Status: Complete.

You Made Me the Happiest of All

Chapter 30

(Danielle's POV) September 24, 2007
"Hurry up, Danielle! Step away from the damnclothing!" Robert yelled from downstairs.
"Shut up! You butt-head!" I screamed.
I put on my necklace Craig bought me and the bracelet Brian bought me. I ran downstairs with my suitcase and saw Bryan sitting on the couch playing with Isabella, Robert sitting at the bar, Ronnie cuddling with Aaron and Max no where in sight.
"Where's Max?" I inquired.
"Bus," Robert replied not even glancing up at me.
I walked out there and brought my suitcase with me. I put it in the bus and found Max laying on a bunk. I climbed up there with him.
I kissed his cheek. "Hey, beautiful."
"Hey..." he said.
"Something wrong?"
"Tell me."
"'s kinda private..."
"Oh. Uh, okay."
I cuddled up next to him. I was still oblivious to who we were touring with. Escape The Fate was headlining their own tour. Max wrapped his arms around me.
"I don't want to lose you," he told me, sounding as if he was about to cry.
I kissed his lips and wiped a tear away. "Why would you worry about something like that?"
He was silent. I sighed and closed my eyes. I fell asleep after that. When I awoke, we were traveling to our first show in Los Angeles, California. I stepped from the bunk and saw some sort of familiar faces. I walked to Max and sat on his lap. He still seemed sad..or mad, I didn't know. I recognized a voice. It was Rosalie's. She came in, not looking any different than she did at the Halloween party at Spin.
"Hey, Matt? Where's my-who are you?" she asked me.
"Danielle, you saw me at the Halloween party when I used to go by Storm," I answered.
"Oh! Hiya Storm- I mean Danielle!" Matt exclaimed.
Who I recognized as Eric stated, "Funny, we used to have a great friend named Danielle...called her Dani. We left and we haven't spoken to her since. Fucking miss her..."
Rosalie looked down as he said that. Haylee came in from behind her. I wanted to run up and give all of them a hug, but that would've blown my cover. I waved to her and she smiled back.
"So, where is the rest of the band?" Max asked Eric.
Eric replied, "Other bus...ours ran out of room."
"Yeah...Matt, how's Craig feeling?" Haylee questioned.
"Still sad..." he answered.
I inquired, "Why?"
"Daughter had to stay at home," he informed me.
I sighed...he did have someone. He even had a child.
I said, "I understand. My two year old is at home...I miss her."
Eric replied, "I think you should talk to him. Comforted by someone who understands. I'll call him and tell him to come into this bus 'cause we're about to make a stop over there."
I nodded. Max looked down. I kissed his forehead.
"Max. Please tell me what's wrong," I begged.
He hugged me as if he was about to lose me forever. I ran my fingers through his hair until the bus stopped. He slid me off of him and left the bus, entering the Circle K that we stopped at. I sighed and sat there while everyone left. After a minute, I heard footsteps. I turned my head and saw Craig walk in.
"Hi...are you D-d-dan-" he stuttered my name.
"D-danielle...yeah...," I replied, "Heard that you have a daughter."
"Yeah...little Leila Rose."
"Cute name. My daughter's name is Isabella."
"Had to leave her at home?"
"Yeah, it isn't the first time I've had to leave her for a show. First time is tough, huh?"
I hugged him and he hugged me back. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
"Hang on, I'll get it," I told Craig.
I answered my phone, not looking at the ID. "Hello?"
The person on the other line began, "Honey...I think it's time we see other people."
"Wha- Max?!? Why?"
"I...I think we should...sorry."
Click. He had hung up. I felt a tear stream down my cheek. Craig placed his hand on my shoulder.
"You okay?" he worried.
He noticed my tears and hugged me. I cried into his shirt.
"What happened?" he asked.
I informed, "Max...he...he just bro-broke up with me..."
"Oh, it'll be fine." he assured. "You can stay in my bus if you want."
"Th-th-thank you...I don't want to be near him anymore..."
He kissed my forehead gently. It felt great to have my Craig in arms again. I wanted him there...forever.