99 Things You Should Know About Me

In no particular order, enter

~ 99 Things You Should Know About Me ~

1: The most important person in my life is me.
2: I stick random shit everywhere.
3: I’ve gone 17 years without smoking, doing drugs or being drunk.
4: I’m currently 17 years old.
5: I don’t have a goal in life; I have many goals, one of which I will achieve.
6: I see beauty in things that some others don’t.
7: I feel lonely without my iPod.
8: I don’t watch television, only movies.
9: I don’t read books.
10: I can read books.
11: My best friend lives on a different continent.
12: I talk really fast when I’m enthusiastic or annoyed.
13: I love vegetables.
14: I love chicken korma.
15: I love rice pudding.
16: I love crispy aromatic duck.
17: I love bread and butter pudding.
18: I have slapped my dad in the face.
19: I’m in foster care.
20: I have thrown a chair through a window in IKEA.
21: I spent most of my childhood looking after my parents.
22: I was in therapy for three years of my adolescence.
23: I hope my depression never goes away.
24: I’ll eat anything except seafood (excluding fish).
25: I know I’m beautiful.
26: I’m not vain.
27: I’m open-minded about everything.
28: I’m secretly an awesome dancer.
29: I’m smarter than people think I am.
30: I’m not a vegetarian, but I’ll usually pick the veggie option.
31: I’m lucky.
32: I know that my luck will run out one day.
33: I don’t plan to live past 50.
34: I write fan fiction.
35: My role model is Ash Ketchum.
36: I’m philosophical.
37: I’m realistic.
38: I can’t stop having sex dreams.
39: I don’t want to stop having sex dreams!
40: People often think I’m not listening when I’m actually hearing every word.
41: I’m the most optimistic person I know.
42: I have paralytic stage-fright.
43: I have to carry a camera with me everywhere, just in case I see something that I can’t miss.
44: I’m English.
45: I worship the Beatles and Bob Dylan.
46: I have lots of friends.
47: I play guitar and bass.
48: No, I can’t sing.
49: I’m awesome at Guitar Hero.
50: I’ve always wanted to be able to play the piano.
51: Weekends bore me.
52: I’ve lived in Leicester all my life.
53: I don’t have a Leicester accent whatsoever.
54: I love sci-fi.
55: I love horror.
56: I’m qualified to be a lifeguard.
57: I don’t think the word ‘lifeguard’ is accurate to the job.
58: Christmas Day is my favourite day in the year.
59: I can spell like a genial octogenarian.
60: I know what a genial octogenarian is.
61: I understand the world.
62: If I could meet one fictional character, I’d be stuck between Captain Kirk and the Doctor.
63: I almost cry whenever I see an RSPCA or Oxfam appeal.
64: I love animals so much I sometimes talk to them and think they understand what I’m saying.
65: Not in a creepy way.
66: I’m allergic to almost all animals.
67: I don’t have a favourite music genre.
68: I’m bisexual.
69: I’m not a pervert.
70: I don’t want to be in a relationship.
71: I have a handwritten list of the top 10 hottest guys in music on my wall.
72: ...Alongside all the photos of said guys.
73: I have a section of my wall dedicated to moving and funny quotes and lyrics.
74: I never meet deadlines.
75: I’m an amateur photographer.
76: I still have the first thing I ever owned.
77: I own a rape alarm.
78: They don’t work.
79: I’m very observant.
80: I don’t like being tied down.
81: I’m not opposed to being tied up.
82: I hate the Twilight saga with a passion.
83: I love Star Trek.
84: I’m terrible with kids.
85: My idea of a great Friday night is sitting at the computer with a cup of tea all night.
86: I am the sheep master.
87: I’m terrified of silence.
88: I’m terrified of the dark.
89: I’m terrified of daddylonglegs.
90: I’m not scared of anything else.
91: My favourite part of flying is takeoff.
92: I understand evolution, both in real life and in Pokémon terms.
93: I have low blood pressure.
94: I wish I’d studied design in college.
95: I love spiders.
96: I have night-owl syndrome.
97: I have ultra senses.
98: My name is Chloe Zennerd.
99: I’m not what I say on the tin.