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Soul Mates

Chapter 6


You know, after hanging out with Demi and talking to her all this time, I’m starting to get nervous. She’s giving off this vibe that Joe is some horrible heartbreaker just because it didn’t work out with the two of them. I really don’t want Alexei to get hurt. We’re best friends, and if Joe broke her heart… I might need to break his balls.

“But anyways, we’re still friends. We shouldn’t have even tried to date. I’m sorry, I must be boring you with my stupid love troubles.” Demi said to me, smiling apologetically.

“Honestly, its totally fine. Don’t worry about it.” I answered her. Yeah, except for the fact you got me totally concerned. She smiled and got up to go talk to Dani. Ha, Dani and Demi.

I just stared at the fire, thinking. Who would’ve thought that I’d end up hanging out with the Jonas boys and other Disney stars? And I’m not even nervous or starstruck. I glanced at the clock on my cell phone. 12:34 am. Woah, when did it get that late!? I have work tomorrow, and Charlie said something about getting up early to do something for Admissions at Berklee. We need to leave. I looked over at Charlie, trying to catch her eye. She looked like she was having a staring contest with Nick.

“Hey Charlie?” I called over the fire to her. She looked over at me and glared at me a little. Oh well, she’ll get over it. “We need to leave, its almost quarter of one.”

“Holy crap! No way! Shit!” She said, jumping up and grabbing her purse, accidentally flinging sand all over Nick. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!”

Nick just laughed, wiping the sand off his shirt. He stood up and said something to Charlie that I didn’t catch, and then gave her a goodbye hug. Jealously coursed through me. Back up off my man.

Isabella! He is not your man! You don’t even know him! He is free to hug whomever he’d like. Just calm down. Breathe in, breathe out.

“Okay, I’m ready to go, but what about Alexei?” Charlie asked me after she walked around the fire to where I was standing. Oh, shoot.

“I don’t know. We can’t stay here much longer. But I don’t want to just leave her here.” I said.

“Oh I’m sure she’d be just fine being abandoned with Joe.” Charlie said, smirking. I laughed. This is true.

“Ha, I’m sure she would love that. What if we asked Kevin or something to make sure she got back to the apartment safely?” Did I mention Alexei and I are roommates? We decided to get an apartment after we both turned 18 and graduated high school. I am loving living with out parents.

“Yeah, I think that would probably be best.” Charlie said, nodding. We walked over to Kevin and Nick, who were arguing about…marshmallows?

“The giant ones are obviously better, Kevin.” Nick said, trying to act smart.

“No, Nick. You can shoot the small ones at people with marshmallow guns. Hence, they are the better marshmallows.” Kevin said.

Charlie and I looked at each other with identical expressions of exasperation. They would be arguing about marshmallows.

“Um, excuse me, Kevin?” I asked, interrupting their conversation. Kevin turned to look at me. “I hate to ask, but could you make sure Alexei gets home safe? We really need to leave and she’s still off walking with Joe.”

Kevin looked at Nick for a second, as if he was thinking it over. C’mon, you guys are supposed to be super nice, just say yes already. I don’t want to have to wait here all night for Alexei to get back.

“Yeah, that sounds fine. We’ll make sure she gets back.” Kevin said, smiling. Yes! Thank you, Kevin you are my hero!

“Oh, thank you so much Kevin!” I said. He nodded and Charlie and I said our goodbyes.

I really hope Alexei doesn’t get home too late. I want to hear about her lovely, romantic walk on the beach with Joe.
♠ ♠ ♠
What will become of Alexei?
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