Black and Blue


What have I done... I turned her. I panicked. I was... bathing, just bathing and there was her, getting the blood sucked out of her from some... some...

I turned her. Oh god, I've damned her.

This lead to my first encounter with Aluraune in months. He was so disappointed, so sad. God, everything is coming back in these terrible rushes. I miss Mekare, just speaking with her and I worry about Maharet. I hear she hasn't been well and I can tell. I haven't talked to her in too long and I miss her the most.

Oh god, I turned her. I want this to be a dream. But the piercing on my wrist that's now healed and the marks on her neck that aren't are there and real. God, this is some of the worst shit I've ever done in my life. She would have been happier without this.

What was I thinking?