Status: First chapter

How Do I End It?

Chapter 1: The Old and The New

What’s the fastest way to die?
I’ve asked myself that question so many times I feel like it’s been burned into my brain. But the new question is: How will I make them remember it?
My life when all to hell the day He (my dad) walked out the door. When he closed that old, worn-out screen door, he also closed off part of my heart. I’ll never open it again.

One month later
It’s my first day at Woods High School, terrific. We-my mom and I- left Michigan the day after Dad left. I had no problem with goodbyes, because I had no friends. I have chocolate brown hair that flows freely down to my slender shoulders, my bangs were cut at an angle so the lay over my sparkling green eyes. My looks didn’t do anything to help me; I always hid under the hood of my jacket.
Before I walk in the door, I take out a picture of my mom and dad. They looked so happy back then; I don’t know where it went wrong. When I look at him I can feel the tears building up waiting to get out and show my weakness. But I fight them back.
Dad has sandy blond hair, sticking out in all directions. His mussels show how much time he works at the gym when not being a lawyer. His eyes make me feel as if I’m looking into a mirror.
Now, the woman to his right is my mom. At least I think. She’s smiling in the picture, that’s the big change. Her hair is the same as mine, but other than that, we look nothing alike. I resemble my dad mostly.
The second bell rings and I quickly rush to my locker, my bright orange high-tops slapping against the floor. Shoving my into the gray locker I rush to my first class. Math, of course, with my luck, it would be. I quickly find a seat in the back of the crowed classroom.
“O.k. everyone I’m sure you know my name, Mrs. Horns, I’m the math teacher.” Her voice was high and dripping with honey.
“Ah, and I see we have a new student today. Can you please come up to the front of the class?”
I wanted so badly just to bold, but I reluctantly got up and walked to the front of the class.
“O.k. now tell us about you.” I already didn’t like her. But, then again, I’ve always hated math, so eleventh grade math didn’t help.
“Um…well my name is Kayla Summers, I love to read, write, and draw.”
“Any sports?” it was a guy in the front.
“Soccer and some volleyball.” I replied shyly.
He nods as if he’s approving. I go back and take my seat in the back of the room.
The boy who had asked me if I played any sports got up and walked to the back. My heart started racing. He was really good looking! He had chocolate brown hair and eyes, broad shoulders, medium height. Gorgeous.
He sat down next to me and smiled, I smiled back warily.
“I play baseball and soccer, you thinking of joining the girls in soccer?” His voice was soft, smooth, and velvety.
“No, maybe volleyball but that’s it.” Why is he talking to me?! I’m the new girl, nobody talks to them on they’re first day, awkward much? The bell rang and I got up to walk out the door, but felt a hand on my arm. I turned around and saw the guy holding out his hand.
“I’m Liam.” I took his hand and got a chill down my spine.
I went through the rest of my classes. science, language arts ect....and it turns out that Liam is in al of them. To top it off we're lab partners! I was really suprised by the end of the day that it was a mostly good day. Introducing myself to the class was definatly not on my list of fun things to do.
When the final bell rang, I walked out to my locker and say Liam right next to it. This was starting to creep me out a little bit. I made no notice of his presence and slamed my locker shut, turing around I see Liam right behind me smiling. I gave a cry of suprise and jumped about a foot in the air.
"Sorry." he said.
"It's alright, just make more noise next time so I know you're there." He smiled and nodded.
" I was wondering if you wanted a ride home." I was so suprised I couldn't say anything.
" Um.......sure, thanks." Oh yeah, that'll be sure to impress him. Ugh.
Apperantly I wasn't the only one suprised. When we walked out of the school together, all eyes turnes on us. Great, because you know I just love being the center of attention. Liam's car was a black Mustang. At least I could hold myself together enought not to start hyperventalating. I just calmly got into his car and tried to ignore my punding heart. His seats were white leather with black trim, damn this guy had money.
He reved up the engen and pulled out of the parking lot, then started down the street.
" so where do you live?"
" 4041 18th Street.' Liam looked at me like i'd sprouted another head.
" What?" I asked him, puzzled.
" That's right next door to me." Now it was my turn to gape at him. Then out of the blue we both start laughing hystaricaly. Before I knew it we were at my house.
" Thanks for the ride, a lot better that walking." I smile and he smiles back.
" No problem" He hesitates "Do you want to go to the movies with me tomorrow night?" I could've leaped to the sky.
" Sure "
" Ok, I'll pick you up tomorrow in the morning to."
" See ya tomorrow."
When i walk into my house I let out a lunatic sounding laugh. My first day of school and i already have a date! But of course with my luck, my mom walks into the living room.
" Who was that?" Her voice was ice cold and smelt like wiskey.
" Someone you're never going to meet." I matched her tone, ice chip for ice chip.
" You should have a little more respect for your mother." she huffed. Oh? So she wanted to play this game? Bring it on.
" I would love to, but you don't even have respect for yourself. You have lost all my respect and i doubt you'll get it back. You sit around here all day, drink, and read those stupic comic book." Her eyes flashed with anger.
" They are NOT comic books, they're magazines." Oh how i would love to knock some scence into her.
" Whatever, if it has animated charecters with little talking bubbles, it's damn well a comic book. " I turned and stomped up the stairs to my room, scince I had won that argument, I was once again in a good mood. I closed my door and started unpacking. I had lots of room, a desk, computer, and dreser came with the room. But with how many boxes i had to unpack, it was going to take me hours, sigh, better get started.
After about three hours of unpacking i gave up and lade down on my bed. I thought about everything that happend today, and desided it was going to be a hell of a day tomorow. Good or bad I couldn't deside, but one thing was for sure, the old and the new of my life were about to colide. So on that cheerful note, i driffted off to sleep.
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Hey everyone this is my first chapter! Plz comment and tell me what you think. Should i contunue the story, or just drop it? I am open to all ideas and critisizem!