Status: Complete.

You Made Me the Happiest of All

Chapter 06

The guys left and it was only 5:00pm. My mom didn't get off work until 7:00pm when she worked late. I was left with two hours to hang out with Craig...alone. Not bad at all.
Craig started, "Do you want to..."
I waited for him to finish his sentence, sure enough he did.
"...uh, do anything?" he finished.
"Sure...I have two hours before I should get home so....yeah."
"M' you wanna go to the park?"
That sounded like fun!
We drove to the local park, found a large, shady tree and sat there. We watched kids fly kites, toddlers playing in the sandbox and teenage girls and there boyfriends having a romantic time. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.
He asked, "Are you going to the dance?"
"For sure!" I answered, "Are you?"
"Maybe...I don't know yet."
"Aaaw you gotta come! It's loads of fun! You'll love it!" I begged, but I didn't want to sound needy.
Though the truth was, I did need him. Whenever I was near him, I was whole. Without him, I felt a piece of me was missing. He was the one I needed to live, but I couldn't have such a perfect guy.
"Fine, I'll go," he gave in.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I screamed hugging him.
We moved back to our original position and he rested his hand on my head. He slowly stroked my hair and hummed an unrecognizable song. His voice sounded beautiful and I didn't care what song it was. His voice made me sleepy too. I rested my head on his lap and slowly shut my eyes. One of his hands rested on my head and stroked my hair. His other arm was around my waist. He continued humming the unknown song and I drifted to sleep. I dreamed of him and only him. I dreamed of his face. I dreamed of our lips meeting and forming a deep, passionate kiss.
(Craig's POV)
Dani slowly fell asleep in my lap. Once she was completely asleep, I gently stroked her cheek with my hand. She was beautiful. She mumbled something and I moved my hand from her face. She turned around, her face facing my stomach and smiled.
She whispered in her sleep, "I love you."
She was was cute. She was the most adorable creature on the face of the Earth. She completed me. I was whole with her near me. Everything about her made my heartbeat race, her smile, her voice, her body movement and the way she looked at me every time our eyes met. I adored her.
(Danielle's POV)
I awoke to his voice, "Dani? Wake up."
I slowly opened my eyes and saw him in front of my face.
"My dream came true," I mumbled still in a daze.
"What?" he questioned confused.
"Oh. Nothing," I laughed.
I sat up on the bed I was laying on and asked, "Where am I? What time is it?"
"It's 7:55am, you got to get ready for school," he informed.
"Huh?!? I spent the night here?!? My mom will kill me!"
"Relax, my mom called's all cool. Turns out, your mom's going to be out of town for two weeks...she left you a spare key in the mailbox."
I took a deep breath. Thank God he did. I would be dead meat if he didn't. Though I tended to avoid my mom, she worried...sometimes. I noticed after Corey. I confessed to my mom about what he did...all she did was yell, "Deal with it, Dani! Life has its problems. You can't fix them like that!!" and slap me. I now acted a bit more normal than I did after Corey came into my life. Corey changed me forever. I was now shy, quiet and not extremely trusting of others. Completely different. Craig was someone I felt I might be able to trust and spend my life with...forever.
"Thank you so much, Craig. I owe you big time," I told him.
"It's no problem. I wanted to make sure you were safe from getting in trouble."
I smiled. He cared, he really did. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around me. He lifted me up out of bed and I stood on the floor.
"I don't have any clothes, Craig," I worried.
"You can..." he started, "wear mine."
"Okay. Thanks. Um, I'm gonna get dressed now if you don't mind..."
He stared at me for a second then said, "Oh! Sure, of course."
He walked out of the room and I browsed his closet. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black, tight-fitting The Used shirt. I put them on, the jeans fit perfectly and the shirt was a bit over sized. I didn't mind. I put on my black Converse shoes that I wore all of the time. I stepped in front of the dresser in his room and looked in the mirror. I brushed my hair out and put the purple and black bow I had on yesterday. I noticed a black eyeliner pencil and used it. I stepped out of his room and saw him sitting on the couch.
"Okay, are you ready to go?" he questioned.
"Yeah, and I hope you don't mind, I used your eyeliner," I stated.
"Doesn't matter! Let's go."
We walked out to his Denali and he drove to school. We arrived at 8:06am and we walked toward the school's entrance. It was freezing outside and I shivered. Craig huddled closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. He realized what he was doing and quickly removed his arms from around me. I understood why he was like that. We entered the school and we walked into the hallway together. Craig and I met up with Haylee and Eric who were having a make-out session. I coughed to get her attention. She looked at me and Craig and blushed. She turned around facing us and Eric wrapped his arm around her waist. He held her extremely close to him. Eric looked at my clothing with a confused expression on his face.
"Craig," he asked, "aren't those your clothes?"
I stared at Craig, my eyes wide.
Oh no, I thought, Court's gonna find out...