His Personal (Lover) Assistant

Why Can't I?

“Fuck!” I mumbled, jerking my hand back, and shaking it a bit, whilst hissing out in pain. “I hate trying to cook.”

“It’s your fault,” Ray said. “You invited your dad and Marilyn over.”

“I wanted to. It’s Ainsley’s birthday, she deserves a nice family gathering,” I explained to him, taking the sauce off the burner, and setting it aside, until the pasta was done. Bob put out his cigarette, and shut the window, walking back in, and sitting on Ray’s lap.

“But at your apartment? Where it reeks of cigarette smoke, and the place is a mess, with a hole in the wall…” He trailed off, staring at the new hole in the wall, made just two days ago. I glared at him, as the scene replayed in my head again.

“It was your fault!” I declared. “And yes.” The buzzer rang out through the room, and I nodded for Ray to go let them up, while he pushed Bob off him.

“How was it my fault?” Bob continued the conversation, as I strained the pasta, and put it back into the pot, pouring the sauce over it. I began stirring it as I tried my best to tune Bob out. “You were the one who was taken to the ground, and banged your head against the wall.”

“You pushed me.”

“Pfft! We were wrestling, dude! I can’t help it you’re weak!” I shot a glare at him, as the door opened, and Ainsley tripped through it, giggling.

I stared at her. “Are you drunk?” I asked her, rolling my eyes a bit. She giggled again.

“Not in the slightest.” She shook her head.

“Then what are you doing?” I asked her. She ran up to me, and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

“He said yes,” She gushed. “He said yes.

“Who said yes?” I questioned. She giggled again.

“You know how we said we’d move on, right? Well, there’s this guy at school – named Devon – and we’ve been hanging out for quite a while now. And I finally asked him out yesterday, and he said yes.” She sat down at the table as my Dad and Marilyn walked in.

“Hey Dad, Marilyn,” I smiled, as they stood in the entryway. “Give me a minute to stir this, and then I’ll show you the place real quick.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Ainsley volunteered. “I can see you’ve already burnt your hand,” She pointed at the red spot on my hand. “You just try not to make anymore holes in the wall,” She smirked.

I growled at her, and nodded for Dad and Marilyn to follow me. “This is the living room, and Bella,” I smiled, as we walked in, and Bella jumped off the couch, coming up to me. I bent down and picked her up, and she licked my hand approvingly, while Dad went off on something about the trim in here, and Marilyn pet Bella, nodding occasionally to show she was listening.

Once he was done rambling, about nonsense neither I or Marilyn understood, I quickly showed them the bathroom and my room, before we all sat down at the table again, to eat. Ainsley served us our spaghetti, and I poured wine for everyone, while Bob, Ray, Dad, and Marilyn chatted lightly.

…It was forty-five minutes later, while we were all sitting round the table playing cards that the buzzer rang again, and I got up to answer it. “Frank,” He said, as I answered the door. “I remember everything now.”

I stared at him blankly for a minute, before stepping out into the hall, and closing the door behind me. “You remember what?” I hissed, crossing my arms.

“I-I know what I said,” He whispered. “We have to talk about this, we can’t just avoid it, we can’t just avoid the last few days, it’s not possible.”

“Sure we can,” I shrugged. “It’s easy. We don’t talk. We pretend you never said it. You were drunk, anyways.”

“Frank, I – I broke up with Sophia.”

“…I’m sorry?”

“I did. I broke up with Sophia. She’s gone. The divorce papers will be signed next week. It’s that easy.”

I groaned, and slammed my fist against the wall angrily, kicking at it, and growling, and pulling at my hair, before looking back at him. “Damnit Gerard…Why can’t I…”

“Why can’t you what?” He asked me quietly.

“Why can’t I forget you?”