Black and Blue

Mekare and Aluruane

It hadn't been, I dunno, a good week before this girl, Mekare, well, before we kissed. And I know. No tongue, but you can still kiss someone without one. To be honest, though, I felt so odd. Like if she opened her gob, she'd be like an old lad with just a weird looking mouth and no tongue and odd teeth and she would, fucking, eat me. I had that feeling with each kiss, to be perfectly honest. But it was pretty balanced with this bliss sort of feeling. What she didn't have in tongue, the bird's lips made up for.

We couldn't have sex, though, which was shit. And I figured, I must've really like her if it had been a week and I wasn't already fucking her. By the way, her vagina is fine, it's just odd to fuck someone without sticking your tongue down their throat. And hell, would it be weird if she moaned? I could see her opening her mouth and like, devouring me when she moaned.

Yeah, well, anyway. not too long later after her and I are some sort of 'thing' or whatever, some lad is trespassing. And I'm not sure if I volunteered to help because I wanted to prove myself or because I really was some murdering fuck head now, but I did volunteer to take this guy down and I would do it willingly and fully. I was turned by one of the first vampires and I'm sure I can do well with that.

We found this rogue about a minute later, Mekare and I. I have to admit, we seemed pretty cool. We were fucking vampires stalking the streets and looking for a potentially harmful guy. Within seconds, I had my nails in his wrists and he was still. I knew that he would be bleeding, but fortunately for him, he was a vampire and it would heal as soon as my hands weren't anywhere near him.

This guy, though. He was worse than Maharet. There's no fucking name for him, honestly. He's just an ass hole. He's so smug, he thinks he's so much more powerful. All the male vampires I've met so far, they are. Power goes to the head, aye?

Yeah, well. He called me a dog. Yeah, a dog. It literally took all I had not to rip the bastard's head off then and there. But I couldn't do shit to him because Maharet wanted to see him. Bloody fuck head.

All I can say is, as soon as he learned that Maharet had changed me and as soon as he met her, he was suddenly real fucking sorry for calling me a dog. What a piece of shit.