Status: active

For Emma, Forever Ago

No Sunlight

"Don't tell me that you've never done it, either, Emma....." Gabe said, grazing his hands nervously through his hair. The sweat resting upon his brow was a direct product of the argument that currently enveloped our time and left both of us nervous wrecks.

"How could you even ask such a thing at a time like this? From the moment that I agreed to marry you, I've never even thought of loving anyone else." I retorted, feeling a strange mix of anger, nervousness, and betrayal.

"Well, there's nothing more for me to say. I'm sorry that I've wasted your time like this, but Sarah and I have a connection that I've never felt with anyone else. I didn't mean for this to happen, was nature that tore us apart." He whispered, a dark mood sweeping over the room as if the lights were turned out. I could feel the distance between us. Not physically, but metaphorically. My world was separating from me, and I couldn't stop it.

"Just go." I choked out through dry tears and heaves.

"I'll always love you, Emma....." his voice trailed into the blackness which was enveloping me. I felt weak. My eyes were confused, as was my mind. Everything about me had just been wrecked within the course of an hour. I sank to the floor and let the darkness take me in....
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's a bit short, but it felt awkward to move on within the same chapter! Okay, so tell me if you like the beginning or not. Feedback would be great. I've got a really great vision for this story and I'd love it if people actually read it! :)

Just so you know, the title for the story came from the song For Emma, Forever Ago by Bon Iver. Brilliant music. And the title for this chapter came from the song of the same name by Death Cab For Cutie, also a staple in my iTunes library!

One love,