Hajime no Insho

sho gojuroku.

“Yutaka, I am going to kill you.” Yuu tried to shift so that he wouldn't wake Kouyou, but as he realized that he was stuck, he sighed and let his head drop back onto the pillow. “You do know it's two hours before rehearsal, right?”

“Mm, but I thought I would give you a heads-up before you came all the way to the studio.” Yuu could almost hear the huge smile in Yutaka's voice, and it was in that moment that he knew the drummer was up to absolutely no good. “Sakai thinks I've got the flu, so we're all off the hook for a weekend, but I have a date I couldn't refuse, so I'm giving you all a nice present by giving you a few days off.”

“A date.”

“I can have dates, Shiroyama,” Yutaka replied, and despite being able to hear the drummer's grin, he could also hear a fair amount of scorn. Yutaka was one of the few people Yuu knew that could be beaming and scolding someone all at the same time. “Still want to kill me?”

Yuu sighed, stifling a yawn and glancing down to make sure he hadn't woken Kouyou. “Okay, fine. Have fun on your date; I'm going back to sleep.” He heard something else before he shut his phone and dropped it unceremoniously on the nightstand, but he was still half asleep and thus unconcerned with any threats Yutaka could make. He shifted just slightly, wrapped his arms around Kouyou, and shut his eyes, and it was only a few minutes before he was back to sleep.

Takanori and Akira, however, knew no such luck. When their phone rang, Takanori groaned in response to the noise and buried his face in Akira's shoulder, and Akira kissed his hair before he had to turn to reach over for the phone.

“Tell him I'm going to strangle him,” Takanori mumbled, and Akira couldn't help but smile as he held the phone to his ear. Takanori grumbled more, not exactly thrilled about being woken up, and covered his head with a pillow, shifting away from Akira to escape the noise.

“Takanori says you've made his morning,Uke,” Akira said, and he was chuckling, though he was sure that Takanori was two seconds away from flipping him off.

“Tell him he can get over it,” Yutaka said brightly. “We've officially got the weekend off, thanks to a sudden spark in my love life.” Akira raised an eyebrow, though he remained silent, waiting for some sort of explanation from the drummer. “I have a date for today, and this weekend off is my thanks to you for putting up with my whiny, single ass.”

Akira held back a laugh, eyebrow still raised curiously. “All right, Uke, I'll bite. What's her name?”

“His,” the drummer replied. “Please avoid telling Yuu and Kouyou this before I can tell them myself, as I'd like to avoid their teasing, but his name is Takamasa, and he's picking me up in an hour and a half.”

“You're going out with Takamasa?” Takanori emerged from beneath the pillow, eyebrows raised, and shifted back to Akira's side, chin resting on his chest. “Well, then, have fun, hm?” He chuckled as he heard Yutaka sigh, and though he knew the drummer was probably regretting telling him, he was still too half-awake to taunt him too much. “And call us later, when it's not the crack of dawn, to tell us how it went. All right?”

“All right, you lazyass. Give the grump hell from me, will you?” The smile was back in his voice, and Akira laughed as Takanori seemed to understand that he was being talked about. “And if he behaves, tell him I'll make him that crazy ramen he likes so much.”

“In a good mood, are we?”

“Shut up, Suzuki, and go back to sleep.”

Akira smiled. “Love you too, Uke,” he teased, and then he put the phone back in its place once Yutaka had hung up. He let one arm wrap around Takanori's waist, bringing him closer, and then he leaned up for a kiss when Takanori shifted upward. “Want to go back to sleep?” he asked softly, and he chuckled, his hand brushing through the singer's sleep-tousled hair when Takanori shook his head. “I'll make us breakfast, then.”

Takanori pouted, and in his half-awake state, it was one of the most adorable expressions Akira had seen on him yet. “But that means getting out of bed,” he complained, a hint of whining in his voice, and Akira chuckled softly, other arm winding around Takanori's waist. “Five more minutes?” He smiled, leaning in for another kiss, and the only response Akira could come up with was a 'yes'. “You look gorgeous, by the way,” he murmured, smiling wider. “Ravishing, even.”

“Baby.” He smiled, claiming another kiss, met by raised eyebrows when he pulled back, and he whispered, “Hush.”

Takanori smiled, shifting on top of him, folding his legs so that they hugged Akira's waist, and let out a faint giggle as he was kissed again. His hands found Akira's shoulders, drifting upward to the sides of his neck, and he surrendered control as Akira took over and made sure the kiss became something deep and slow. Akira's hands roamed up and down his back, making a faint shiver run through him, and Takanori let his lips part as Akira nipped at his bottom lip.

Akira was smiling when the kiss was broken, and Takanori smiled too, letting his forehead rest against the blonde's. “In a better mood now?” Akira asked softly, and chuckled when Takanori nipped playfully at the tip of his nose. “All right, you win, I'll hush.” He leaned up for another kiss, and he knew he'd won when he felt Takanori's fingers curl against his skin and the singer's lips parted against his.

He broke the kiss, earning a faint whine from Takanori, and chuckled softly. He smiled, cupping Takanori's cheek, and earned a smile and a kiss to his wrist. “Better, princess?”

“Shut up.” Takanori was smiling, and he leaned down for another kiss, quieting Akira's chuckles. “But yes. This is a much better way to wake up.” He smiled, claiming another kiss, and then he shifted so that he was beside the blonde. “Up,” he urged, kissing Akira's cheek. “You offered breakfast, and I'm awake, so. Up.”

Akira feigned a sigh, and he leaned over for a final kiss before he sat up. “All right, but you're coming to the kitchen with me.”