His Personal (Lover) Assistant

Chapter Eleven

“What happened back there?” Ainsley hissed. “I could’ve sworn you were going to break out bawling.”

“I was,” I hissed back, as we walked along the hallway to the cafeteria where we were having lunch before we went back to the hotel. “Everything that mom said was…it wasn’t true Ainsley.”

“Frank, you made one little mistake. Not a mistake that destines the world to blow up. Ma would understand if you told her. And she hasn’t got much room to talk, does she now?”

In truth, Ainsley had quite the point, considering the fact that my mom once slept with every guy in the entire of New Jersey. And, probably New York too. I sighed, and shook my head, reaching the cafeteria, where my mom said hello to a few people ahead of us, and joined the line.

“A sub guys?” She asked. I nodded, and whispered a thank you, as Ainsley said she wanted no cheese or lettuce.

…After lunch, we said goodbye to Mom for the night, and headed to the hotel we’d gotten, to do something. “We should go out to movies, or a club,” Ainsley said randomly.

“Ainsley!” I exclaimed, staring at her. “You’re seventeen.”

“So?...” She asked. I rolled my eyes, and leaned my head against the headboard, sighing, and thinking of something that didn’t involve being locked up in this hotel room all night. Finally, I got an idea, and grinned.

“We can visit Mikey.”

“Who-y?” She asked, looking confused. I just threw a pillow at her, and grabbed my cell phone, dialing Mikey’s number.

He answered on the third ring. “Mikey?”

“Yeah? Frank?”

“No, Sherlock Holmes.”

“Fuck you. What’s up dude?”

“What’re you doing tonight?”

“Why, you asking me on a date,” He joked, and I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the thousandth time today, chuckling.

“Not at all. I’m asking you to come out with Ainsley and I,” I replied. “We’ve got nothing to do in this retarded hotel room, and I figured you might know something good,” I shrugged.

He was quiet for a minute, and I played with the cheap thread count sheets that were on the bed, whilst waiting for his reply. “There’s an underground concert at the rec center tonight,” He finally said. “We could check it out, I s’ppose.”

“Okay. What time?”

“Nine?” He asked. I nodded fiercely.

“Nine’s great. See you then. Bye dude.”

“Bye.” We hung up, and I sat back again, smiling. Ainsley looked at me.


“Underground Concert, nine.”


Did you ever have that feeling there was a presence you didn’t want to be aware of? Like something in your stomach was telling you something was going to go wrong. Maybe not just with you, but the rest of the world too. Like, it would just affect the rest of the world. Yes. I got that feeling as we walked out of the underground concert place that night, giggling and laughing.

Something was going to go wrong.

Something bad was going to happen. I wasn’t sure what it was, and I wasn’t sure how it was going to happen. But something, somewhere, was going wrong. What is was, was the thing I had trouble figuring out.

We got into the car, and Mikey pulled out, the radio playing softly. The song ended, and we turned Misfits on, still laughing and talking. All the sudden, a car swerved in front of us, and that feeling returned to my stomach. Okay, maybe it wasn’t going to affect the world.

“OH MY GOD!!” Ainsley screamed.

“Dear God,” I whispered, tears choked back in my throat, as the car hit us head on. There was blinding lights, glass shattering everywhere, as Ainsley’s screams echoed throughout the entire car, and Mikey swore viciously.

And everything was black.


“Wake up, Frank, wake up!”

I can’t.

“Frankie, come on man,” He continued to beg.

It’s hard.

“Please….please, please wake up.”

OKAY! I groaned, and slowly started to work on opening my eyes for him, even though it was harder than anyone could imagine. Eventually, I got them open, and fought to keep them open. Mikey’s face blurred into my vision. He was banged up pretty bad, his face all scratched up. “Ainsley,” I said weakly.

“The EMT has her,” He said worriedly. “Are you okay? Anything hurt?”

“My head hurts like a bitch,” I responded, sitting up.

“Yeah, you banged it up.”

“MIKEY!” I heard, and looked over to see Gerard running towards his little brother, before reaching him, and wrapping his arms around him so tight he had my mother beat. Mikey was literally going purple by the time Gerard let go.

