In 10 years

Outside the points

"Wow, there's just nothing left, I mean I know this is the end of the world with zombies and what not, but fuck dude. There's just nothing left"
"No shit Mech, what do you thinks going to be out here besides zombies"?
Mech was the mechanic who had a very steam punk style about her, dark short hair that's always held up by some goggles that were golden brown but she had to paint them with mud so when we were out looking for things, zombies would not see them. She was wearing some thing out of a steam punk end of the world movie, brown leather skinny jean pants, a white cotton t and a dark brown angled like vest over that. I am not very good with style so I don't know what it's called. Mech was carrying a Springfield...for some reason. But man she loved that thing, it's the only thing that she has left of her father, and the bit of blood on the trigger from bashing his head in like a water balloon.

Vec, which is short for nothing, was wearing black as normal. That's what she always wore because she looks good in it and because she was the outcast in life and in school. But not really an outcast because she might have dressed this way but living in a school where there are only 140 people means that they're going to get use to it, and no one made fun of her. She was one of the top in her class and always had a smile on her heavy eyeliner, black lips wearing face. And people respected her because instead of walking through the hallways looking down at the floor, she looked straight ahead and always made eye contact with people. She was not the type to be pushed around, but she didn't get into peoples faces because she knew they just wanted people to look at them and talk about them because they love attention. Vec was not a small girl either, not fat but just had the body type of someone who even if you could see their ribs, would still look built. She had a big chest, across the shoulder and the boobs. And she had the body of a dancer who also fights on weekends. Pretty much you could see her driving a muscle car to go teach day care. Now Vec was living up to this by carrying over her shoulder a M249 Light Machine Gun. She stole it from the blood farmer that was raping her at his house. when zombies attacked she needed a way out. She kept it because of the disintegrating metallic link-belt fed, between 750-1,000 rpm and it was black, which is cool.

Mech and Vec were walking on some of the trails outside the point they lived at. Scoping out the area for wood and berries, because at some point they were going to have to eat. The woods around them were so dark, in Oregon that's not a shocker, but with zombies around its just a little unnerving.

"Hello can you guys hear us"?
Vec could hear Keylala over the feed piece that was hanging in her ear. Everyone who went out side the stand point all wore feed pieces so that someone like Keylala, could talk to you and tell you where to go. Her voice sounded worried and shocked about something, it's not that often when you hear emotion in someones voice.
"Keylala, is that you"?
"Yeah, you guy are going to need to rush back, we have a shit load of mother fucking zombies that won't go away, and Matt's pissed off and he won't get off my back and let me do my job.
"I thought Matt was always on your back, letting you do your job you whore"
"Fuck you Vec you dumb bitch, at least I have a man"
"Both of you shut the fuck up, you're pissing me off and if I hear another word about someones man I will fucking shoot you in the ass with my Springfield God Dammit" said Mech.
"She started it"
"Fuck you Vec, I did not"
"What the hell did I just say"
"Sorry Vec"
"Sorry Key"

"Ok, so what's going Key, why do you need us back so fast"?
"Because we have now more then 50 zombies at the points gates and they're starting to attract more, soon they could be in the gates, and with Matt freaken loosing his mind, he can't shoot anything.
"Ok, don't worry we will be back in a bit to kick some mother fucking zombie ass"
"I knew I could count on you Vec, you violent ho bag"
"Oh by the way Vec, the outgoing party was attacked"
"Ok, they made it out and back right"?
Mech could hear her voice shacking, but it was just like Vec to keep it cool and calm...and tough.
"Um, no, no one made it back, I am so sorry for your loss"

"Vec, hun are you ok"
"What the fuck do you think, I lost Johnny, no I am not ok"
"Lets morn latter and go kill those assholes who killed my babies daddy"
Vec shouldered her gun and had this look on her face that Mech had never seen before; angry, fear, pity and loss. Mech also never wanted to make Vec mad with her looking like that.
"Wait What"
♠ ♠ ♠
HAHA, your going to have to wait to see what that mean, thought I am sure you can guess.