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I Never Meant To


I sat on the floor flipping through the scrapbook on my lap. The scrapbook my best friend and I had made. It had been a solid two years since we had last seen each other, a little less since we’d had a conversation but I couldn’t bear the thought of not calling Kay-lynn my best friend because thats what she was.

I ran my hand over the pictures of us together. Matching swim suits at the river, Kay-lynn and I standing on stage at the boys first show, a thousand other photographs that depicted our time together. It was funny. I had followed her career, seen all the great things she was doing and viewed the conversations she had with others but not once did she try to contact me and it made me angry.

“Hey whore. Get your ass up and pack. We need you.” My head snapped up to meet Slade’s piercing dark brown eyes.

“Excuse me? What did you call me?” I asked sitting the scrapbook beside me and standing.

“Woman?” I put my hands on my hips, tapping my foot.

“Is that really any better mister?” He sighed shaking his head knowing full well that there was no winning this battle.

“James can’t do merch this tour. Will you do us a favor and do it? It’s not like you have anything else going on.” I ran my hand through my hair. I knew James was going to chicken out to spend time with his girl but now I was getting suckered into the position? Great.

“Get my bag so I can start packing and then I need a ride to the mall. I need some socks.” He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

“Thank you!! We were scared we were going to have ask Peter. Guy is such a dick.” I snorted.

“Whatever you say. I don’t even know who you guys are touring with.” He stepped back biting his bottom and no matter how cute he was when he did it I knew it meant trouble. “Rudolph Slade Echeverria” I warned raising my hand back to smack him.

“You Me At Six, Four Year Strong, Bring Me The Horizon, and A Day To Remember.”

“Cute. I can’t wait. Now lets go shopping. You’re buying me lunch. I’m hungry.” I said shoving him out of my room the scrapbook sitting on the floor forgotten, the smiling face I would soon come back into contact with.

“Adalynn!! Get in this van! Now.” Greg screamed out of the van. I rolled my eyes and strolled back over to the van.

“Excuse me for being hungry.” I said sliding into the front seat and opening the pack of Cheetos in my lap.

“You’re always hungry! We just ate before we left Phoenix and we’re barely into California and you’re eating again!”

“Shut up, Greg! Are we there yet?! I’m bored!”

“No. Eat and take a nap! We’ll be there soon.” Adam said starting the van. I sighed and leaned my head against the frame of the door. I wasn’t cut out for this long drive stuff.

Unfortunately for me, Adam was right. A quick nap had gotten me the rest of the way to West Hollywood. I stretched my arms above my head, groaning.

“Ello beautiful. Slade sent me over to wake you.” I smiled looking into the eyes of the one, the only Josh Franceschi.

“Hey mate. Thanks for interrupting my dream land. You’re lucky you’re cute.” I said pushing my sunglasses onto my head. He smirked and opened the door of the van. I stepped down and brushed my clothes off.

Josh yelled for someone and if I’d have been smart, I’d have listened to the name but I didn’t and thats why, when I turned around, everything in my hand came to a crash on the ground because standing right in front me, looking more beautiful than I had ever seen her, Kay-Lynn stood, her fingers laced through Tom Sykes.

“I’m going to kill him.” I muttered and just like that. Your shock was gone, replaced by the largest smile I had ever seen.
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