In 10 years

Vec's pain and Brians gain.

Brian watched as Mech, the love of his life walked by. Brian had to close the gates which meant he had to grab a handle, push with all of his strength to the halve way mark, the walk to the right side and do it all over again, when that was done he had to use a chain that was draped all the way across the gates and tighten them. Then lock them and climb up the ladder and make sure that it was even so no zombies could get through. This took maybe 5-6 minutes.
The whole time this was going on Mech was walking away to see a friend of her, Gia. The had been friends sense before the infection, which meant that they had been friends for 12-13 years. Their parents had come here and had died when some zombies got in a few years back. Brian noticed the love she had for her fellow humans, that were alive. Now that he thinks about it, she even shows love to the zombies, she ends them; their not living but she stops them from hurting others and even says a little prayer when she has the time afterwords. Gia was sick for some reason, she had gone out with some of the outgoers and was the one who had to get medicine and one attacked her, Brain was there when they had to check her body for bite marks and for any cuts that could show that she is going to turn into a zombie, but they saw nothing. She was clean, but yet she got really sick and she looks dead, but is still breathing. Brain thought of the irony of someone going out to find medicine, just to end up getting sick herself.

Brian was snapped out of his stupor of looking at Mech by Matt's yelling, even when people get Brian's attention, if he sees Mech, he will always find a way to look at her.
"Brian, dude what are you looking at"?
"Uh, looking at Mech again, dude if you like her so much, ask her to spend time with you"
People in this world don't ask to go on dates, where would you go?
"What, sorry I didn't hear you, could you repeat that?
"Never mind, Key needs you right now, she says its really important"

So Matt lead Brian down the cat walk and down the 2-3 steps into Keylala's metal home where she worked leading people on the outside with the help of maps and gps. Things are starting to develop but some states are having problems.
"Hello Brian"
"Hi Keylala"
Brian saw that Keylala was wearing a brown cotton t, with a green light jacket on over that with black pants help up by a leather belt and to put it all together were the combat boots everyone wore. As Brian looked around the room, he saw that Keylala had Hospitals, schools, stores, gun stores, places for food, anything, circled on maps with some stuff on computers. The computers where placed on cinder blocks that they had found outside when making the gates. There were some chairs,but hand made ones that sucked so much Brian, being a muscled up dude, was always scared to sit down in them because if they broke, that would be bad. Brain kept looking around the room and saw that Vec was there, standing in the door frame that lead to the other side of the cat walk. He had never seen a girl look so broken and beaten by life before. She looked like one of the girls he found after Matt and his shows in California, it was some groupie who he had fucked and was in the corner crying about how no one ever loved her. A few weeks later Brian shot off her head when she tried to eat him. He just wanted to run over and hug her.

"Brian, did you hear about what happened to the outgoers"?
"Yes I did"
"Then you know what we're going to have to do right"?
"We're going to have to do, I just close the gate and help make food"
"Johnny's dead and I have no where else to go" screamed Vec with tears running down her perfect white face, Brian guessed she never said out loud that Johnny was dead, that can be hard sometimes.
" I am sorry, what can I do"
"If Vec wants to, she can stay with you and raise her child there"
" I don't want to live with him, I want to live with Johnny" more tears down Vec's face.
" Johnny's dead", its the only thing Matt could say, Matt, Brian, Johnny and another friend had all come up to Oregon together because they played as a band, they had to survive as one to. Its just that being pregnant and losing the man who was the father is a lot harder then losing a friend.
"I will do what I can to make you happy... anyway possible" Brian slowly said.
" Really, can you bring back his taste and laugh? No, didn't think so"
"Please, Vec you need a place to stay and me and him were best friends"
"Why would you want me to stay with you, I see the way you look at Mech, ask her, I will find another way"

At the same time
"Gia are you ok"?
"I feel so warm and cold all at the same time" Mech could hardly hear her friend speak, her voice was so weak"
" Let me check your shoulder" Mech slowly moved over to look at Gia's shoulder.
" No its fine"
"Its ok" as Mech pulled back Gia sleeve, she sharply breathed in, the wound has grown and become septic. It was also turning black, which means that she is infected.
"God no"
♠ ♠ ♠
Whats going to happen next, I wonder.
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