Night Walker

Chapter One

I would look just like anyone else if there actually were anyone here, I would be just another face.

You couldn't hear my Converse shoes make that 'Rap...Rap..Rap' sound with every step I took.
I was so silent, you wouldn't even know there was anyone walking down that long white hall unless you saw me come in.

I went on like a breeze blowing through ever so slightly, I was doing my usual duty only today they caught me and made me sign in.
In less time it would take a normal human to, I arrived in front of a closed oak door, ROOM 15 was plated over it. I stopped and peeked in the tiny window, careful not to be seen and saw what I had came for, a young girl with the most beautiful face, sapphire eyes, and her long blonde hair in a braid. The smartest seven-year-old to walk the planet, and a funny little one at that. I tested the auras of all the other children in that 2nd grade class room, to see if I needed to stay a while and protect this little group of ill witted, germy, ankle biters. You see, I have these natural abilities that come with what I am. I read people, their vibes or emotions, more commonly reactions like sadness, fear, or anger. If I sensed danger I would act.

However all was well, there was no sign of distress or anxiety. I turned on my heel with one last look at Paige, the girl, my cousin, my life, and breezed silently again down that hall way to the office. "Have a good day Miss Tyson." the secratery said as I signed out and opened the door, "As you also." I replied feeling quite smug that a wolf had just accompanied their school and they never even knew.

I stretched as I walked to my truck, the fresh May air was absolutely delicious on my awaiting lungs. I got in my Chevrolet and started rolling down all the windows manually. This was not a task I liked but I had no autamatic windows. I drove off feeling accomplished, off to the next place.

Now when I say 'wolf' you may have been caught off gaurd, see I'm a were wolf.
Now I know you must have imagined a seven-foot-tall beast like you see in the horror movies, but I am not one of those were wolves. Those are known as Crinos, the wolves you see in the movie 'Underworld', I am a Lupus were wolf, which means Gaurdian. I do not feed on human, I meerly watch over those of my pack -er I mean family. Like I just had. I can smell, see, hear, and run just like a wolf. I actually turn into a wolf whenever I want to. You know the ones like in Disney movies? Furry, four legged, with a bushy tail? Ah but surely you may be either unwilling to believe or terribly frightened. Well then you may as well not read my story.

I arrived at a hell pit known as Cheshire High school. I parked and went to my second class, I had skipped homeroom to check things with a negative aura I felt this morning. I pushed through the mean and hurtful names the jocks called me as I went to my classroom. I sat down in a chair that had been alienated by my peers, simply because that was where I sat every day. I started to write down an essay we were being told to write as I went through all of my loved one's feelings. Those who are closest to me I can tell from afar. "What day is it today Amber?" a mean blonde asked her clone, "Um...Thursday?" the idiotic blonde said, "No Amber, it's freak day." Said the first blonde, "What?" Amber asked in confusion, "Just look at what Liz is wearing." Then they both turned to stare at me. All I was wearing was a black ruffle skirt, white shirt and converse. What was the big deal? "Oh and don't forget Angelo and Leeland." I looked over at Leeland, he is my best friend, a good wolf at that, and wears a lot of black clothes, today he was wearing a pair of baggy Tripp pants, and a white muscle tee that fit snugly too his chest, his bright peach colored skin was being accentuated by his fully developed features. His black and red hair was hanging in his face and his lip and eyebrow piercings were clinking together as he yawned. A perfect guy if you ask me. "Oh my god, did you see Angelos hair? Can he get anymore wierder?" Said the vile blonde who started the conversation. I felt a strong impulse to maul her right now, but Leeland gave me a sharp glance. I chilled out.

The story of Leeland and I go way back, Leeland's mother, Gorgina moved to the Layiauhe beach, which is near Everwolfe, the indian reservation. She then married Cenanie, who is one of the wolf pack elders and my father, Breckham's, best friend. My Father and Cenanie and all the rest of the werewolves all came form the same pack so my family and theirs were smashed together. About four months before me, Gorgina became pregnant with Leeland and when my mother became pregnant with me, they planned for us to be betroved. However as we grew, we grew like siblings and their plan was forgotten. Like me, Leeland has a special attribute to his being a wolf, he can read thoughts up to a certain condition though, he's more able to read feelings with a hint of what we are thinking.
That being the case, we fit in together in the pack because only me and him were given extra powers. Poor Angelo, he was born with out the wolf in him and had to go through steps, he is now at wolf puberty, meaning he has just come into his form while Leeland, and I and the rest of the teenage wolves were born able to turn whenever they wanted. Angelo is a misunderstood teen with a lot of angst. He defines the word 'Rebel'.
I took a peak at Leeland again with a sheepish smile.

Class ended and I walked to my locker with Leeland by my side rambling on about some CD, your typical metal head. "Hey! That wasn't nice." he said bounding back up to me after I turned a corner that made him walk into the wall. I shook my head as I looked up at him, sixteen and already 6'5". I bent down to lie my books on the floor as I opened my locker. After I had gotten it open, a jock kicked my books across the floor. "Jerk." I growled as I scrambled to pick them up, across from me, a boy with curly black hair and pale skin was gathering them.

He gave them to me and smiled. "Thanks." I mumbled, he nodded, "Happy to help." I looked at him, he had the prettiest charcoal eyes with a hint of green around the edges. They were beautiful. He was beautiful, with a man like physique and dark features. truly perfection. "Are you new?" I asked trying to remember how to breathe, "Here? yes. My family moved here also, just outside of the reservation, in Rivercreek." he stuck out his hand, "I'm Sutton." I took his hand to shake it. When I touched it, it was cold, so icy it hurt. I drew back and looked up at him, his face was twisted with what looked like astoundment. He held his touched hand in front of him like it was diseased, I heard a low sound come frome his throat, almost like a snarl but much much lower. His eyes glazed over and his forhead wrinkled, and just like he appeared, he dissapeared into the student body. I stared after him. My hand still burned and I was awfully confused. "You coming?" Leeland asked waving a large hand in front of me. "Who was that?" he mutterded. He seemed kind of pissed at you for something." "Yes I..I know." I nodded, suddenly I felt all the wieght of a grown man tackle me from behind and knock me to the floor, "Agah!" I squealed. "Guess who's the fastest, smartest, and most sexy, wolf you know?" he said whispered the word 'wolf'. "Ugh, Angelo, get off!" I shouted, we were creating a scene now, "Say it!" he said laughing. "Fine. Leeland is." I said smugly, it wasn't the correct answer, "The girl speaks the truth." Leeland said brushing off his shirt arrogantly, "Huh! No way." Angelo said while removing himself from smothering me. I got to my feet and turned around, I felt my mouth and Leelands fly open, "What happened to you hair?!" we both said, "Ya like it?" Angelo said running his fingers through his now geen and blue spiked mohawk. His Blue eyes were all gleamy at me.

The whole way through class I kept wondering who was Sutton. What was his problem? Why was I so attracted to him? Why were his eyes black...