‹ Prequel: Dance in the Dark.
Status: Semi-active. Slight writer's block. Updates not so often.

Hold Tight to Your Vampire.


As I walked, I kept stumbling on the hem of my dress. The wind whipped my hair around my face as I tried to figure out where I was and why I was in this dress.

“Alice, Alice, Alice.” A voice taunted me from the shadows.

“Who’s there?” I called back, trying to sound brave.

“You’re a foolish little girl, Alice.” The voice taunted again.

“Like I haven’t heard that one before,” I muttered before calling out, “Who’s there?” once more. “What do you want with me?”

“You shouldn’t be alive. Neither should your mother. You shouldn’t even be here!”

“Whoever the hell you are, you’re not scaring me. You’re just being pathetic by hiding in the shadows!” I felt like I was either going to get dizzy or whiplash from turning repeatedly and whipping my head around to check my surroundings.

“Aster can’t protect you forever. Neither can your family. You’re all hell-bound and should die.”

“Well aren’t you positive.” I was beginning to sound like my dad.

“You’re not that tough of a little girl. Stay out of your fiction and maybe you’d have a chance.”

“Excuse me, but last time I checked, vampires are fiction too; or so said to be.”

The voice laughed evilly at me. “You truly are a pathetic little girl, aren’t you?”

“Give her some credit, she’s good at snapping chair legs for stakes, aren’t you Alice?” I’d recognize that voice anywhere.

“Stay the hell away from us, Ashton!” I yelled into the shadows. Clearly this was getting me no where.

“True, true. But she cannot rely on wooden chairs wherever she may be. She knows nothing. She should be dead.” The first voice replied.

“Hello! I am standing right here!” I yelled, getting annoyed.

“You’re all going to die. That’s a promise.” The first voice was female, I could tell that now. And as I recognized that, something splattered against my cheek. When I checked to see what it was, I found that it was blood.

I kept turning, whipping my head around to check my surroundings, and as some of the shadows lifted, I had wished it was still dark.

I saw all of my loved ones brutally murdered before me. Mama, Daddy, Lucky, Aster, everyone.

“Mystic Falls is doomed to hell. You and your pathetic family can’t stand up to me anymore. You’re all going to die.” Ashton said.

I shut my eyes tightly, remembering a song mama used to sing me to sleep with, hoping it would change my surroundings.

“In my field of paper flowers,
And candy clouds of lullaby,
I lie inside myself for hours,
And watch my purple sky fly over me…” I sang.

“You think singing will help you?” The woman said viciously.

“In my field of paper flowers,
And candy clouds of lullaby,
I lie inside myself for hours,
And watch my purple sky fly over me…” I sang again.

I kept singing that chorus over and over until the voices finally stopped and found I really was in a field of paper flowers with candy clouds and a purple sky.

What the hell was going on now…?
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter at last!
I wasn't quite sure what to do,
so I somehow ended up doing this.
How'd you guys like it for a start?
Also, the chapter title is a song I am in loveeeee with by Evanescence♥♥♥
ALSO! Check out Ashiee Ivashkov's sequal to Animal I have become: Nightmare.
Wicked ass story so far ;)
But we both reccomend you read Animal I have become first. Hahaa.
P.s. How do you like the banner? It took me two hours! Hahaa.
Starring: Alice from Alice in Wonderland as Lucky, Carly Smithson from We Are the Fallen as Alice, and what I think is Blaise from the Harry Potter series. Hahaa.
And the eyes, creepy enough? Ehh? hahaa.