Status: Complete.

You Made Me the Happiest of All

Chapter 05

(December 10, 2004, 4:01pm)
Craig and I's relationship was becoming good. We great were friends now. I wanted him badly. It wasn't fair. I walked out of the school and sat on the bench waiting for my mom to arrive to pick me up. I took out my iPod and started listening to "Pretty People Never Lie - Vampires Never Die" by I Am Ghost. I sang along quietly.
"Where spirits make love and pretty corpses hold their brides," I softly sang.
I sat there listening to I Am Ghost for five minutes. That's when I realized, my mom had to work late today. She always told me if she didn't come within five minutes, get a ride with a friend to their house. That's because I don't have a key to my house. I put my iPod away and looked around for Haylee, Rose, Bella and Court. I couldn't find any of them. Craig must have noticed me searching.
He questioned, "Do you need a ride?"
"Uh, yeah, I do," I said.
"Well I can give you a ride, but I'm waiting for Eric, Mike, Jared and Matt because we're going to have band practice at my house. Do you mind?"
"No, not at all, I kind of have to stay at your place until my mom gets off work..."
"Oh okay, no problem."
I stood next him waiting for his buddies to show up. First, Mike and Jared showed up, then Matt and finally Eric. Once they were all there, Craig introduced me to them, "Guys, this is Dani."
I shyly smiled, "Hi."
"So, this is the beautiful girl you told us about Craig," Jared said smiling.
He looked down at his feet embarrassed. I smiled at him which made him seem to feel better.
"When you said she was beautiful, you weren't lying," Matt complimented.
I blushed and smiled.
Craig led us to his black Denali and opened the door for me to sit in the passenger's side. I smiled at his kindness and got in. The rest of the guys sat in the backseat. Except Eric, he had to sit on the floor.
"Despite the way it looks, it's really damncomfortable down here!" Eric informed us.
Craig laughed, "Keep telling yourself that, Eric."
I laughed a bit. Craig smiled at me with his adorable smile.
"Craig! Put on some fucking music!" Mike yelled.
"Fine! Fine!" Craig gave in, "What would you like to listen to, Dani?"
"It really doesn't matter, surprise me," I answered.
Craig slid a CD out of the row of CDs in his car and put it in the CD player. Then I heard Avenged Sevenfold's song, "Unholy Confessions" play.
I grinned, "You're good! This band rocks!"
Eric was the first one to begin singing along. Soon we all joined it.
We sang loudly, "I wish I could be the one, the one who won't care at all, but being the one on the stand, I know the way to go, no ones guiding me, when time soaked with blood turns it's back, I know it's hard to fall, confided in me was your heart, I know it's hurting you, but it's killing me."
We all sang the guitar parts, but when M. Shadows' scream came on, Matt yelled, "Take it away, Craig!"
Craig screamed, "Nothing will last in this life, our time is spent constructing, now your perfecting a world...meant to sin, constrict your hands around me, twist till I cannot breath, this air taste dead inside me, contribute to our plague. Break all your promises, tear down this steadfast wall, restraints are useless here, tasting salvation's near."
I stared at him in amazement. He screamed it perfectly. He drove into a driveway and parked his car. We all got out of the Denali and they led me to the front door. Craig unlocked it and motioned for us to come in. I walked into his house and focused on all of the features of it. There were paintings on the walls, a television sat on an entertainment system and there were photos everywhere. I saw many of Craig.
"So, Dani, do you want to watch us rehearse?" Craig asked.
"Totally! What's the name of your band?" I agreed.
"blessthefall. I'm vocals," Craig stated.
"I play guitar along with Eric," Mike informed me.
"You fucking SUCK!" Eric shouted, "I was gonna say that!!"
Eric pushed Mike and Mike slapped him in the back of the head. It was hilarious.
"...Anyways, Matt's the drummer and Jared is our bassist," Craig finished.
I grinned, "That's awesome."
He smiled back and he stated, "C'mon guys, let's show Dani our practice room."
The guys walked with Craig down the hallway and I followed. We arrived at a door that had 'blessthefall' scribbled all over it.
"I'm guessing this is it, right?" I questioned sarcastically.
"How did you know!?!" Jared replied with sarcasm.
Craig opened the door and it revealed a room with walls covered with band posters. There were six instruments in the room, a drum set, two guitars, one bass and two mics. They each walked to their instruments and set them up.
"Have a seat and relax," Craig said.
I took a seat on a chair that was in front of a desk.
"Okay let's play...Black Rose Dying, Pray and The Fine Line. Those are the only ones we need to practice, right?" Craig spoke to his bandmates.
"Hmm, yeah," Matt stated.
They then began playing and it sounded amazing. In my eyes, they totally nailed it! Craig angelic voice mixed with the amazing musicians was the recipe for a perfect band. The song ended as they played the final chords and Craig sang his last note.
"What did ya think?" Craig questioned curiously.
I replied, "It sounded awesome!"
That was my response after they played each song. It never changed one bit. It seemed to me that Craig was getting more and more too good for me as the hours past. He was the greatest guy ever..