I Still Need You, But I Don't Want You Now

A Series of One Shots.

I've decided to try and write a series of one-shots centering around relationships or more specifically the end of relationships (cynical i know). These are all standalones and only related in genre. These have been extremely hard for me to write, probably the hardest things i've ever put down on paper- so comments or any feedback would be much more appreciated than ever before.

Story One:
"Love is letting it go, love is watching it soar and dance in the air, free to waltz as much as it likes, like it is born to do.

I tried to trap my butterfly. I wanted her all to myself; I made her happy I’d tell myself. You make her cry my reflection would scold.
I wanted to keep the beauty so much; I wanted to be the one who made her waltz in the air. I wanted it too much, so much that I was slowly killing it. The wings were growing weaker and weaker.

And she wanted me too, she wanted me too much, she needed me to breathe. She never wanted to leave my hands, she was happy being trapped behind my palms for all eternity. But that was the problem, she needed it too much, I was the wind behind her wings, I was the only thing keeping her from falling.

But I had to let her fall. I had to. "
  1. Rainbow Wings
    One-Shot; Number One.