Status: working on it

Rose and Nicolai

chapter one

You don't know me and I don't know you but I am about to tell you a story that you can't tell anyone. Or you can... Nobody you know knows me so it doesn't really matter. Just realize that every name is altered, even mine, so you will never know who this really is. Haha! Didn't expect that, did you? Anyways continue reading because I swear it gets freaking awesome.

Like I said my name is altered so for this I am Rose and I am 16 years old. I have bright hazel eyes and long red hair with a purple streak in the front. I am 5'4" and if you make a short joke I swear to whatever is up there I will jump out of this book and shank you with a giant tooth pick.... Anyways I guess my story starts in my freshmen year at Hell's Gates Highschool (yet another altered name). I was 15 at that time and for the first time all year I decided to eat luch in the commons with the rest of my friends on a thursday instead of the choir room with my exboyfriend (as of the wensday befor). You have to understand lunches on wensday and thursday are diffrent times for most kids then the rest of the week so i had to find where any of my friends were sitting. I finally spotted my friend Emma and sat with her. A few minutes later an insainly hot guy walked up to the table and sat down next to me and Emma. He looked over and smiled at me and I swear I would have melted if I were made of ice. "Hi, I'm Nicolai", he said running his hand through his amazing long brown hair. I was frozen. I forgot my name! I leaned over to Emma and whispered "Hey sweety I forgot my name." She, of course, busted out laughing. "Nicolai, this is my weird friend Rose. She gets shy sometimes. Once you get to know her she will really come out of her shell" she said putting her arm around my shoulders. I blushed bright red as he started laughing "I'm sure she will" he said looking at me with his beautiful dark hazel eyes. I sat there the rest of luch nibbling my pizza, listining to them talk and looking at him, trying not to stare to long. The bell rang and Emma woke me from my trance and walked with me to class.

In class I wrote Emma a note. "How old is he? What grade? Does he have a girlfriend? Do you think he likes me? Be completely honest." she read it, laughed and wrote back. "17. Sophmore. Yes. Hell yes!" My head was screaming WHY MUST HE HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I walked though the halls the rest of the day and sat though class, daydreaming about him. I got on the bus after school and right there in front of me as soon as I got on, there he was with his arm around a girl with sort black hair and 2 diffrent shades of eyeshaddow that totally made her look like a whore. He looked up at me staring and said "well if it isn't my new friend Rose. Why don't you sit with my friend Brandon?" pointing at the guy in the the seat behind him with the leather jacket, glasses and long greasy brown hair. I nodded and sat down staring at the back of the whore's head wishing I would get lazer vision and burn a whole through it. "Hi I'm Brandon" the guy next to me said breaking me from my evil little trance. "Hi, I'm Rose" I said as I turned my attention away from her head.

When I got home I walked into my room, tossed my stuff on the floor and barried my face in my pillow and stayed there untill my mom called me for dinner. I couldn't eat. I just pushed my spaghetti around my plate. My mom looked at me and asked me what was wrong. I told her I was just tired. She didn't believe me. "Spaghetti is your favorite. You never say no to it. Tell me what's really wrong." I spilled it. I told her everything. She gave me such a mom answer. "Just wait and see what happens. You just met him." I nodded and actually ate my spaghetti to make her happy but I barely tasted it. I went to bed after and dremt of him and only him.

The next day I walked into the caffateria and see him sitting with his girlfriend. He sees me too. He waves me over to sit with them and pulls me up a seat next to him and Brandon. “Hey Rose, I didn’t really introduce you to my girlfriend. This is Dani. Dani this is my new friend Rose” he said running his fingers though his beautiful hair. I wanted to touch it so horably bad. Dani looked at me like I was evil and I looked back trying to act all sweet and inocent. Like a good little freshmen. When the bell rang to get to class she stood with him and kissed him like she was scared to be seen in public kissing him. That discusted me. I wanted to walk right up to her and punch her in the face. Instead I walked to Nicolai and shyly asked him for a hugwhich he gave me without thinking twice. He was so warm and I never wanted to separate. I saw behind him Dani looking at me with deep evil eyes. Trying to kill me with them. That made me feel great. When we had to separate she took his hand and pulled him away from me as he waved goodbye.

The rest of the day went a lot like the last one, daydreaming about Nicolai, but instead of only thinking that I see him in the halls he’s actually there. He sees me and smiles. Every time he smiles. Even when he’s with the Bitch. She, however, always looks at me like she will kill me. Which suits me just fine. Whenever she wants to fall off a clift I will not hesitate to offer her a friendly push in the right direction. Is that horable of me? Do I really care? No I don’t. MWAHAHAHAHAHA! . . . oops my bad. I’ve been trying to stop the evil laughter.
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its a working progress. probably not going to be very good but if you like it tell me.