His Personal (Lover) Assistant

She's A Bitch

All good things must come to an end. I know this. And most obviously, you probably know this as well. There just comes a point, where the good things, the things you enjoyed the most, ended. And sometimes…sometimes you just don’t see it coming.

“Morning Mrs. Way,” I greeted, smiling. She handed me a cup of coffee, smiling back, and nodded a greeting.

“Tell me Gerard isn’t still asleep?” She asked. I shook my head, laughing a little.

“No, he’s not. He’s in the shower, actually. We’re going to go out to lunch later on.” Just as she opened her mouth to reply, the doorbell rang, and she looked at it blankly.

“How strange, I wasn’t expecting anyone. Excuse me a minute Frank,” She said, and hurried to the foyer.

I sat down and looked around the kitchen. A picture of the entire Way family hung on the wall across from me. The table was newer, a dark cherry oak, high chairs, and a thing of red roses in the middle of the table. The kitchen was a stainless steel appliance decorated, and dark cherry oak cabinets, fixture lights, and granite counters.

“Oh! It’s so great to see you! Gerard will be ecstatic!” I heard. Mikey was halfway down the steps when he heard this, and I saw him turn quickly to me, eyes wide. You had a full view of the foyer and kitchen from the stairwell.

“Who is it?” I mouthed.

“Sophie,” He whispered hoarsely.


“Gerard, you should really come downstairs,” I said nervously.

“What?” He swung the door open. “Why?”

“Uh…you just…have to see…something,” I said, and pulled him along the hallway until we reached the steps.

“Go,” I ordered. “You first.” He looked at me weird, as I pushed him down the steps, and he almost stumbled and fell.

“I don’t see what the problem is Frankie, I mean, God—“

“GERARD!” Her nasally voice squealed, running to the base of the steps, and throwing her arms around him. I coughed, and crossed my arms, looking at the floor, and kicking at it a little.

A childish fit. I know. I should’ve seen in coming. We weren’t even officially something. We were just two adults, committing serious adultery. And obviously, the wife is going to get in the way a few times. So, why am I acting like a child?

Because even though she’s here, she wasn’t supposed to be. And now, everything’s ruined.

“Sophie, what are you doing here?” His voice was cold and hard.

A voice even I didn’t want to hear ever again.

She pulled back, and stared at him. “I decided maybe I should come comfort my husband in his time of need Gerard. Is that so wrong? I mean, come on.” She stared at him, her big brown eyes searching his caramel ones for an answer. It was as if she was prepared for a fight.

“You said you didn’t want to come Sophia,” He said, that same voice. I shuddered, and tried pushing past him. He didn’t move for a second, almost like he was begging me to stay and back him up—before he finally stepped aside, and Sophia did as well, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

I shot her a glare in return, before stalking to the kitchen, and pouring myself another cup of coffee, trying not to just throw it at the wall instead. Mikey came in. “You don’t like her?” He asked softly.

“If she didn’t look like she was eighteen, with that stupid nasally voice, and those huge fake silicone implants, the situation would be different,” I scowled angrily. I took a drink of the coffee, and Mikey sighed.

“I know.”

“I mean, she’s just such a—“

“No! Frank, I know.” I looked up at him, and blinked.

“I heard you and Gerard talking last night, I mean,” He said, nodding again. “I wasn’t meant to, I was walking past, and I just…I heard. Is the point. And…Frank…you shouldn’t do this to yourself. You’re just hurting yourself. Gerard is all talk, no action sometimes. He’ll never leave Sophia. Something about, ‘public image,’ and shit. Just an excuse.”

I had to admit, I’d never honestly given a thought to whether Gerard was ever going to leave Sophia. I mean, I guess for us to go on—permanently, he would’ve had to, but still, it was just one week, and one time, and a few kisses in between. His younger brother’s words hit me with a force I hadn’t thought possible.

“Mikey I—“

“No, dude, I think you’re a great guy—awesome friend, I’d love to keep in contact—which is why I’m doing this. For your own good. I’m only telling you for your own good.”

When I didn’t say anything more, he stood up again, patted me on the back, and walked off, shaking his head a little. Gerard came in, holding Sophia’s hand, a smile in place. “We’re going shopping,” He said to me. “Will you be okay with my brother?”

“Gerard, you don’t ask your personal assistant love,” Sophia rolled her eyes. “You just tell them. And if they don’t like it, then you need to be rid of him. Come on darling.” She tugged him out the back door, and he sighed, not looking back at me.

Stupid thing, all she wanted was a damn shopping trip.

