Status: Done

Shut Up!


Shut up, just shut up, shut up
Shut it up, just shut up, shut up

Sergio and Eva

We try to take it slow
But we’re still losing control
And we try to make it work
But it still ends up the worst
And I’m crazy
For trying to be your lady
I think I’m going crazy

“Another one Sergio, how about this one? You want me to keep going? I have about 7 other magazines with pictures of you with a million different girls! You know, I’d love to go celebrate with you when you guys win, I don’t mind going out to the clubs, you just assume that I’d rather not, and then this shit happens while I’m sitting at home waiting up for you to get back!” I yelled as I threw one of the magazines at him from across the kitchen counter. He was sitting at the counter while I finished washing dishes and decided to bring up all the magazines with new articles that I found while I was out for my morning run today.

“Eva, these are just photos, it’s not like anything is going on, you know paps just love to take whatever photos they can.” I scoffed at his lies.

“Yeah, and you just happen to have your arm around a girls waist every single fucking time. He tenido bastante de esto, yo me prometí que esto sería la última vez. Usted se aprovecha de mi amor y eso no es Sergio correcto. Yo no la me sentaré y permitiré que usted andar por todas partes mí. Yo no andaré estas calles mientras personas me dan miradas simpáticas porque saben que estafa en mí. Yo no puedo mantener una sonrisa en la cara y permitir que lo ir ya.” (I've had enough of this, I promised myself this would be the last time. You take advantage of my love and that is not right Sergio. I am not going to sit her and let you walk all over me. I am not going to walk these streets while people give me sympathetic looks because they know you are cheating on me. I cannot keep a smile on my face and let it go anymore.) I ran up the steps into our bedroom to grab a duffel bag and throw some clothes in it. I could hear his heavy footsteps running up the steps behind me. I let out a frustrated sigh as I could only find his duffel bags with a boot or one of his training jerseys in the random ones I picked up. I finally found one that was still his, but it was empty. His hand grasped my wrist rather roughly, trying to get me to drop the bag. “¡Sergio, suelta!” (Sergio, let go!) He didn’t listen, so I turned to him, seeing the furious look in his face as his jaw locked. He finally spoke, only to cleverly mimick me, in a eerie calm voice.

“Eva, suelta.” (Eva, let go.)

Girl it’s a mission trying to get you to listen
Few mad at each other has become our tradition
You yell, I yell, everybody yells
Got neighbors across the street saying “Who the hell?”
Who the hell? What the hell’s going down?
Too much bickering, kill it with the sound

I dropped the bag as the phone rang in the background. Sergio let go of my wrist and held up his hand as he backed up towards the nightstand to grab the phone.

“Hola? Ninguna Sra. Garcia, todo es fino, acabamos de mirars un partido de fútbol. Nada preocuparse por, acaba de conseguir un poco entusiasmado y gritado en la televisión. Gracias. Adiós.” (No Mrs. Garcia, everything is fine, we were just watching a football match. Nothing to worry about, she just got a little excited and yelled at the television. Thank you. Bye.) I quickly took advantage of the opportunity as Sergio was on the phone. I grabbed the bag I had dropped and started throwing some jeans and shirts into it. As Sergio hung up the phone I threw the bag over my shoulders and grabbed my keys, running out of the room just as Sergio got up off the bed to come towards me. I could hear him coming up behind me, but I slammed the front door before he could grab me, I heard him smack into the door which caused me to laugh as I sighed, holding the doorknob before turning my back and heading to my car.

Cristiano and Vanessa

Let’s forget the past and let’s start this new plan.

Why? Cause it’s the same old routine and then next week I hear them scream.

Girl I know you’re tired of the things they say.

You’re damn right because I heard them lame damn excuses just yesterday.

That was a different thing.

No it ain’t.

That was a different thing.

It was the same damn thing
Same ass excuses
Boy you’re useless!

“Vanessa, come on, I didn’t even do anything with her.” I shook my head as I continued to throw clothes into the suitcase in front of me.

“You said that last time, and the time before.”

“But it’s the truth!” I let out a low laugh as I zipped up the luggage and stood up in front of Cristiano.

“Think of it this way, now you can have all the girls you want without feeling guilty about it, that is, if you ever felt guilty in the first place. Tell me, did you ever accidentally say my name when you were with them in bed?” Cristiano’s mouth fell open, speechless. “That’s what I thought. Bye Ronnie.” I gently kissed his cheek as a farewell and walked out of bedroom. I was stopped at the stairs by Ronaldo pulling at my wrist. He pulled hard enough to have me turn around to face him.

“I didn’t do anything, you have to believe me.”

“The mags say differently, have you seen your face on page 12 this morning? The blonde is nice, but I didn’t find her to be your type.” I shook his hold on my wrist and turned back around to go down the steps.

“Where are you going? Vanessa, please don’t go!”

We try to take it slow
But we’re still losing control
And we try to make it work
But it still ends up the worst
And I’m crazy
For trying to be your lady
I think I’m going crazy


“Thanks for picking me up Sonia.”

“Eso es qué hermanas son para.” (That’s what sisters are for.) I smiled at my sister as she focused on driving before asking me what happened.

“Eva Medina, it’s been so long since the powerful defender of our country’s National Team stole your heart. So what did Sergio do this time to make you fly all the way to Manchester to see your dear sister in another fucking country?” I smiled at her use of words and sighed before replying.

“Enough to make me not want to see his face again. Remind me to never date a footballer ever again. I just need to be away from Madrid for a while, until I can figure things out at least.”

“It’s too bad, mom really liked him, and footballers are fit, don’t rule them all out. Take all the time you need here sis.” I laughed at her reasoning.