“Oh my god,” Mikey breathed. “You idiot!” He rolled his eyes.

“What happened? Why were you in an accident? Is everyone okay? Did anyone die?”

“I’m okay, Frank’s okay—“

“AINSLEY!” I shouted, suddenly going hysterical. “What about Ainsley?”

“—Ainsley’s a little more banged up, but she’s okay,” He finished, blinking at me. “And the driver of the other car…died.” He looked a little shaken at this.

“It wasn’t our fault,” I whispered softly. He nodded.

“I know. It’s still tragic though,” He said. “He could have a family or something.”

“Then he was a fool to drive on the wrong side of the road,” I retorted, and Gerard snorted in agreement. For the first time that night, we both turned to look at each other, and our eyes locked.

“I-I’m gonna go check on Ainsley,” Mikey said, going over to the ambulance. I continued to sit on the ground, looking up at Gerard, and picking at the grass.

“Y-you’re okay?” He asked, biting his lip nervously. I nodded quickly.

“Yeah,” I said. “Bruised up. I-I should go see Ainsley, I mean, I’m her brother and all.”

“I didn’t know you had a sister. I mean, I’ve never met her,” He said, struggling to make conversation. I blinked.

“Uh…yeah.” I tried to stand up, but fell right back down, getting a little dizzy.

“Frank,” He asked, concerned, as little spots flashed over my eyes, and I felt weak.

“I…I feel—“

“OI! SOMEBODY HELP!” He screamed, running over, as I fell back, darkness overtaking.

… “Concussion.”

“He’s okay?!”

“Yes sir, I promise.”

“And my daughter?”

“Broken wrist. Concussion. Just keep a close eye on the both of them.”

“Thank you sir,” I heard, and opened my eyes. My step-father stood there, looking confused, worried, frustrated, and frantic.

“Dad,” I choked out. I hadn’t seen him in a while, because he was always on business trips, and I was always…busy. Or too lazy and scared to pick up the phone.

“Frank!” He gasped, looking over at me, and then running over, and carefully hugging me.

“Fuck Frank, you scared the shit outta me boy!”

“S-Sorry,” I stuttered. “What are you doing here?”

“Since Ainsley’s just seventeen, they’re legally obligated to call me Frank. But I knew you were here too, and that your mom would want me to check up on you. Hell, I had to know you were okay.”

“Oh.” I whispered. “Ains is okay though?”

“Ainsley’s fine,” He smiled. “And how’re you feeling?”

“My head hurts like a bitch again,” I said, smirking. “Is there anyone out in the waiting room?” I asked curiously.

“Some guy who claims he’s your boss,” Dad said, looking a little angry. “I wouldn’t let him see you right now, and he flipped out.”

“Will you let him in please?” I asked softly, and Dad nodded, going to fetch him. I leaned back into the pillows, closing my eyes.

“Frankie?” I heard his voice, and I opened my eyes to stare at him.

“Why’d you hang around Gerard?” I questioned. He messed with his hands for a while.

“Because…Because I like you Frank.”

“You’re a Douche, you know that?!” I exploded. “You just, you fucking, I…I hate what you do to me!” I finally admitted, and he stared at me blankly.

“What do I do to you?” He asked, his lips curling into a smirk, the one that I hate. It’s the one that’s screaming, I told you so.

“Because even after I sleep with you, break that entire thing off, promise myself to move on, and then get in a fucking car crash. And even though you’re an asshole, who thinks he owns the world, somehow, some way, I find that I like you. What the hell man?!”

“You like me,” he sang.

“Shut up!”

“You liiiike me.”

“I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m on morphine.”

“You liiiiiikee meeee,” He continued, walking closer.

“I don’t,” I crossed my arms. “I don’t.” He came over and bent down next to my ear.

“Friends?” he asked.

This could go two ways. Extremely bad, to the extent where I actually did quit my job, or extremely well, to where we worked together without any worries. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to pick either, but in my drugged state, I nodded, and stuck out my hand. “Friends.” I said, and he shook it.