Build God Then We'll Talk

But It's Better If You Do

((Brendon’s POV))
Today is that day im going to ask her out? Im soo god damn nervous. Does she even like me? Or what if she says no? okay I got to get these thoughts out of my head.

“Hey Lauren I have a question for you” I said nervously.

“Yeah Bren. What is it?” she said looking at me like I had 5 heads.

“W-would y-you b-be my g-girlfriend?” I stuttered.

“Yes I would love that Bren.” She said cheerfully.

Yes I couldn’t believe it Lauren is my FUCKING girlfriend I feel so happy and proud.

((Lauren’s POV))

OMG Brendon asked me out. I can’t believe this. That means he feels the same way about me like I do for him. Okay lets calm down. Okay im good.

“Bren what made you want to ask me to be your girlfriend?” I asked.

“Well you see…” he started saying “… I have liked you for a long time and Meaghan said you liked me so I decided to ask you to be my girlfriend.” Bren added on.

“Oh Meaghan im going to kill she promised not to say anything but oh well it paid off.” I said.