“That’s because he was a different person around mom, and as far as I know, footballers may be fit, but they’re cocky arrogant bastards.”

“Now that’s just Sergio, and the anger towards him that’s talking.” She patted my knee as she let out a chuckle. It was true, most of Sergio's teammates weren’t as bad as he was, there’s no way to describe him honestly. He’s just Sergio. “Don’t worry, you’ll forget about him tonight, I’m going to take you out, and then you can grieve tomorrow, but tonight, you’re going to let go.” I smiled at my sister as we pulled up to her house.


“Vanessa Perez, welcome back to Madrid, and what do I owe the pleasure to?" Iker asked as he drove through the streets from the airport.

“Fucking footballers, arrogant, cocky bastards…sorry Iker.” I looked up at my best friend as he let out a light laugh as he shook his head.

“Don’t worry about it Vanessa, I’m gonna go along with it being the anger talking, and that you don’t really mean that, at least about all of us. The boy must’ve done something really bad to make you act like this.” I just nodded and turned to look out the window.

“I wanna go out tonight, can you manage to set that up for me dear friend? I’m home and would love a welcoming party, if you know what I mean.” Iker raised and eyebrow as he looked at me while we stopped at a red light.

“¿Quiere olvidarse el Porto?” (You want to forget the Porto?) I nodded, smiling in response.

“Something like that, just make it happen, call some people, make me wake up tomorrow ready to start the mourning process, but tonight, I just want to forget. Don’t lecture about how I shouldn’t do this to forget him, this is how I want it to happen.”

“Of course Vanessa.” I smiled and melted back into the seat as I stared out the window again, ready for a drink.


“Shit!” I threw her pillow against the wall as I sat onour bed. I picked up the phone on the first ring as it started to fill the house.

“What?!” I answered angrily, only to hear Rooney’s voice.

“Hey mate, don’t know what’s wrong, but it sounds like I called at the perfect time. We’re going out again tonight, come on out, it’ll do your tension good, at least it sounds like it would.” I sighed remembering this was exactly why Vanessa left me, but I did need to get out. I don’t want to be in this house right now, everything here just reminds me of her.

“Sure, just get me in 20 minutes.” I hung up, throwing the phone down. Another night…most likely going to be another girl too.


“Iker, I don’t know if I want to go out tonight.”

“Come on Sergio, you’re the last person I’d expect to not want to come out. A dear friend of mine is back in town and I want her to enjoy tonight, so I’m calling everyone up to come out, and you better be there.” The line was silent for a bit, and I knew that Iker was waiting for me to agree to go. I sighed and replied.

“Which club?” I swear I could hear him smiling in his voice.

“Ocho y Medio.” (A/N:That’s a real club in Madrid, 8 and medium, bahaha) I said my goodbyes and hung up to get ready. Exact reason Eva left, fuck it, bring the girls. I’d love to hear her voice yell at me over the phone now, she still loves me, I know it, she’ll be back, just like last time.


“Best club in Manchester?” I questioned my sister as the music was blasting, all the bodies on the dance floor looked like a sea of humans.

“Only the best for my little sister.” She kissed my cheek and wandered off to dance, leaving me to myself. I walked towards the bar to order a drink, thinking that I’d make the best of the night. I took the beer bottle from the bartender and pulled out my money from my bra only to have a hand come out before mine to pay for my drink. I looked up the arm of the person to see his face. Who would’ve thought the first guy I see after Sergio is Cristiano fucking Ronaldo, footballers, not again.

“Thanks, but you didn’t have to.” He gave me one of his crooked smiles that faltered as I turned to walk away. No more footballers I kept repeating in my head, but I couldn’t help but to think maybe one more as he grabbed my hand to pull me back. I kind of liked the feeling of his hand in mine…maybe I would give this one a try, one last footballer? Maybe? “Cristiano?” He nodded as if to ask my name. “Eva…let’s make this happen, yeah?” His smile grew a bit wider, but his expression never faltered. It was time to see if Sergio liked a taste of his own medicine.


“Fuck you Cristiano Ronaldo!” I yelled as a group of Iker’s friends and I raised our shot glasses in the air. A few cheers were let out as we downed the shots and slammed the glasses down. Iker sat next to me, sipping on the same beer he’s had for the past 2 hours as he shook his head at me, smiling. “I didn’t know you guys hated him as much as I do.” I laughed and filled my glass again as I passed the tequila to the man named Sergio sitting next to me.

“What are you thinking Vanessa?” Sergio leaned down and whispered in my ear. This one seemed different, footballer, of course, I can’t seem to get away from them, but I was feeling that he wouldn’t do me wrong the way Ronnie did. I leaned up to his ear, wrapping my arm around his neck to pull him down a bit.

“I’m thinking of how I’m going to end up in your bed tonight, and all the different things you’re thinking of doing to me right now.” I let my hand slip from around his neck and land on his crotch ‘accidentally’ and brush down to rest my hand on his knee. Hey, if Cristiano can have a bit of fun…I guess I’d find out for myself why he wouldn’t stop doing what he would do, but maybe it would last with Sergio, he doesn’t seem like the cocky type…just maybe it’d work. We both exchanged glances as he winked at me before we tilted our heads back to down the shots we had in our hands. Let’s see how you like being the one on the opposite end of this argument Cristiano.


Oh if only the girls knew what they were in for...
♠ ♠ ♠
Read the description guys, it explains EVERYTHING! I hope it wasn't confusing :) I don't like making the boys out to be that bad...but it was fun. I highly doubt they'd be that horrible to a woman...they both love woman too much hahaha