Status: This story is finished.

She Didn't Deserve This

Chapter one of two

The smell of blood and death filled the air. A dirty blonde girl, who looked no older than 18 stood motionlessly in a dim-lighted room, staring at nothing. The smell of iron filled her nose, also making her gag when her senses came too. The smell was so strong; she never smelt anything so strong in her life. She wiped her forehead with the back of her head, smearing blood, blood that wasn’t hers, on it. The girl dropped the knife that was in her hand. It hit the soft carpet with a thump.

The man that was laying almost lifeless on the floor breathed in quick sharp gasps of air. His forehead shined with sweat as he clutched his chest. His hair was damp from the shower that he had before he was attacked, it looked brown in the dim light, but she knew it was red.

She sank down to her knees. Sounds of sirens came into earshot. She knew someone in the apartment heard everything. She looked into the man’s eyes. She could tell he was starting to fall in and out of consciousness from the blood loss.

“They won’t be able to save you. They’ll be too late,” she whispered in his ear.

Minutes later, cops flooded into the room and pulled the girl away from the dead man’s body. The police officer said something that to her but she didn’t hear him. It went right through one ear and out the other.

She turned her head to get a last glance at the body man being covered by a white blanket. “Payback is a bitch… isn’t it?” she muttered at the officer pushed her out of the room.

* * *

Amy pushed a piece of her chin-length dirty blonde hair behind her ear and bit her soft bottom lip as she searched for her chemistry notebook. Her hazel eyes skimmed over every inch of her locker. It wasn’t there.

“Crap,” she mumbled as she quickly shut the metal door. She jumped, letting a short cry spill out of her mouth, when she turned and her best friend, Jen, standing only a few short inches away from her, holding her missing book is the air. “What the hell Jen? Don’t scare me like that. And what are you doing with my book. Give me that.” Amy reached for the textbook, almost ripping the book free from the friend’s hand.

“You left it in class yesterday so I grabbed it for you. You’re welcome.”

“Oh… thanks. And sorry for ripping the book away. It’s just that I was looking for it every time I came to my locker today.” They linked arms as a couple would do and started heading for class. They weren’t dating, everyone knew that. They both were straight; they just do that because of how close they are. They’re like sisters.

“You’re so coming to a party with me tonight.” Jen said suddenly.

“What? When was this decided?” Amy wasn’t much of a partier. She was more of a stay-at-home-and-watch-discovery-channel kind of person.

“Just now. Aaron invited me to a party and I told him I was only going to go if you could. And he said sure. So you’re going.

“But there is this show on discovery tonight that I have been waiting for all week. It’s about-”

“I don’t want to know what it’s about. Tape it and watch it when you get home. I want you to go to one party before we graduate. Let’s find you a boyfriend so you can finally lose your virginity.”

“Jen, I’m in no rush to lose it. I have different morals than you do. I respect your’s, so respect mine please. I don’t want a relationship right now. And I’m fine with being with a virgin. I want to wait until I at least go to college.”

Jen sighs. “Fine, wait until you’re in college. But you’re still going tonight.” They paused outside of Jen’s classroom. “I’ll pick you up at 7. Wear something cute. Bye!” She quietly kissed her on the cheek before walking into class.

Amy sighed. Tonight was not going to fun. She could feel it.

* * *

“6:45. Great,” Amy mumbled. “Jen is going to be here in 5 minutes and I haven’t even picked out an outfit yet.”

She ruffled through her closet, picking something out, just to throw it back in again. Then she found it. A denim mini skirt. Her mom bought it for her a few months ago, but she never had an occasion to wear it. But she does now. Tonight. Next was the shirt. The first shirt that came into her sight was ugly.


Next wasn’t a shirt for a party… Well yes, it could be for a party… A tea party that is.

“Nope, not that either.”

The next shirt was cute. A gray tank top with black flowers going down one side.

“This will do.”

The clothing Amy had on flew off and the new clothes went on in a flash. She brushed out her blonde hair, pinning a piece that always fell into her eye back with a gray and black snap pin that she used to love to play with when she was younger. Snapping it and unsnapping it. She could have been entertained with the pin for hours.

She looked at the clock, 6:57. No time for make-up. Jen was always on time.

She threw on a pair of black and gray striped flats before going downstairs just as Jen rang the doorbell.

“Bye mom! I’m leaving!” she yelled as she walked towards the door.

“What time will you be back?” her mother replied.

“I don’t know!”

“Well tell Jen to drive safe! I’ll see you tomorrow then!”

Amy quickly walked out of the house and the two girls headed towards a 2000 red Saturn.

“Nice outfit Amy,” Jen said, before reaching towards her friend’s skirt, pulling hard on something. “But next time, you might want to take the tag off the skirt first.”

* * *

The dance music shook the house as more and more people piled into it. Amy lost track of Jen almost as soon as they walked through the door. She been walking around, pushing through the crowds of people trying to look for her friend.

“Hey!” Amy heard behind her. She turned around, hoping it was Jen, but discovering it was a boy. Well not a boy, a man. He looked about 20, with short dark red hair. He had a few freckles on his cheeks. His smile was bright, and his eyes seemed even brighter. “Hi, I’m Chase.”

“I’m Amy,” she said over the music. She didn’t really want to talk to him right now; she wanted to look for Jen.

“Can I get you a drink?” he said in her ear.

She shook her head. “I don’t drink. Sorry. But I’m looking for someone right now so I have to go.” She tried to walk away but he lightly grabbed her arm.

“I can help you. I know a lot of people here. Maybe I’ve seen the person you’re looking for.”

“Sure, I’m looking for Jen. She’s probably hanging out with Aaron or something.” Amy tucked her hair behind her ear as she glanced around the room.

“Want to check up stairs? Maybe they went up there for something,” he suggested. He started walking towards the stairs. “You coming?”

Amy didn’t know if she should or not. She didn’t know this guy. He was older than she was. She didn’t know if he would get the wrong impression if something were to happen. She shrugged off the feelings she was having about going with him and followed him up the stairs.

They searched the bathroom and two of the bedrooms upstairs. “I guess she’s not up here,” Amy sighed aloud while she put her hand on her forehead in frustration.

“We haven’t checked out this room yet,” Chase said, resting against a doorframe. The door beside him was shut but Amy figured it was another bedroom. “Ladies first.”

Amy slowly walked towards the room. She opened the door and it was a bedroom. It looked like it would be Aaron’s parents’ bedroom. She took a few steps in to make sure Jen wasn’t in there, but when she turned around to leave, Chase was standing there. The door shut and locked.

“What-what are you doing?” She asked nervously.

The smile that was on his face wasn’t a friendly smile. It was an evil smile.

* * *