The Story of a Soup Recipe


Angela moved the last box into her new apartment. She had a home all to herself! She did a little dance as she made the sheets on her new bed in her new room in her new home. It was all hers and no one else’s!

“Ow! Anggie move this damn box out of the way before I trip again and smash my face open and ruin whatever’s in there with my blood which will slowly seep out of my head because in case you forgot as I'm carrying on in my monologue, I just died!” almost no one else’s.
“At least you recognize that you are monologing I will most graciously move the damn box out of you way.

DB stuck her head out from her room, camera already swinging around her neck as she grinned at her best friend. “Yes I know I'm monologing and I will continue to until you clean up all of you stuff or at least move all of the boxes into your room.” She said mock glaring at Angela who smirked.

“Why of course I will, Daniel Bethany Booker.” DB gasped and frowned at Angela as she picked up her boxes.

“Just remember I control the Ramen Noodles!” DB shouted the empty threat as Angela unpacked all of her clothes, books, college supplies, pictures, and finally her prized laptop. She set it on the desk her dad had built for her going away present and hung the cork board just above the top of the screen.

“Perfect,” Angela said to herself surrounded by color coded post it notes, labeled folders, the strongest binder she could find, and her cork board from when she was ten. There, among the pictures of friends and family she stuck her very first reminder, “Get more Sharpies.”

Angela glanced down at her watch and felt the rumble of her stomach to serve as the reminder that she hadn’t eaten all day and it was five in the afternoon. Going into the kitchenette she broke open a package of Ramen Noodles and poured them into a medium sized pot along with some water. She stared at her reflection in the mirror of the entryway. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail that was hurriedly becoming undone. Her green eyes looked tired but exited as she grinned happily the freckles on her nose scrunched up.

Angela turned back towards her meal and pushed her glasses to the bridge of her nose. DB came out of her room drawn to the smell of food. “Oh yum here I’ll get the plates, since I'm the one who brought them.” Angela ignored the jibe and concentrated on separating the soggy mess of noodles and flavoring dust.

“Well we have a TV and one thousand movies and we even have a view of the city, so why can we get guys? We are young and independent women! Love is calling on the phone asking for us!” Angela snorted at DB’s bout of frustration.

“Well I don’t have the time for a guy, I mean I'm almost done with my final manuscript and I have work, and school as well! Tell love to wait!” Angela said derisively and DB groaned.

“You’re not supposed to tell love to wait you make room for love and shove everything else away!” DB said as she shoved Angela aside and poured ramen noodles into her bowl and sat at the counter catty corner to the oven and sink.

“Yeah well this is one girl who really doesn’t care about anything other than getting her story published.” DB rolled her eyes and scoffed at Angela’s words.

“You were so nice in high school, what turned you into such a heartless work obsessed girl?”

“Well you turned me into who I am today so it’s your entire fault. You’re too cheerful and perky and that turned me irritable and grumpy.” DB laughed as Angela mock glared at her and then put her bowl in the sink “well I have to finish my final chapter so I’ll get on it now.” DB nodded engrossed in a new book as Angela went back into her own room.
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First Chapter! Yay! Comment and stuff!