Status: Complete.

You Made Me the Happiest of All

Chapter 13

The song 'Lips Of An Angel' by Hinder came on. I smiled at Craig and I placed my hands below his neck. His hands were gently placed on my hips. We swayed to the song like every other couple in the cafeteria was. It was romantic. Right when Austin, the lead singer of Hinder sang, "with the lips of an angel" Craig's lips were pressed against mine. The kiss was the most passionate one we'd ever had. I rested my head on his shoulder and I sang the song.
"I never wanna say good bye, but girl you make it hard to be faithful. With the lips of an angel. Honey why you callin' me, so late..." I sang and the song stopped.
Then, all of my feelings were about explode from my mouth. I was going to say it. I couldn't contain it anymore.
I confessed, ""
His eyes got wide. "Really?"
"Yes. Craigafer Edward Mabbitt, I am absolutely in love you."
"Are you sure?"
"Craig, I've never been more sure about anything in my whole life."
He stated with joy, "I love you too!"
I jumped into his arms and kissed his lips. Our eyes met and we looked deep into each other's eyes. His gorgeous smile appeared on his lips. It was different this time. It had a little devious sense to it.
"Let's go." he stated grabbing my hand leading me out of the cafeteria.
We walked down the hallway and we ended up in the janitor's closet.
"Craig...why are we here?!?" I demanded the answer.
Then his lips locked with mine. His hands were on my thighs and mine were behind his head, gripping his hair. It continued and it was amazing. He was so gentle. He was making sure I was satisfied, not just him. It wasn't exactly the location I wanted my first time to occur...but it was with Craig. We cleaned ourselves up and opened the door to the closet. I was shocked to see Court and Mike standing there.
We both tried to quickly explain. "Um...I uh...well we..."
"I had to fix my make up!" I finished.
"Mmhm...yeah. Sure. You two must have been having fun! I've never heard people moan while putting on damnmake up," Court stated.
I blushed looking down.
"Just admit it! You and Craig were getting it on in the janitor's closet!" she said.
"Fine! God. Does anyone else know?" I questioned.
"They should! They could probably hear you guys yelling each other's names from a mile away!" Mike responded.
Craig playfully slapped him in the back of the head. "Shut the fuckup!"
I laughed. "Let's get back to the damn dance, 'kay?"
They nodded and we entered the dance. Our friends were all laughing their heads off. When we approached them, they grew silent. I waited for someone to talk.
"The ghosts in the closet knew your names," Haylee informed us seriously.
"Yeah. The ghosts were nice and fun though," I told her.
Her eyes got wide. "Eew!!! Eew!!! Sick! That's nasty! God! Images!"
Everyone laughed. Craig draped his arm around me and I cuddled up next him. Time passed and before I knew it, the dance was over and we were all at my place partying. Court, Miss Trouble-maker, came in with alcohol. Craig looked at me worried.
"Let's really get this party started! Woo-hoo!" Court yelled getting ready to pour drinks.
I trusted Craig. I was beginning to realize Corey was just a bad person. He quit alcohol and drugs but still abused girls. His current girlfriend, Ashlee, was always showing up at school with scars and bruises. I felt terrible for her.
"C'mon Craig. Let's party," I told him grabbing two shots of Jack Daniel's.
He took it willingly and we drank them at the same time. We were all taking shots. A lot of shots. After a while the alcohol really kicked in. At first we were dancing going crazy, then we were almost all passed out. Eric was rolling around on the floor trying to entertain himself, I was lying upside down on the couch without puking and Bella was jumping off the table acting like a super hero. The rest were passed out. Eric, Bella and I started playing a game where we each had to answer the same question that we read on a card. I cut it out of a tween magazine. I picked up, 'Who is your celeb crush?'.
Bella answered, "Bert McCracken!"
"...Amy Lee is pretty hot," Eric said.
I responded, "Probably, Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold!!"
"Wow, he's ugly!" Bella yelled.
"No!!!" I argued.
"Is so!" she argued back.
That went on for a few minutes until we passed out from exhaustion. I awoke the next day and no one was there. I was left alone to myself and my thoughts. My first thought was, Synyster Gates is hot! and my second thought was, Craig will forever be my one and only love. His smile, his laugh, his body and everything else about him was perfect. I made a great catch. I was going to stay home all day so I decided to get comfy. I put on a black Avenged Sevenfold tank top with a pink deathbat and black pajama pants. I put my hair back in a ponytail with my bangs still covering my eye. I ran back down stairs and collapsed on the couch. I turned on the TV onto MTV's Cribs. It was an episode with Jacoby Shaddix's place. During the commercial break, an advertisement for a local concert came on.
The announcer stated, "Today at West Pavilion Amphitheater, see Avenged Sevenfold with Korn, Atreyu and Slipknot! Doors open at 5:00pm and tickets are $38.00!"
Then the show came back on. The episode had Chester Bennington, Twiggy Ramirez and Joel & Benji Madden. I lounged on the couch for a few hours until the doorbell rang.