Status: Complete.

You Made Me the Happiest of All

Chapter 33

September 25, 2007
We had to go back home, 'we' meaning Ronnie, Aaron, Max and I, but this time Craig was coming. I was going to move in with him in his apartment in Los Angeles. I had to introduce him to his daughter. We arrived at around 3:00pm and I led Craig directly to my room. We had moved out of the apartment before the tour started. We sat on the bed together making out.
I heard Isabella call from her room, "Momma!"
I got up and got Isabella out of her crib.
"What is it Bells?" I asked.
"Who Craig is?" she questioned.
My eyes grew wide. I took her to my room and Craig's face lightened up when he saw the little black haired, green eyed baby in my arms. She had her arms spread out toward him. He took her in his arms.
"She's a cutie..." he complimented.
"Gets it from her daddy," I replied.
I looked at him smiling. He gave me a questioning look. I nodded.
"Daddy?" Isabella asked Craig.
I felt a tear trickle down my cheek.
"Yes...I'm daddy," Craig told her.
His eyes grew watery. I was crying. Isabella looked at me with a questioning look.
"Bells, this is daddy," I assured her.
She perked up, "Daddy!!!"
He hugged her. I hugged both of them.
"Bells, we're gonna live with daddy," I informed.
"Yay! Daddy!" she exclaimed.
I was so happy that my little girl was like this. We were going to live with each other and be a happy family.
September 31, 2007
I cradled Leila in my arms as Craig got her bottle ready. We finally had all of our stuff moved to his house. Leila and Isabella shared a room and Craig and I, of course, shared a room. He came up to me with the bottle and I fed Leila.
"Craig, do you want me to make dinner tonight?" I asked.
"If you want to," he replied kissing my cheek.
"Love you," I said.
He stated, "Love you, too."
Leila soon fell asleep and I put her in her crib. I led Isabella, who was playing with dolls, out of the room to play in the living room.
I questioned, "Want macaroni and cheese?"
"Yeah! Yeah!" she exclaimed.
I smiled and made the macaroni. Craig and I were going to go out to eat tonight. I wanted to make sure the kids wouldn't be too much of a trouble for Haylee and Eric, our babysitters. Eric can make them stop crying in a heartbeat. I finished cooking and served Isabella her mac & cheese. She was just learning how to use a spoon. I sat in front of her and watched her eat.
"This good, momma!" she complimented.
"Thank you, Bells. Now eat your food! Your tummymight start yelling, 'Feed me! Feed me!'" I told her, making a high-pitched voice when I said 'Feed me'.
She giggled and continued eating. I walked over to Craig and sat on his lap. I kissed his lips and he kissed mine.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?" he asked.
"Why," I began, "apparently I don't."
"Most beautiful girl alive," he told me.
I kissed his forehead. His snake bites brushed against my bottom lip. My Monroe piercing hit his Medusa piercing with a clicking sound. I giggled. I looked at the clock.
"Craig, we need to get ready," I told him.
"Okay," he smiled and got up.
The doorbell rang and Craig welcomed Eric and Haylee in.
"There's little Isabella!" Eric exclaimed.
Isabella giggled and I hugged Haylee. "Thanks, Haylee."
"No problemo, chica," she assured.
Craig and I went to our room to get ready. I put on a black, short, silky dress that ended above my knee and black high-heels. I brushed out my long jet black hair and put it in a low ponytail. I had on fancy earrings and the necklace Craig bought me. I walked out to the living room. Isabella was playing tag with Eric.
"Guys, Leila is asleep don't be too loud," I hushed.
"Aaaw man!" Eric and Isabella said together.
I giggled as did Haylee. Craig came out in a tuxedo and he looked sexy. I hugged him.
"Hey, sexy," I told him.
He kissed my lips gently.
"Eeeew!" Eric and Isabella exclaimed together.
"Okay," I began, "bye weirdos!"
"I'm not weird!" Eric argued.
"Eric...honestly," Craig stated.
Eric looked down. We all laughed.
"Bye-bye, Bells! Give momma and daddy a hug," I spread my arms out toward her.
She ran into my arms and gave Craig and I a hug and kiss. Craig drove to an extremely fancy and expensive resteraunt. We arrived and were seated immediately. We ordered our drinks and food.
Craig took my hand. "Darling, I love you. I always will."
"I know, baby," I replied.
"I have a surprise for you."
He got on one knee and searched his pockets. My heart raced.