‹ Prequel: Dance in the Dark.
Status: Semi-active. Slight writer's block. Updates not so often.

Hold Tight to Your Vampire.

Anonymous V.

Every night for the last few days I’ve had dreams all similar to one another. Voices taunting me, people lying dead on the ground, they only keep getting worse and more vivid. I haven’t been able to get more than two hours of sleep each night.

I rubbed my eyes as I tried to focus on the book I was reading on the couch. I had to get my mind of off those stupid dreams somehow; and what better way than with a Harry Potter novel?

I never knew how good of a reader I was until I started reading this series. I only started a few days ago and I was already on the fourth book.

Personally, I can’t stand Harry Potter. I’m just waiting for the book when he finally gets upstaged by Draco. That would be my favourite book.

“You’re still reading that book?” Daddy said, seeing me on the couch.

“No. I’m on the fourth one.” I replied, not taking my eyes off of my book.

Daddy came over and looked at the first three that lay on the coffee table and gave me a strange look. “How in hell can you read this much in three and a half days?”

I shrugged, turning the page. “Dunno. I guess I just…can.”

“You’re still having those nightmares, aren’t you?” Laura said from the armchair across from me.

This time I looked up at her, eyes narrowed slightly. “How do you know about that?” Daddy looked absolutely clueless.

“I’ve been studying things lately,” Laura replied, holding up a big book with words written in what looked like Latin on the cover. “I can read auras now and yours is absolutely hideous. No offense though, sweetie.”

I grimaced. “Yeah…none taken, hun.” I replied slightly sarcastically.

“What nightmares, Alice?” Daddy asked, getting concerned.

“They’re nothing…” I lied, trying to go back to my book.

“They started after that text message, didn’t they?” Laura asked this time.

When I went to reply, my phone started ringing to the Harry Potter theme song. (Okay, so I’m a little obsessed with the series, big deal!) I knew I had a text, hoping it was from someone other than V.

I grabbed my phone, hand slightly shaking, and opened the flip. The message was from an anonymous number. I swallowed hard and could sense Daddy tense behind me as I opened the message.

Never try to stray your mind, Alice. It is in vain. But where is Kathralyn hiding out? No aura seeker can find her. Sweet nightmares, Alice. –V.

My heart skipped a beat as I whipped my head to Daddy. “Where’s mama?” I said frantically.

Daddy’s face went even paler than usual (if that was possible…). “I’ll be right back…” He said, rushing upstairs. Even Laura looked distraught. Laura looked like she could drop dead when her phone rang too.

Studying hardly helps, little angel. It’s a waste of time none of you have. Think your white wings can protect you now? –V.

I went into my text messages as fast as I could and clicked Lucky and Aster’s contacts and sent a quick message to them: S.O.S.!

Mama and Daddy came downstairs, tears in mama’s eyes as she gripped her cell phone tightly.

“You too, Kat?” Laura asked quietly.

Mama nodded, sitting on the chair in front of me. “No one is safe in Mystic Falls. You shouldn’t have a daughter or be alive. I won’t be that easy, bitches. –V.

Lucky and Aster came in just after that, their faces not looking any better as clutched their phones as well.

Lucky suits you for a name. You’re lucky to be alive over and over again. But I’ll make sure you’re not so lucky this time. –V.

I thought the Shaddix family was a lot stronger than what you’ve got, Aster. Oh, that’s right, they disowned you. You don’t have much now, and you won’t have anything soon. –V.

Every single text was from an anonymous number.

“This is impossible…” Laura said quietly, holding back her frightened tears.

“And it’s not like we can reply to whoever this ‘V’ is because the number’s anonymous.” Lucky added, saddened and scared.

“Whoever this person is sure doesn’t care what people think of him or her.” Aster said, his anger rising.

“Yeah, they’re pretty damn blunt.” I said low.

One more ringer went off, this time it was Daddy’s. We all looked up at him as he pulled out his phone too, sighing.

You can’t protect everyone, Damon. You’ve got too much to worry about. Your little brother, fiancé, daughter, who will you save from death? That is, if you can save yourself. –V.

I don’t know about them, but I’d rather be dealing with Dylan and Andy right about now than whoever this V person is…
♠ ♠ ♠
I got the idea for this stuff from watching Pretty Little Liars every tuesday on ABC Family(:
I lovee that show(: Hahaa.
Who is this mysterious V and why is he/she doing this?
Is this V really so sick and twisted to do this stuff?
What's everyone gonna do about it?
On a better notee, I'd like to thank Lone_Wolf and Ashiee Ivashkov for being my first two commentors(:
And I had to throw in the Harry Potter stuff because starting thursday there is a Harry Potter weekend on ABC Family!
I'm so excited ^.^ hahaa.