In 10 years

The trails

"Matt, seriously, what the heck are you doing"?
"My job, shooting zombies. Why what are you doing"
"My job also, do you see Vec or Mech outside the gate"?
"What do you mean, or. Those two are inseparable"
"Do you see them or not"?
"No I don't"

"Vec we just can't keep running to the points, we're going to run out of energy and get swarmed by zombies"
"Johnny's dead so we are going to get to the point as fast as we can so we can stop others form dying. GOT IT"
When Mech and Vec got the news that the outgoers had been attacked and that Johnny was dead, they were out in the dead looking woods of the great state of Oregon, looking for food. They saw no deer, no birds, no nothing. Its not just dead looking, its dead. And now for almost 30 minutes, they had been running through the trails that had been used for years by people to get to one spot to another, and it was pretty rough with roots and fallen limbs of trees that littered the trails, just like how everyone's life was now littered with fallen friends and family that they had to step over and forget so they could just go to sleep at night. No one thought that today another body would be on Vec's life path; that of her partner Johnny who was torn to pieces by zombies and is now crawling out there, one of the undead. He would not get far because he was literally ripped to pieces and if he stood up, all of his organs would fall out and he would have a trail behind him. Everyone has seen that happen before sometime in their life, and if not, those people have not killed a zombie, so those people are dead.

"We're almost there" because Vec was raised in Oregon, she knew the trails better then anyone, it helped that her dad had taken her out hunting and she just had the knack of tracking things that most people would have to have years of practice to track.
"Maybe another 5 minutes of running"
"I think we should walk, I am so tired and this gun if pretty heavy"
"Fine, I will carry it, but were still running, its not that hard"
"Whatever, lets just run then"
With in 5 minutes, just like Vec said, they were at the point but they had to stop running because there was a lot more zombies then what Keylala had said, but that was 30 minutes ago. There had to be at least 75 out there now. Vec looked at Mech and taking in sign, said that they are going to use the pistols and if any get close, to knife them.
So they took out all their knives, ammo and pistols and started killing the zombies. Vec was the first to shoot, all have to be head shots because you can't, under and circumstances waste ammo. So they were all head shots. The first zombies head had a small whole in the back but no face because it was blown out, the next one its whole head exploded in a white mist of dead skin. Mech started shooting as well. The one she shot had black hair and even turned around before she got the shot, she saw what could have been a 17 year old with a shirt that was much to tight, but had a bump on its belly. Probably a blood farmer victim that got out but was attacked, oh well nothing you can do for now her. So she shot her. She kept shooting until her clip ran out and she had to reload. Vec seemed like she only saw the zombies and the pistol because she acted like it was a part of her, like it was her. She reloaded so fast the zombies did not even notice, not that they ever did, I am just saying. Finally they both ran out of ammo with a kill of 30 for Vec and 30 for Mech, they know that because that's how much ammo they had left. So now it was time to go and knife some zombies. Vec was the first to run at them with her big cutlery knife she stole from a house a few months ago, well she had 5 but she only ever used 2 at a time. Watching Vec moving and swinging like it was just an everyday thing, she was also the type of person who if they hit black ice on the road would have no expression for longer then 2 seconds. One zombie she grabbed by the back of the neck, turned it around, ran her fingers through its hair to were she had a good grip and kicked it in its stomach, which caused it to break in half but at the neck. This lasted less then 3 seconds. Mech started in by slicing 2 knives through the temple of the closest zombie she could see. By the end Vec had killed 9 and Mech had killed 1, which made sense, she could tell Vec was pissed and she knew that when people get in her way when she was mad and she was killing zombies, she would swing with out knowing it a person and could kill them. So you stay out of the way.

"Keylala. I see them" Matt screamed
"What where"?
"Right next to the gates, you told Vec about what happened didn't you"?
"Yes" Keylala said as she walked out of her little tower that was apart of the gates. It was her metal home and she could walk out and see in every direction past the gates to look for zombies. She walked up the 2 or 3 steps onto the cat walk and looked out to see Vec standing in the middle of a huge pile of zombies with knives in her hands, zombies laying down in a circle with Mech standing there every now and again looking up. With them, holding knives which means that they ran out of ammo, which means that's less ammo that they had, which means that they are going to have to find some more. Crap.
" I will give her this, she is one of the most important people we have here"
"Everyone is important here, we all need to survive, we all have jobs we must do"
" But look at her score, over 53,595 zombies killed, in the span of 3 months"
"Should we do something nice for her" As she said this Keylala looked up at Matt just to make sure he was real and not a dead body like everyone else was.
"We should try, but she might want to be by herself, Vec is a hard one to read"
"We should at least let her know that we're there for her. Just like you where there for me"

As Brian started to open the gates, he saw Vec and Mech. Brian noticed how similar they looked, but how different. Vec looked like her self, walking around, head held high, even pace and eyes that roam over everything, yet nothing at the same time. But also he could tell that something was wrong, Vec might be hard to read, but when something was troubling her deeply, you had to know her to see it. Mech looked like she thought she should help Vec, such a kind soul she has. With those pretty eyes and nice lean body. Mech talks to him but he looks at her at a distance, Brian wishes that she would at least let him tap that. But Mech is not that type of girl, he has to get into her mind before her pants, fuck sometimes he thinks of her in the bathroom just so he can do his job as a man.

"Hi Mech"
"Hi Brian"
"Is Vec ok"?
"No, she just got the news that Johnny's dead, and that she is having his child"
"Wait, what"?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you people keep reading to find out what happens next:
Will Brian tap Mech?
Is she really that kind of girl?
Will Vec go crazy?
Will Matt and Keylala get caught in bed by a friend, or will Keylala catch him in bed with one of her friends?
Tune in next time to find out WTF I am talking about.