….. “You want to go out for dinner man?” Mikey asked, glancing at the clock. “Mom won’t be home from yoga for another hour, and Dad’s shuts himself in that office all night sometimes.”

“Sure,” I bit my lip, also glancing at the clock. “I’ll leave a note for—“ He put a hand on my arm.

“Calm down,” He said softly. “Just relax. This isn’t helping.” I nodded, and grabbed my Blackberry off the table.

“Let’s go,” I sighed. He grinned, and stood up, me following.

The name of it was Alice’s. It was a little bar, dingy, just sitting in a lot, bikes and cars parked around it, metal music blasting from inside, and a few guys outside smoking. I could remember, it had been standing her for years and years, my mom and dad met there, and started dating because of this place. And it was the first place I’d gotten drunk at. I had to admit, I missed it quite a bit. New York didn’t have tiny pubs like this.

“What’ll it be Mikes?” A tall, beefy guy came up to us from behind the bar, greeting Mikey.

“Bud, for me, and—“ He turned to me. Every fiber of my being screamed vodka, any kind, the cheapest kind, even, but I shook it away, and ordered the same as Mikey.

“Rosalia will be over to take your orders in a minute,” the guy nodded, and walked off to get our beers.

A skinny woman, with black hair piled up, bangs falling into her eyes, blue eyes, and red lipstick highlighting her extremely pale face came up, with a notepad, and grinned at Mikey. “What’ll it be Mikey darling?” She asked, leaning against the counter of the bar.

“Burger and fries for me,” He shrugged. “Frank?”

“The same,” I nodded. “Please.” She stared at me for a minute, popping her bubblegum now and then, before shaking her head.

“You look familiar,” She said thoughtfully. “You were at Elena’s funeral, weren’t cha?”

“Um. Yes.”

“With Gerard? You his boyfriend?” She asked.

“No!” I said, all too quickly. She arched her eyebrow, staring at me for another minute, and popping her gum once more, before walking off, and shaking her head, muttering about how our food would be out in just a few minutes. I stared after her, still in shock, and confused. I don’t remember seeing her at the funeral.

…. “This is delicious,” I told Mikey, as we wolfed our food down, with our third beer each of the night.

“Isn’t it?” He laughed. “You haven’t been here in so long, right?”

“I forgot how good it really is,” I agreed. “I’ll have to bring Ainsley down when I come see my mom in a few weeks.” He looked up.

“Who’s Ainsley?” He asked me. I shrugged.

“She’s my sister.”

“Oh.” We were quiet for a while, chomping on our food without conversation, and drinking our beers without a noise. “Want another one?” He finally asked.

“Actually…something a little stronger. A shot.”

He raised his eyebrows at me, as if asking if I was serious, and I nodded, staring up at him. “Yes,” I said. “Go.” He shook his head, and headed up to the bar, ordering myself and him both a shot, along with another beer. I saw the bartender shake his head warily, telling him something, before handing him the alcohol.

“He says he’s kicking us out if we get smashed,” Mikey handed me my shot. “Don’t get me smashed man.”

“Why not?” I winked. “Could be a night for enjoyment.” I downed my shot, and then drank the beer.


Twelve shots, two double shots, six beers, and a drink with something really strong in it, we stumbled out the door of Alice’s Pub, drunker than fuck. Rosalia followed, shaking her head, and trying to keep us quiet. “Mikey, stop it!” She slapped him, as he started dancing.

I giggled hysterically, spinning around. “Whoosh! I can hear the angels!” I spun some more. Rosalia groaned, and continued dragging us through the parking lot to Mikey’s car, where she grabbed his keys, shoved us in, and pulled out fast.

“You guys,” She mumbled. “So much trouble. I mean, honestly, drunk. You owe me Michael. I don’t even know this kid.”

I giggled again, as Mikey pretended to mimic her, and she glared angrily. She pulled into the Way’s drive, and slammed the door, getting out and opening the back door. She pulled me out by the arm with force, making me stumble, and fall out into the grass. I got suddenly dizzy, and the yard spun, as I felt sick.

I threw up, the smell of sick floating into the air, as Rosalia groaned, and ran over to hold my hair. The door opened, and I heard mutters of concern, as Mikey stopped giggling, and tried to stumble up the porch stairs.

“I can take it from here, Rosie,” I heard, and someone tried to soothe me, whispering comforting words. The door slammed again as I heaved one last time, and then sat up straight, wiping my mouth off.

“You’re drunk,” He said. I looked up at him, and shook my head.


“Because tipsy gets you to puke inconsistently,” He rolled his eyes.

