Will You Turn My Black Roses Red

Music Class and Fights

The bell rang and we were off to first. I had English. It was okay though because I had it with Whisper.

We were watching “Romeo and Juliet” today, so all the grades for English came together and we watched it. Which meant Adrian and Mason were in my English class today. Grr but so is Savannah. She’s Mason’s girlfriend in case you didn’t know.

So we all got to move the desks around. Mason, Adrian, Savannah, Whisper, and I all huddled together. I got out my blue folder that was just filled with a bunch of paper.

I wrote one four pieces of pieces ‘Hey.’

I even gave one to Savannah, attempting to be nice.

Whisper passed it back to me. ‘Hey, boo. Excited for your DATE.’

‘It’s not a date. You heard him. We’re just friends.’

I passed the note back to her and Mason passed me a paper. Savannah had thrown hers in her bag. Bitch. Excuse my language.

‘So, Adrian told me to bring Savannah with us on our mall day. You sure you want her to come?’

‘Yeah, why not?’

‘Well, you just never really liked her…’

‘Says who!’ I passed the paper back and Adrian passed me the paper.

‘Do you think I should ask out Whisper?’

I sat there staring at the paper. Whoa not what I expected him to ask me.

‘I don’t know sure.’

Whisper and Mason both passed me there papers.

I looked at whisper’s first. ’So, what are you guys talking about right now?’


Then I looked at Mason’s paper. ’Every time you see her you glare and roll your eyes.’

‘Sorry, I don’t like sluts.’

Adrian passed me back the paper. ’Is there anything wrong?’

‘Nope, just peachy. Why?’

Then Whisper, ’What about me?’

‘He wanted to know if he should ask you out.’

Then Mason. ’Look who’s talking.’

My bottom lip quivered. Tears dared to fall. My best friend just called me a slut. The bell rang and I hurriedly grabbed my bag and stuff. I walked out of the room with Whisper following, trying to catch up. I have music next with her. Oh and Mason.

My locker was right by the music room. I threw all my stuff in it because I don’t need anything for music. I walked in the room. Whisper didn’t even say anything the entire time.

I sat down in a chair. Our teacher came in. Mrs. Lisle. She began talking about our next project.

“I am going to put you into groups based on who you are friends with and you will create a band. You will play for the school in our annual battle of the bands. We will have a month to work on this.”

She started calling off names and I zoned out till I heard my name.

“Ashlee, Mason, Whisper, and Tyler.” I immediately thought ‘Can this day get any worst.’

So we went over to one of the set ups and there was a bass, a guitar, drums, and a mic.

Mason, being the controlling jerk he is, started figuring things out. “So, who can play guitar?”

Whisper raised her hand. She’s been playing since she was four.

“I’ll do drums. Ty, do you want to do bass or sing?” Ass isn’t even giving me a choice.


“Then I guess Ashlee is singing now.”

“Okay, my turn.” I said. “We need a name for the band.”

“Lately Forever is Fading.” Whisper automatically said.

“Okay. I like it. Does EVERYONE agree?” Tyler and Mason nodded.

“What song should we do?” I asked.

“I think we should do a cover song.” Tyler suggested.

“Okay, do you have any ideas for a song?”

“Umm how about Heroes by Super Chick?” Mason suggested. “I can sing the boy parts.”

“Okay sounds good. Does everyone know the chords and everything?”

“Yeah.” they all said. Ha this is going to be easy. We just sat there for the next thirty minutes. Whisper and I talked and Ty and Mason just sat there staring at nothing.
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