

“Colby! Dude get it!” Colby shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts as he saw Bryce waving at him, yelling. Colby cursed, rushing after the ball and managing to just save it from falling to the opposing team, dribbling it as far down the field as he could until another of his teammates were open. He sent the ball flying, one hard, swift kick making it hit its target perfectly. Colby threw himself into the game, forcing his thoughts to focus only on the little black and white ball; his lifeline.

“Man, are you ok?” Bryce asked as he jogged over, tossing a careless arm around his friend. “You’re the captain dude. You can’t be zoning when we’re this close to making it!” Bryce made a gesture, pinching the air to emphasis just “how close” they were.

“I’m fine. It’s whatever,” Colby said, laughing it off. “We made it so chill. I’m always focused.”

“Not the last week,” Bryce said, tone losing some of its teasing lilt. “You’ve been off man like, really weird. Something happened didn’t it?” Colby knew when he laughed his voice was off, smile not quite sincere and of course Bryce would have noticed. They had been friends for years, through anything the world threw at them. “Something happen between you and Nate? He hit you?”

“No, no nothing happened,” Colby said, waving it off. He laughed a little more sincerely, grateful for his friendship with the older boy. He had taken the whole “I’m gay and am dating some dude” issue pretty well, even assuming an even more overprotective role. Colby could talk to him, almost opened up right then but stopped himself. It wasn’t Bryce’s problem to deal with.

“That’s bull and we both know it. I’m here if you need to talk,” Bryce promised, tightening his grip on Colby’s shoulder in a hug before releasing him. “You coming out tonight?” Colby shook his head and Bryce nodded easily. They parted with a quick goodbye and Colby found himself suddenly alone. The air was cool, refreshing and the game had gone on late. It was nearly dark now, and Colby found himself reveling in it. He had always loved the darkness.

Tonight he found himself shaking though, the breeze cutting and the near-dark threatening. He needed to leave, to run. That was when he found himself sprinting suddenly, legs eating up ground as he rushed over the parking lot and eventually reached the street. He didn’t think about it, didn’t even glance at the cars that might be around, just continuing to run.

He dodged two cars, each having to slam their breaks to avoid hitting him. He used his arm to hop over the front of each, landing and already in motion. Horns blared but he didn’t care. He needed out. Now.

When he finally stopped Colby frowned, realizing he was lost and not feeling quite human enough to care. His legs gave out, knees buckling and hitting the concrete of the sidewalk. He grimaced as he saw the piece of gum he almost landed on. The boy took in gasping breaths, desperate to calm himself but then he was sobbing, terrified and choking.

Two weeks later Colby found himself being flown across the country, mother grasping his hand the entire five-hour flight. When he finally stumbled off the plane his legs were stiff, his hand cramped and sweaty. His parents had been watching him fearfully since they’d discovered him along the side of the road in tears. He knew they had good intentions but it was irritating, infuriating really. He didn’t need them to constantly watch over him.

“We found a nice house online,” his mother said as they reached baggage claims. “It’s really fantastic. You’re going to love it.”

“I’m sure I will,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Bryce won’t be there by any chance will he?” Colby knew he should have been more upset about being separated from Nate after a year of dating but he really didn’t feel much remorse about that. Instead he wanted Bryce. Bryce. His brother, his best friend. Damn it; the only one who would have told him to stop being such a dick to everyone.

“This is for the best Colby,” his father said sternly. “You need a fresh start.”

“Why? The bitch is dead! Can’t get much more fresh of a start than that,” he snapped, drawing looks from around the airport. His father almost scolded him for his language; he could see the words fighting to escape his lips. Instead he sighed and shook his head in exasperation.

“Give this a chance.”

A chance. A chance had ended up with him being checked into some mental facility. What the hell? How was that a fresh start? He could have just gone to one closer to Pleasanton and never had had to move. Even there everyone seemed to be treading lightly, making him livid.

Colby knew they had to have had much worse cases than his own. Did they seriously act this idiotic with everyone? How could they manage to be a top-rate facility with their nervous glances.

It was only during his first counseling appointment that he smiled for the first time since his parents found him. His counselor was pretty but even better, she was blunt. He couldn’t help but grin in surprise.

“So, who put you in here?”
♠ ♠ ♠
this story kills me. it really does. once again, I have a totally different plan for this chapter (as in, it was gonna be Colby and Liam) but this happens. *sigh*