“Don’t you have a wife to tend to?!” I shot, slurring a little.

“Frank, I didn’t know she was coming.”

Even in my totally smashed state, I knew that he was a little hurt by my previous statement. But, remember that I’m the king of doing/saying stupid things in awkward/embarrassing moments. So I just ignored him, and stood up, trying—unsteadily—to walk up the cement to the porch. But of course, I was too wasted, and I fell, getting dizzy.

My anger got the best of me, and I let an angry sob out, punching at the cement, letting a sob out, and groaning. Gerard came over, and sat me up, wrapping his arms around me. “Shh,” He whispered. “Calm down Frankie.”

“No! I should’ve known!” I cried. “We can’t do this Gerard. Mikey was right! It’s useless, you’ll never leave her, and besides, I’m not even sure what this is! It’s not an official relationship—it can’t be—and it’s not as if I’m in love with you—I can’t be—All it is, is two stupid idiots, doing a stupid thing!”

He pulled back, his face stony, and nodded. “Fine. You’re right,” He said, monotonous. “Let’s just forget about it. Come on, I’ll take you and tuck you in.” He pulled me up, and walked me to the house.

I honestly had no idea what the fuck just happened.


“So, you’re back to him not talking?” Ray questioned, taking a sip of the coffee that sat in front of him.

“He won’t even look at me,” I replied, grasping my coffee cup, and staring blankly at the wall.

After I woke up that morning, Gerard decided we were going back to New York. Sophia, of course, had driven down to Jersey, so she was driving on her own, and Gerard and I drove back in the town car. Not a word was spoken. No one said anything. Because—smashed as I was—I was remembered those last words said at the end of the night. Let’s just forget about it.

And that was what we would do. As quick as it started, it was over.

“You can say it,” I said, finally looking at Ray. “You can say I told you so.” Bob bit his lip, and shook his head. And Ray smiled.

“Nah. I was right, but it’s not something I like to do, rubbing it in someone’s face. I think, Frankie, that you just wanted to be loved.” He patted my back, and took another sip of coffee, whilst Bob nodded his head in agreement.

The phone rang—a desperate, shrill cry, and I grabbed it off the table, answering softly. “Hi,” Mikey answered quietly, almost sympathetically. “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” I blinked. “Why wouldn’t I be? I mean, it’s not like we were in love. We were just two idiots, doing idiotic things. Don’t worry about me. The question is, have you gotten over that bloody hangover we both had?” I faked a laugh along with this.

He also chuckled. “Long ago,” He said. “It’s amazing what a whole bottle of pain killers can do.”

We talked a little longer, before I hung up, and sighed. Ray and Bob were now watching TV in my living room, as they didn’t have one. You learn to find other things to do when broke. I sat down next to them, and watched the stupid reality show they had turned on.

The doorbell rang, and I nudged at Bob. “Get it,” I whined.

“Your house, your door.”

“My TV, My remote.”

“I’ll get it,” Ray rolled his eyes, and stood up. “Hey Ainsley,” He smiled, and let her step through the threshold.

“Hey Ains!” I called, not even glancing up. She sat down on the chair across from the TV, and stared at us.

“How long have you been sitting here?” She asked, crossing her legs Indian style, and flipping her hair back, so it was out of her face. Today, she had on a Green Day shirt, and a pair of black sweats on, Etnies decorating her feet.

“Not long,” I shrugged.

“Ah. How was Jersey?”

“Not good.”

“What’d you do?” She asked, giving me a worried glance.

“Got smashed, made his boss not speak to him again,” Bob replied for me. I punched him in the arm, and glared angrily. Ainsley had no knowledge of the fact that Gerard and I had…done…things…and I had no plans to let her know.

“Typical Frankie Fashion,” She smirked. “Look, Dad’s rehearsal dinner is next weekend, so I figured, Wednesday we could go see mom in Jersey and spend the night?” She asked hopefully. “And besides you have to go to Dad’s rehearsal anyways—you’re his best man.” I groaned.

“You just want to skip school.”

“Frankie, please?” She begged.

“Okay. We can go to Mom’s rehab place on Wednesday if I can get off. If not, then I’m just quitting anyways.”

Ray and Bob rolled their eyes, and Ainsley cheered, hugging me tight.

“Now give me that!” She snarled, snatching the remote, and turning something mushy onto the TV.

“Aren’t I the one who owns the house?” I questioned, to thin air.

It wasn’t until later that night when everyone left, and I was lying in bed, that it hit me. I really, really cared for Gerard. And It wasn’t a good thing.