Too Much Too Young

Feeling Good

A tall, brown haired guy stood in a room full of people. It wasn’t that the place was completely filled up, but there were quite a few people around. Not too loudly, but definitely not quietly, there was music playing as the people were dancing around, hanging out and having fun. The dark haired man, Chris Wolstenholme, was drinking a beer; it was definitely not his first drink of the night, nor was it going to be his last.

On the tall guy’s shoulder was sitting a much shorter man. The short, slim guy had dyed red hair and a pair of bright blue eyes. He was holding a bottle of beer in each of his hands, both bottles were nearly full. Raising his hands in the air, Matthew Bellamy smiled widely. The young man threw his head backward and opened his mouth wide, then poured beer from both bottles down his throat.

Beer was dripping from the red haired guy’s mouth, slipping down his chin and onto his neck and clothes.

“What the hell?” Chris asked as some liquid landed on top of his head. Looking up, he saw his older friend drinking loosely, letting the beer spill all over the place.

A few steps away from the odd pair of friends, was standing a guy just a few months older than them. The guy’s dyed brown hair was spiked up, and his gray eyes held an unfocused gaze. The guy was looking down at his hand, staring drunkenly the glass resting in his palm. Without any extra thinking, Dominic Howard drank the shot he’s been holding, throwing the glass to the floor as soon as he was done. The sound of it break wasn’t even heard, not to him, not in such state of mind.

With the newly added alcohol in his blood, Dominic started dancing around. His dancing soon turned into spinning roundly in growing speed. It didn’t take longer than five seconds for him to get completely dizzy, but he didn’t stop; not until he fell down to the floor.

For a few seconds, Dominic remained laying down on the ground; but soon after he had felt the world spinning around him, and he didn’t like it. He got up quickly, trying desperately to keep his body steady, but horribly failing. The world seemed to spin around him even faster and it was getting harder for him to not fall down again.

Instead of trying to stand still, the young guy decided to play along with the world and spin around as well, to the opposite side of the world. To him, it sounded very logical. And for a few seconds, it actually worked. For a few seconds, as Dominic span around the room, the world seemed fine. That was only until he hit someone.

“Get off, Bells,” Chris said as beer was slowly dripping onto his head. The young musician on his shoulders didn’t even hear him; he wasn’t quite focused on what was happening around him.

Just as the young bassist was trying to get Matthew off his back, a young drummer crushed into him. Chris had nearly lost his balance, the weight on his shoulder and the hit from the crash caused him to stumble, but somehow he managed not to fall to the ground. His two older friends, though, both found themselves on the floor.

“Ah, my beer!” The red haired guy exclaimed as he saw his bottles hit the ground and break into a million pieces. With a disappointed look on his face, Matthew Bellamy got up and stood next to his taller friend. “You owe me a beer,” he said jokingly, trying to keep a straight face while speaking.

The taller figure looked over to the blue eyed guy and laughed slightly. “You wish. It wasn’t even my fault,” Chris answered, an amused smile on his face. “You dropped me!” Matthew argued, but cracked a smile as well. “No I didn’t, someone bumped into me,” Chris explained, taking a sip from his beer.

As of to an unspoken sign, Chris and Matthew looked down to the floor, to see who was the person that had bumped into them.

“Hello,” Dominic said cheerfully, waving to his younger friends from down. Matthew and Chris both cracked up laughing, seeing their drunken band mate laying on the floor.

“Dom, didn’t you leave earlier?” Chris asked loudly. There wasn’t an actual reason for him to be shouting, but he felt as if he needed to. “Did I? Where did I go?” Dominic answered surprised and then looked around himself as if he was searching something.

Matthew laughed louder, as his older friend kept looking around himself confused. “Get up, you idiot,” the blue eyed guitarist shouted to his friend from the floor. Dominic stopped looking around himself and looked up again. “Matt!” He said, as if he found something. “Come here, I’ve got a secret for you,” the gray eyed guy said with a drunken smile on his face.

Shaking his head at Dominic, Matthew bent down. “What’s your secret, Dom?” He asked with a slight laugh in his voice, his face covered by an amused smile. “I can’t get up,” Dominic said quietly, as if no one else was allowed to hear. “Why’s that?” Matthew replied, still amused. “Because I’m sick!” Dominic said, any laughter in his voice gone.

Letting out a snigger, Matthew stood back up. “Come on, I’ll help you up,” he said, offering his hand to Dominic. The young drummer took his friend’s arm and pulled himself up, nearly causing them both to fall back to the floor.

“There you go,” Matthew said as Dominic was back up on his feet. “You’re all good, see?” He added with a cheerful smile, not noticing the look on Dominic’s face. “Actually I feel as I’m about to-” Dominic started speaking but got cut off by a sudden stomach sickness. Grabbing his friend’s arm so he wouldn’t fall, Dominic bent forward a little and let himself threw up.

“Disgusting, mate,” the red haired guy claimed as he freed his arm from the older guy’s grip. Chris smacked Matthew on the head and then helped Dominic to remain standing. “Are you alright?” He asked friendly as Dominic coughed slightly.

Dominic smiled slightly, feeling a lot better than a few seconds ago. “Oh yeah I’m fine,” he laughed before taking the beer bottle from his taller friend. Dominic‘s silly behavior caused his two friends to crack up once more.

Chris and Matthew watched as their drunken friend finished quickly the beer bottle in his hand and then gave it back to Chris. “How much did you drink tonight?” Chris asked with a laugh as he took back his beer bottle. “I didn’t even drink anything!” Dominic replied too quickly with an offended voice. Shaking his head, Matthew placed an arm on his friend’s shoulder.

“Come on, let’s take you home,” he said smiling, knowing Dominic had had a little bit too much to drink. In respond, the older guy shrugged, not really caring what was going on around him.

“Matt,” Chris said just before his two friends turned to leave. “You can’t take him home, we’re in Devon,” the tall bassist explained. “Both you and Dom live in London,” he added when he saw that none of his band mates understood his point.

“Well, can we-” Matthew started speaking after a few seconds of thinking, only to be cut off by Chris. “No, you can’t crash at my house again,” he said before letting his friend to finish his sentence. “Fine,” Matthew said, rolling his eyes. “We’ll just go to some hotel or something.”

“Do you need me to come with you?” Chris asked, not sure if his friend was sober enough. “Nah, I think we’d manage to make it to a hotel alive,” Matthew said, laughing slightly. “Alright then, try not to lose him on the way,” Chris said with a smile, seeing as the young drummer had already wandered off.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got hi-” the short musician began to speak, but then realized something was missing. “Where the hell has he gone to?” Matthew wondered out loud and looked around him, trying to spot Dominic between all of the people around.

Chris laughed, watching his friend trying to find the drunken drummer.