

"So Colby, how are you doing today?" Jen asked with a pleasant smile. She was already prepared for the biting retort he gave.

"Better if you'd all let me the hell out of here," he snapped and she sighed but didn't comment.

"Have you gotten to speak to any of your friends back home?"

"No. My parents won't give me my phone so I don't have their phone numbers. Idiots. They could at least let them know where I'm at."

"That's all you've got Colby? You disappoint me. You sound almost civil," she teased and he gave her the briefest glare before smiling as well. It had taken months but Jen finally felt like she was making progress with the boy. While it hadn't been easy, it had certainly been worth it. The constant calm tone and persistent way she always questioned him had calmed his anger finally, however slightly. It had become more of a cat and mouse and the way he treated her brother… that was astounding. He was just as persistent with the older boy as she had been with him.

After years Colby was getting through just by sitting with him in calm silence. It was these cases that reminded her why she was able to feel accomplished at the end of the day.

"So Jenna doll," Colby said, smirking and she had to take a deep breath. As much progress as was made, he knew how to push her buttons. How she hated that name. "How are you today? Still fending off creeper George? You know, if I ever got out of here, I could take you out. I just turned 18. It would be legal you know."

"Colby," she said with a groan before trying to calm herself once more. "You are a mess kid. George is not a creeper. He's just… a bit overbearing."

"Tell him off Jen. I could if you want, once I get out." No matter what the topic was Colby always brought it back to his discharge, which was still extremely unclear. She didn't have access to such information.

"You'll get out Colby. You aren't trapped here. Give it a little longer. You're a good kid." He just shrugged and Jen shook her head with a tired smile.

"Come on Colby. Rec time. Quiet room again?"

"Main one this time. I finally convinced Liam." Jen paused, looking at the boy who was following.

"I-I suppose that's good that he's getting out into the main hall. He doesn't like noise though. Be careful with-"

"I know Jen, honestly. I've been working up to this for the last three months. He'll be fine but I need to be there when he shows up." She nodded, knowing she had to trust the boy. She had waited years for her brother to brave the main room, even if he didn't talk to anyone.

Colby sat, waiting. The clock read 3:16, so Liam should be here any minute. He had made sure it was a day he had an early appointment with Jen so he could make it before Liam. Sure enough, he was escorted in by a nurse. He smiled at the reminder. She didn't touch him but she did smile and for once he returned it. Liam looked around rather nervously before Colby waved to him and the boy rushed over.

"Hey, you actually came. I'm so proud of you," Colby exclaimed as excitedly as possible in the whisper he was using. Liam beamed at him, excited and it was one of those days that Colby knew all of his hard work with the boy was worth it. To see him so excited, so genuinely happy was worth every ounce of frustration and confusion he had caused. The boy still refused to speak but Colby was sure with a little more work, he would. Eventually he would have to tire of the younger boy's constant babbling but until then, Colby contented himself with the knowledge that his shorter friend was at least hearing plenty from the outside world.

"Well I was talking to Jen today and-" Colby paused as Liam took a breath like he was going to speak before he starting moving his hands. Colby watched carefully trying to decipher the seemingly random motions. "Yeah, George is still asking," he confirmed after a moment and Liam snorted quietly. "I told her to let me talk to him but she laughed at me. You know how your sister is," Colby said with a wink. Liam nodded, still grinning. "I told her she could go out with me and all, since its legal. That'll get George to leave her alone. If it doesn't, well then I don't know what else to do. We could always hire someone to scare him away, right? I doubt you'd want him as a brother-in-law or-" he stopped rambling when he saw Liam's expression. He was still smiling but it seemed forced and his eyes were sad.

When Colby stopped talking Liam raised an eyebrow, moving his hand in a gesture that meant he could keep going but he shook his head. "Liam, what's wrong?" He almost leaned over to give the boy a hug but stopped himself. Physical contact was still new to him, and hugs seemed certainly like overkill. Liam quickly shook his head, again motioning for Colby to go on.

"Talk to me Liam. What just happened?" The boy plastered on a fake smile and Colby gave him a gently scolding glance. "Bull. Now what did I say? You can tell me." Liam frowned for a moment before shrugging in defeat. He briefly cursed Colby. The boy was so persistent. He pointed to Colby and made a J with his finger before crossing them.

"Oh, Liam I was kidding. She's pretty sure but she's like… 26 or something," he said before pausing. "And well, I'm not really into girls…" He watched Liam a bit nervously. He doubted Liam would judge him for it but still, he suspected part of the reason Liam accepted him to begin with was he thought he wasn't really a threat. If Liam thought Colby could potentially like him, he could very easily freak.

Liam watched him for a moment, glaring straight into his eyes before Colby had to look away. The silence seemed deafening all of a sudden, even with everyone else still laughing in the room. Liam would give no response of any sort, not even fear, not that he wanted that but at least he'd know where they stood. After a moment Liam smiled, squeezing his hand gently.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, patience was my emotion. I absolutely love Colby and Liam for some reason so, even if it isn't for contest I'll probably keep going with the one shots or maybe even a legitimate story