Status: On Hold.

I'm No Human

Jaksir Powder at it's Best, Or Should I Say, Worst.

“I love you, Wren.” Her words sent shivers up and down my spine. Why? Why did she have to say it? I would have been fine with small, meaningful glances and secretive smiles. I already knew what I was feeling, but now that I knew how she was feeling I wouldn't be able to let go later. I needed to stop now. It just couldn't go on, not like this. It had to stop. Didn't it?

I stared down at her, shocked, startled ...happy. But also terribly sad. It would never work. While she would age I would stay relatively the same. She was also the Princess of the enemy kingdom. How could this have happened to us? Why, why did we have to share these feelings?

Slowly, I loosened my arms and let them drop to my sides. Smiling a sad smile I brushed her hair back and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Aria. Goodbye."

I quickly turned from her and jumped out the window. I couldn't stay alone with her or I would go crazy. I had to keep my distance. If I didn't, who knows what would happen.

I picked up my shovel and walked to the edge of the garden. Might as well work to take things off my mind.

It worked for a while, a long while, but thoughts of Aria finally broke through my mind's defenses and suddenly all I could do was wonder, Did I do the right thing?

I tried to push the thoughts out of my mind but they wouldn't budge. I couldn't work like this. I wouldn't get anything done.

Gently I set my shovel down and headed for the trees. I needed to change. Soon.

Walking took to long, so I started to jog. Soon jogging got slow and I sprinted the rest of the way to the trees. I didn't bother stripping before I shifted. No, that would have taken time. I needed to shift as soon as possible.

I needed to be free.

I didn't know what I would shift into. I had never felt this urgent need before. I hadn't really needed to shift before.

Soon sounds of tearing cloth filled the air and I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. It was a little scary at first because I had never shifted into a wolf, but somehow it felt right. I couldn't describe it. I felt as if I had been caged and then suddenly let free.

My eye sight changed and I could see on for miles. I could hear noises that I hadn't heard before, a chipmunk sleeping in a tree to my right, a stream gently flowing about a mile a way. It was amazing to say the least.

I started running, slowly at first and gradually increasing the speed with time. The feeling was….was…..unbelievable.

I don’t know how long I ran but, when I looked up at the sky, I saw that the moon had already risen. Wow. I can’t believe how fast time went. I guess it’s true that time flies when you are having fun.

I decided that it was time to head back to the castle and turned around only to realize that I had no clue where I was. Had I turned while I ran? I couldn’t have just gone straight, there are too many trees. Where am I?

I spent about half an hour wandering around aimlessly and finally figured out that, since I was a Shifter, I could change into a bird and fly back.

I shifted back into a human, because I always do something wrong when I shift from animal to animal, and tried shifting into a falcon. I waited for the tingling sensation. I waited and waited until, finally.......

Nothing happened. What’s going on? Why can’t I shift? I tried over and over again, but each time nothing happened. Panicking, I tried other animals.

Cat didn't work. Neither did dog. Horse and rabbit failed as well.

I tried everything and anything I could. The only thing that worked was the wolf. What’s happening? What’s happened to me? I couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible right? Right?

I took a deep breath and tried it again.

Nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong? I had always shifted easily. Why couldn't I do it now?

“Now isn’t the time to freak out,” I told myself sternly, “I have to get back somehow.” When I had fist headed out the sun was setting behind me. That means that I have to turn around and head west.

I tried turning back into a wolf and that worked.

But something was off. I felt drained and groggy. I needed to get back though, so I pushed all the grogginess away and started walking in the right direction.

I was really relieved that I could shift into something because…well…who wants to be naked in woods in the middle of the night? Not me, thank you very much. At least not in my human form.

As a wolf, my nose could pick up scents that were further away and my eyes could see farther. Instead of running, I took my time and looked around, trying to memorize every little detail. I couldn’t explain it but the forest wasn’t as daunting to me in this form. I felt very comfortable, at home even.

I continued walking until the horizon turned pink and the birds woke up to greet the new day with a song. It was beautiful. Seeing the normal sunrise and hearing the birds sing as they always do calmed me more than I ever thought possible but I was grateful. At least there was still normality around me.

If only I could find out what was wrong inside.

I finally came to the edge of the trees and almost walked into the garden until I remembered that I was a wolf.

Another problem was that I didn't have any clothes. Wolf or naked human? I would prefer neither. I decided to make a run for a make shift shed I had set up in the corner of the garden. I had some clothes in there.

I tensed and got ready to dash. Ready, set...GO!

I made it to the shed in a matter of seconds even though it was at least thirty yards away. Now I know something weird is going on. I just have to find out what.

And soon.
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