Sequel: The Gin House Blues
Status: In progress :)

The Shadows' Child

Ceara was human, once. She had a home and family, she had a life. Her turning hadn't been easy, especially without her sire. But then Tristan found her, he became her protector and her best friend. That's always been enough for her.

All that is about to change. Everything Ceara and Tristan have built is hanging by a thread. Secrets, lies, and one pivotal decision conspire against them and threaten to bring their whole lives crashing down around them. The shadows won't protect either of them for much longer, not now that They are coming; the hunters.

Plot and characters belong to me.
  1. A Quickening
    Tristan is hungry.
  2. A Challenge
    Ceara likes scaring skeptics.
  3. A Reading
    Liam thinks twice.
  4. A Fight
    Tristan gets angry.
  5. A Nightmare
    Liam is dreaming.
  6. A Meeting
    Ceara is negotiating.
  7. A Question
    Liam is awkward.