Status: Up and running. Hopefully updates are frequent. :D

Soul Mates

Chapter 10

A week had passed since Joe had kissed me in front of all his fans, and somehow in that time span Isabella, Charlie, and myself had managed an invitation to crash the boys’ tour. I don’t know why anyone’s manager would allow all three of us to crash their clients’ tour, especially seeing as they gave us our own tour bus. How much money do these guys make!? But more importantly, how am I going to eat my cereal with no milk!?

“Charlie! Where’s the milk?” I shouted to the back of the bus where Charlie was watching One Tree Hill. Isabella was out somewhere with Nick and Kevin so I had to employ Charlie’s help with the milk.

“Um, look in the fridge?” She shouted back. Well, if it was in the fridge, I wouldn’t be interrupting your One Tree Hill, now would I?

“It’s not there!” I shouted back.

“Then we don’t have any!”

I sighed angrily. All I wanted to do was eat my cereal in peace, but no. Why is nothing ever easy for me?

“I’m going over to the boys’ bus to steal their milk, be back later!” I shouted back to Charlie. She won’t miss me with Chad Michael Murray on the t.v. So I grabbed the Lucky Charms box and headed to the other bus.

I slid on my sunglasses to hide from the paparazzi and fans who were already lined up for the show tonight. Screams and flashes erupted as I opened the door and stepped onto the pavement. Oh yeah, I’m sure you all really want to see me in sweatpants carrying a box of Lucky Charms.

I scowled as the screaming grew louder when I opened the door to the other bus. How do the boys do it? I would get so sick of the constant screaming. I slammed the door shut, silencing the screams. Ah, quiet.

“Hello?” I heard someone ask from inside the bus. I climbed the stairs and saw Joe sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop open on the table in front of him.

“Alexei, hi.” He gave me a questioning look as he saw me holding the cereal box.

“I’ve come to steal your milk.” I said simply, moving my sunglasses to the top of my head. “I know you guys have got to have some.”

“Yep, its in the fridge.”

I smiled. I finally get to eat my breakfast. As I poured the cereal and milk into a bowl I said, “I don’t know how you deal with the screaming.”

Joe shrugged and said, “You get used to it I guess.”

It was silent as I ate my cereal and Joe did whatever he was doing on the computer. I know what you’re thinking, why aren’t they being all lovey-dovey and all cute and coupley?

Well, to start, we aren’t officially a couple. We actually haven’t even talked about it at all. I’m starting to get impatient with it all. Right as I was about to bring it up – me and Joe were alone on the bus after all and would be able to talk about it without worrying about anyone listening in - Big Rob entered the bus.

“Joe! You need to get up and get dressed. You and your brothers have a radio interview in less than an hour. Get moving!” Big Rob said, ushering Joe out of his seat and into the bathroom.

I sighed. I guess I’m going to have to wait a little bit longer to find out just what Joe and I are.
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Sorry for the delay on the updates. I'm going to try and write some more during break, so look out for new chapters. :D
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