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Soul Mates

Chapter 11

I stared down at my phone, speechless. Um, what? Is this a joke? Is this Photoshopped? What the fuck?

-Earlier that day-

“Alexei! Oh my God! Wake up! You’re never going to believe it!” Isabella said as she ran to my bunk. I groaned and rolled over burying my head in my pillow further.

“C’mon Alexei! This is big news!” Isabella said urgently as she shook me awake. I sighed and rolled over to see her standing above my bunk looking like a little kid on Christmas.


“Kevin and Danielle broke up!” She half-whispered to me, nearly jumping up and down with joy. You see, ever since the night of the bonfire, Isabella has had a crush on Kevin. And him and Dani weren’t perfect. The press somehow wouldn’t report any of that. But they fought a lot. So much that the news they broke up made me happy for Isabella. I think her and Kevin really do have a shot. I’ve seen him stealing looks at her more than once. Hopefully this is their chance.

“That’s great!” I said, sitting up and giving Isabella a hug. Okay, so that’s a mean thing to say, but whatever. So I’m not always Politically Correct. Get over it.

“I know!” She looked so happy. “Oh, and Charlie told me to tell you that you need to get dressed. We’re leaving for Joe’s surprise party soon.”

I nodded as she walked away. Today, Chelsea was throwing a surprise birthday party for Joe’s birthday. Yes, Chelsea Staub. I don’t know how I feel about her yet. She seems perfectly nice, but with some people, you just never know. I sighed. What am I going to wear?

I decided on a skirt, tank, leather jacket, and heels. Okay, the skirt has a couple sequins on it. I like sparkle. Leave me alone.

I walked out to the front of the bus where Charlie and Isabella were sitting and waiting for me.

“Jeez, A. Show some more leg, why don’t ya?” Charlie said. I stuck my tongue out at her.

“At least I have good legs.” She rolled her eyes at me.

“So are we going to this party or not?”


So, after this party, I’ve decided that no “Disney star” is all sweet and innocent. No, no way. Let’s just say that the party was held at a private (and very expensive, no doubt) club with a complementary open bar. And no press. Or parents.

Yeah. I’ll skip over the finer details. But one thing’s for sure – Kevin and Joe got absolutely smashed. Worse than an Irish dockworker on St. Paddy’s Day. Yeah. They’re going to have headaches tomorrow.

Anyways, about halfway through, I was starting to feel out of place. I don’t drink much – I don’t like feeling out of control – and I’m pretty sure Joe forgot I was there by then. Let’s just say I’ve decided how I feel about Chelsea now.

I hate her.

So here I was, sitting on the couch of the bus, in fuzzy sweatpants, watching a True Blood marathon on HBO. Charlie and Isabella had stayed at the party and tried to get me to stay, but I didn’t want to see my almost boyfriend – if I could even call us that – macking off with some blonde bitch.

True Blood had just taken a commercial break when I heard my text message alert from the bus’s kitchen. I sighed. When I retrieved it I saw there was a picture message from Joe.

Great. Drunk picture texting. I can just imagine what this is. I opened it and my jaw dropped. I stared down at my phone, speechless. Um, what? Is this a joke? Is this Photoshopped? What the fuck?

There was Joe on my screen – a shirtless, pants less Joe, only clad in his boxers. My brain can’t comprehend what its seeing.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to the lovely Jeannie for the picture idea.
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