloween for 6 years now." Chelsea replied.

"Doesn't it get boring?" Dustin asked.

She shook her head. "Not at all, they change it up every year." A smirk came across her face. "They've made us scream every damn year so far."

Pat and Dustin chuckled.

"Though I might not be as jumpy if I had guys like you to walk with." Chelsea teased, eyeing both of them.

"I dunno, what do you think Buff?" Pat questioned. "Are you up for being a bodyguard?"

Dustin grinned. "Sure why not."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait, this chapter was being a pain. Hope you guys liked this one!

Btw, Aine is pronounced Awn-yuh and Ryanne is pronounced Rye-ann.

Thanks to all the commenters and subscribers, the readers too of course!